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Everything posted by Melinda

  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry. Big hugs to you.
  2. I wish we could have been there! Next year when I am not pregnant, I am hoping we get to come.
  3. We would love to go to something like this if it was somewhat close to us (within a 5 or 6 hour drive).
  4. We are in Maryland and have tons of them here.
  5. Amnio came back. Lungs are borderline (mature is 54...borderline is 40-54...baby's lungs are at 42). Delivery *should* be 1 week from today, unless something else happens.
  6. I had my amnio this morning. Results should be back and I should get a call by 2. Baby is head down (or was this morning) and the peri is recommending that as long as the amnio comes back okay that I be delivered ASAP. It will likely be tonight...if it is not tonight, it will definitely be in the morning. OB said that even if baby flips that I will not be sent home, they will do a section. Hoping she stays head down and that induction is started sometime this afternoon. Also...the amnio was okay. I expected that going through the uterine wall would be painful because it is a muscle. That part didn't hurt at all, but was weird -- it made me have contractions, though. The only part that was painful at all was going through the nerves right under the skin. Honestly, it was no worse than having blood drawn...it felt pretty much the same.
  7. My oldest child was tongue-tied, but it did not really affect nursing. It also didn't stretch over time, like the insurance company insisted it would do. What it did do was make it difficult for him to pronounce certain sounds when he got older. His went all the way to the end of his tongue. He ended up getting it clipped when he was 4 or 5. It literally took a minute or two for it to get numb and 2-3 seconds to get clipped. The Dr. had him hold gauze in his mouth for a little while until it stopped bleeding, but it was not for very long. He also said it was not very painful...just stung for a second. It was no big deal and I wish I would have had it done as soon as I realized he had an issue.
  8. I was looking something up and clicked on my name, where I saw I had 1 referral. Does that mean I have reported a post once or that someone has reported me for something? If someone has reported me, is there a way to find out what it was for?
  9. Praying for you and "Tummy". Hope you feel better quickly!
  10. Thanks for the hugs. :) Absolutely, you may ask a question. The amnio is to check for lung maturity because even at 37 weeks, 1-2% of babies apparently have immature lungs. We were going to do the amnio so that as soon as she is head down I can be induced, but my OB doesn't think the baby will stay head down long enough to have a natural delivery even if she flips. With everything that has been happening in this pregnancy the last few weeks, she wants to get baby out.
  11. Ok... so after the drama from this morning, I went to see the OB this afternoon. She does not seem to think the baby will stay in one position long enough to induce. She is scheduling me for delivery Wednesday afternoon (when the amnio results are back), early Thursday morning, or sometime on Saturday. I will go in whenever she gets me scheduled and if the baby is head down, she will be induced. If she flips during delivery or is breech at that point, then I will get a c-section right away. I am supposed to call tomorrow after lunch to find out when she has me scheduled. Will update as I know more.
  12. Thanks for posting about this. I bet my 4 year old would LOVE it.
  13. Not until July 10th. I have some health issues which make it necessary for the baby to come early, though.
  14. Argh! I am not sure whether to laugh or cry or bang my head on the table repeatedly. I feel like the girl who cried induction at this point...haha First of all, baby looks great. Fluid is back up to 26 and she is breech again and keeps jabbing me in the cervix with her feet, but she is in good shape. They could not do the amnio this morning :rolleyes: because they forgot to tell me to come off the blood thinners ahead of time. So, new plan... I took a blood thinner shot this morning and will take one tonight. I will not take any at all tomorrow and will go back to the peri on Wednesday morning at, get this, 7:20 in the morning (usually they don't open the office or have appts until 8 or later). The amnio results will be back by lunchtime that way and as long as she is head down that morning, they will induce me that afternoon. Unless her lungs lack the needed maturity (doubtful at this point). Then we will wait. If she flips back to being breech after they have already decided to induce, not sure if they will send me home or just go ahead with what seems like a pretty much inevitable c-section at this point. I will have more info Wednesday and will post then. :rolleyes: :lol:
  15. Go to thredup.com and build/list some boxes, if they are gently used with no stains, tears, etc. Once someone else picks your box, you can pick a box that has been listed (lots to choose from, and they usually have pictures of what is in the box -- even if there are no pictures, there is always a description). You pay $15 or $16 when you choose a box to be shipped to you, and then you have clothes that fit your kid instead of outgrown ones. I just started using them maybe a month ago, but am loving it. We have gotten some really nice boxes.
  16. Last name is pronounced Taller. We are pronouncing Genevieve, Jen-uh-veev. I *love* Astrid (and Iris, too) but I cannot convince dh. Believe me, I have tried...haha
  17. We are running out of time, and I need some help -- as of now, it is looking like she will be here Monday or Tuesday! We are still not set on even a short list of names (nothing like waiting til the last minute, huh). My husband and I have somewhat different naming styles. According to the name quiz on namenerds.com, I like Classic Unusual names and he likes Modern Conservative names. He hates coming up with names and tends to put it off as long as possible. I finally sat him down this morning and went through the name book, asking which names he likes that I am okay with. We ended up with 20 names. Then we took turns crossing out our least favorite from the list until we narrowed it down to just a few. Problem is, I am not really happy with the name we ended up at and he just wants to be done. The name we narrowed it down to this morning is Alice Brooke, which I do not really like together. He said he also likes Alice Genevieve, which is (to me) a little better but I can't decide if I like Alice or not. Not that it matters a whole lot, but my mom hates Alice and his does not like Lorelei. We already have: Jared Logan Hannah Elise Nathan Josiah Our last name is 2 syllables, beginning with a T. He has always come up with the first name and I wind up picking a middle name I think flows with it. I like our kids names well enough, but would have preferred something more elaborate. I feel guilty for feeling like this, but I sort of feel like it is my turn to choose the first name. I would like to name this baby Lorelei Simone. He is stuck on Charlotte Lorelei or Charlotte Simone or Charlotte Genevieve - not so much on a middle name, but he loves the name Charlotte. He is willing to tolerate Lorelei if I really push, but he does not really like the name. I loved Charlotte until I realized it would be difficult to pronounce a T at the end of Charlotte and a T at the beginning of our last name. I am not a fan of Charla, and I feel like that's what it would end up sounding like. Anyway, here is the list we ended up with this morning. Middle names do not have to come from this list. Also, if there is a name that fits into the style of this list that you think we might like, I would love to hear it: Alexa Alice Amelia Ariana Aurelia Brooke Camille Charlotte Chloe Clarissa Charlotte Elena Emily Jessamyn Lorelei Luna Michaela Naomi Olivia Sabrina Any ideas?
  18. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you can catch up here.... http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=283385 Last night we had some more things happen that I do not feel like typing out (toooooo long) and L was unsupervised/running up, down, and across the street yet again. I had the phone in my hand and was about to call, but the grandmother managed to catch L and get her in the house. This afternoon when my kids were out of earshot, I called the non-emergency police number for our town. The lady who answered the phone (who happens to live on our street and know about this situation firsthand) seemed glad to hear from me. She asked me to call CPS and explain what has been happening to them. So I did. The person I spoke with there was so nice, which for some reason, I did not expect. The local police will be patrolling our street during the hours I told them that this is a problem. Hopefully they will catch it happening. If I see her out and unsupervised, I am supposed to call the town police (police station is about 1 min from our houses) when it is happening and they will send someone over. Tonight, L came to the door again (K stayed outside our fence but made sure to tell me she followed L here since I told L not to come here unless she was going to be respectful). I told L that because of the way she has been acting and the things she has been doing, that she needs to stop coming here for a while (I added the "for a while" to try to soften it a bit). K looked like she wanted to slap me and then told me I need to go take a good long look at myself in the mirror. I went outside and said, "excuse me? What does that mean?" She repeated what I said and I asked again what that meant. She told me to think about it. :confused: So K went storming home and L started spitting at me and yelling at me. I have been thinking about what she said for the last hour, and I am still confused. I am sure this is not the end of it, but man is this stressful and irritating.
  19. DH and I mostly wear things from Wal-mart, Target, and Old Navy. I usually buy my kids clothes from Gymboree (especially girls stuff just because it is so cute).
  20. The KoMo looks like a fantastic machine! Where did you order from and which model did you end up with?
  21. I am not sure what to say, but I want you to know that you and your daughter have been in my constant thoughts. I am so sorry that this happened. You are a wonderful mom to be there for her. Big, big, BIG hugs.
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