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Everything posted by Mommie_Jen

  1. We do about an hour of seat work that includes phonics, math, and handwriting daily. The rest is fun play, reading library books together, and family time/ whatever else. Works great for us!
  2. He gives me the creeps, no way would I date him!
  3. Pretty much what I'm going to do. And yes, I do know I have issues. Math is my issue, as well as more complicated grammar mistakes. And struggling with my attitude towards others...as you can see from this question! ;) I on wow that we are all busy, overrun with kid adhousehold duties. I absolutely see that. I guess I will settle for a bunch of little kitties killed by misused apostrophes. :D
  4. [quote name=Chris in VA; Careful what you criticize to them' date=' tho, or you will be asked to do it! [/quote] Ad that's EXACTLY why I haven't said anything!:lol::lol:
  5. I thought of you this weekend when I corrected the newsletter and emailed to a fellow homeschooling friend and I told her that they had killed a lot of innocent little kitties!:D
  6. I've been thinking of joining our local co-op, not for the weekly days, but for the field trips only. It would work great for us, my K'er loves field trips, especially with other kids. I already know some people in the co-op, so it wouldn't be too socially awkward for me. However....their newsletter is loaded with misused apostrophes. Such as "sign up for field trip's", "snack's", etc. I know that I am picky and it is a pet peeve of mine and I do make grammar errors, but I think that consistent apostrophe errors like that make them look like bumbling homeschooling idiots in their newsletter. (There. I said it.) And that's why I can't bring myself to join. Consistent apostrophe errors in the newsletters that go out to all. Do I want to do fun field trips with my kids with people who don't know the difference between snacks and snack's? :tongue_smilie:
  7. Oh my stars! I know I don't post a ton, but I scan and read off and on all day long. I was seriously checking every 15 minutes! So glad!
  8. I'm not sure which one started it, but now I can't get them to stop! They spit when they are mad. They spit when they are rough housing. They spit on bugs. They spit ALL. THE. TIME. No amount of making them stop (see, that's not going so well) by telling them that it is rude/mean/gross makes a difference. Flicking mouths doesn't seem to help. Making them spit on purpose to get it out of their system isn't helping. And while sitting here typing this and paying special attention to it, I've realized that it's more my almost 3 year old and it's more of a tongue-out "tbtbtbtb" when he doesn't get his way...which happens a lot! Sincerely, Swimming in Spit. :tongue_smilie:
  9. My boys were really into the synchro. diving too. They would yell "we're Mexico!" and then jump off the couch together (after saying uno, dos, tres!), then glee that they were Canada and do it again. Rally, it's almost as much fun to watch as the Olympics!
  10. I am one of four kids and we had 1 1/2 bathrooms growing up. There was no master bath at my parents' house, just the half bath downstairs and the full bath upstairs. It wasn't until the first two kids, possibly three, I don't remember, were out of the house before they we able to remodel the downstairs bath area and add a shower. We have 2 full baths now, one up and one down. I think even if we threw another kid in the mix we would be ok. We have an older house so we don't have a master bath either.
  11. Well, I was thinking Grace also until I saw Joy. Love Lydia Joy!
  12. Our local WM is on the outskirts of town. Is it much more common to see semi trucks parked there overnight. We are about 30 minutes from the interstate, so I do find that a bit strange. Occasionally I will see an RV, but not often. There are no hook ups there for water or electric either. It's a strange concept for me, honestly.
  13. Chelli, your system seems really workable for us! This year for K is pretty easy planning wise, but I need this for next year!
  14. Even though we have already started school, we are starting the Popsicle stick idea this morning. I figure we'll just play catch up for the month and go from there. Love it!
  15. I bought the first 3 books to try since OPG bombed for DS. We have been at it for about 2 weeks and are on lesson 4. I don't really plan it, we just get done what we can each day. Usually he's done after about 4 pages. It is a lot of writing for him so sometimes I do the writing and he dictates. It's working much better for us!
  16. At least the snakes my boys hide in my bed come from the toy section of the store and not the backyard! We have lots of toads and tree frogs arou d, but so far mine are too ickes out to actually touch them.
  17. I've just skimmed this thread so far, and I will return to it to read again and with more depth. But it's been a great thread to read as I've been doing a mental evaluation of what's working and what's not 3 weeks into kindergarten. It's not completely how I envisioned it but it's working for us fabulously. And that's what counts.
  18. She sleeps upstairs and they sleep downstairs. They have the stairs rigged with gates and alarms to alert them if she tries to come down the stairs. She has her own bathroom upstairs, so she is absolutely not allowed down stairs once she goes to bed until they release they gate/alarms in the morning. No exceptions. So when the alarm went off late last week in the night...she was on her way to their room. At least they have that.
  19. Thanks. Her dad, our friend, has had many mini-strokes in the past. He's in his early 40's, just poor health. We've known them for about 10 years or so, and that's how we've always known him. He's apt to collapse occasionally or have occasional seizures. I really don't know the medical reason why. We noticed his car was still here about 10 minutes after he left tonight, so DH went out to check on him. He was slumped over, breathing, but not responding, pupils really really dilated, clammy sweaty...then puked. He came around a little bit and managed to get out that his head really hurt and he felt really weak. His wife was here by then (they live pretty much around the corner from us) and she didn't want an ambulance, so the 3 of us got him to her car to go to the ER. Many people are suggesting an attorney. I'm not sure if they've considered that before. I will bring it up to them.
  20. Thank you for these links. I will read into them and pass them along.
  21. :iagree:Wonderful analogy! I don't think I know the answers to all your questions, but I'll try my best. She does take her meds (well, as far as I know. They haven't said she has a problem with them. I do think that puberty this year and having to mess with dosages/meds is maybe part of the problem.) She really is low IQ and she has a medical diagnosis of schizophrenia. Um, I'm trying to google histrionic and find out what it means exactly....can you give me the plain English version, please? Interesting thoughts about suing the state because of them not wanting in the state hosp. because of low IQ. The school system is *supposed* to be working with them to help get her in somewhere...this is a small district with not a lot of experience in this.
  22. Thank you. We have talked about this, but the child abandonment charges that they've threatened...however, getting legal help with CPS is perhaps something to explore/suggest. Thank you. I don't know much about her diet at all.
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