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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. $10 a gallon!!! :svengo: WOW, I couldn't imagine..looks like we soon will though...HOPE NOT!!!!!!!!!! They said there were TONS of scooters. They also said they are surprised that most are still alive with the way they drive over there.
  2. What do you set yours on? Do you program it to a higher temp during the day and cooler at night or do you set it on one temp and leave it? Right now ours is on 76
  3. for full coverage on his car...he has a car payment. We increased our coverage because we own our home, we live near Atlanta and people are sue happy now-a-days to $500,000 plus we got an umbrella policy of $1M. He pays $200 a month! That is with teensurance discount and the good grade discount. We changed insurance companies and found this company to be cheaper for the policy we have. Our old policy was not as much coverage as this and they wanted a lot more $$.
  4. This would be another added expense for him, it might just get him motivated to get his butt moving! He has no health issues, it would just be for an emergency
  5. I am concerned about our oldest and health insurance. If he goes to school full time he can stay on our insurance. The thing is he only has until July 1 to get everything in to the school and I have told him that he needs to get everything done that he is running out of time and I have mentioned the insurance to him. His current job does not offer health insurance. Is there any good, cheap health insurance out there just in case he doesn't get in the fall program and waits until the winter program starts? Dh is off next week and I am going to get him to talk to him, to see if he can get things rolling. Ds does want to go to school, this is his decision, I just think he doesn't realize this is his doings not his parents any more!
  6. I love bread, pasta, potatoes, anything with starch and it loves my hips and butt! I HATE eggs and I don't eat a lot of meat. I love vegetables and fruit, but this can become a bit pricey. I need to lose about 30lbs. Any ideas or suggestions?
  7. I find blood in general nasty due to all the diseases. I can't even stand to see blood on my plate from raw meat!:ack2:
  8. I know now that I will be more conscience of public bathrooms!!!! I am very funny about using public restrooms now, but that is just FILTHY, NASTY, GROSS!!! Blood is very nasty and to know that someone has done that is very unsanitary! I would suggest getting a second or third cup and washing it out when you get home or even carry a bottle of water in your purse for this and rinse it out while you are in the stall!
  9. We do not ever want a male dog! We have always had female. Male dogs hike their legs and pee all over things..YUCK Funny thing just happened..yesterday dc found a dog..it was a male! They were begging to keep him and we said NO. We ended up putting him in the backyard until today. I was afraid he would get hit by a car and I had posted on our subdivision yahoo group that we had him in case he just happened to get loose. This morning dd comes running in and tells me that one of our plants we just planted is dead. I did not understand because I just was outside and didn't see any. I asked her which one, she said that one the dog peed on would be dead by morning! Unfortunately, animal control came and picked him up this afternoon. Female have their times where you have to have them in a doggy diaper for about 3wks. That is the only time that I can't stand having female dogs!
  10. Make her quit her job! She needs to know what is important and that is her family. She is not of age yet, she needs to respect you and your family! She does not need to do anything, go anywhere and if she drives that STOPS! When ds got his job(at 17 1/2) we told him if he got a nasty attitude, started acting like he was grown, or NOT doing his school work he would definitely stop working. We have only had one incident with oldest ds at age 15 1/2.
  11. We had been attending for 3yrs. Oldest ds and I started having a strange feeling when we would attend..don't know why! I spoke to ds about how he felt about the church..not telling him my feelings and he pretty much had the same feelings! We left and NO one from the church contacted us..I even attended the pastor's wife Sunday school class on a regular basis!! We were really good friends with the church secretary..who did not attended the church. Some how we got to talking about things and she asked if anyone had contacted us about leaving, I told her no. She said that somethings were going on that she could not and would not discuss. I now know that we made the right decision about leaving.
  12. My librarian told me yesterday that I could put the books on cd, onto my ipod. I was surprised that I could do that.
  13. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7982764 put it outside while it cooks. It really does not heat the house up that much and I have even cooked a cake in it!!!!! Just don't open it to check on things..set the timer and then check, you lose a lot of hit if you open it. Or you could get a large crock pot and set it outside...I have even done this! Have you tried changing your thermostat? I would call my landlord and tell them something is wrong with your unit!!
  14. Yes, I think these are more safer than the regular kind. Here is the site http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=11218981&whse=BC&topnav=&browse=&lang=en-US&s=1 I was wrong on the price...it was $60.
  15. My mom says he is the most dedicated person she has ever seen! My uncle--his brother is very overweight and is a diabetic. He is to the point that they may have to remove his feet! My dad thinks about him ALL the time and is very committed to not turning out like him! I just saw him about a month ago and the last time I saw him was in Nov..so I was shocked to see how good he looked! The last time I had seen him the size he is now,was when I was 7!!! She basically counts his carbs and tells him what each item will be. Over time she has learned how much things are. You can find online how much you should be eating, just google and you should come up with something.
  16. I need to lose about 30lbs!!! I went out today to get some yogurt...trying to think healthy!! I am so sick of seeing myself in the mirror...its disgusting!:ack2:
  17. You can set it to spray every 9mins..hopefully this would hide the smell! My favorite scent is Spring Blossom
  18. I washed everything and could not get rid of the smell! One day I just happened to think what if it is the plant?!?!? it WAS! It smelled like sour milk! I repotted it and it did not help. I had to take it outside..where it eventually died!
  19. it came with a tall fan and an extra small tower fan, we LOVE it. With you having small children I would not get a regular box or one of those circle fans,they have large openings for small fingers and toys...not that it will hurt them like the fans long ago with the metal blades, but still! I vote for the tower fan!!
  20. a few cans of veg-all, some can petite tomatoes, beef bouillon, couple of cans of tomatoes with okra and let it simmer with the ham.
  21. I was expecting 45 people and purchased things from Sam's and Walmart. I purchased: Deli Select Turkey 6.97 for 3 packs..the meat is thin, sliced ham(5lbs for 14.77), rolls(from Sams..these were a BIG hit!), strawberries, a pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, pickles, Ranch dressing, chips, French onion dip, potato salad, broccoli salad(I made), coke, sprite, a sheet cake(I don't like the taste of Costco's cakes:ack2:) I think I spent around $200 and that was for food, cake, drinks, napkins, plates, utensils, trays, ds card and balloons! Given that only 15 people came...we are still eating on the food! If you live in a subdivision and have access to the club house. I would rent it, that way the kids could play in the pool! You could do hamburgers(there are some frozen burgers at Sam's..not the best but reasonable!) and hotdogs with chips and dip, baked beans, potato salad(this might not be a good idea if you are having it outside), watermelon, and cake. Sam's also have some good frozen chicken wings..but this would be a lot of work on you, since you would have to heat them up and keep them warm. I would definitely do it in the evening. If you have already invited people and not specified adults only, I would leave it alone..if not I would tell them no kids. What are you going to do about your kids though??? I would ask that everyone MUST RSVP..since you have so many invited. If you are going to have kids, have some activities for them like: volleyball, horse shoes, water balloons, or a slip and slide. I would consider getting a couple of those tent things and a couple of outdoor fans. OH..Sam's and Walmart have a mister that you can put up to keep cool...this would be fun for the kids and the adults! Good luck!!!
  22. I am looking for new schedule forms. What other forms do you use? Do you stick with them over the year?
  23. But we use A-1 and ketchup, dipping it into both before eating it! I use Heinz 57 on my baked potato...MMM, MMM GOOD!
  24. This goes as for me as well. I was raised being spanked or getting a whipping...never abused though! But I have taken it TO far with my oldest(to where I think it was abusive)...thinking I was doing the right thing. I have apologized to him multiple times..which will never be enough! I regret spanking, "whipping", him the way I did. Those times will never be wiped away from my memory! I pray that he has forgiven me for the way I had treated him! I think you need to go to the pastor, talk to him about the situation and your concerns. If you have to have the pastor set up a meeting with the man and his wife about how they handle the situation in church. Sometimes people misinterpret the Bible and need things clarified.
  25. burgers, hash browns, tater tots, tater logs, fries, fish, fish sticks, steak, chicken, pork chops. I put a little in vegetable soup. Ds uses it on his taco salad instead of salsa!!
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