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Everything posted by StaceyinLA

  1. Well she IS planning to have one or two more children, and right now the 3 yo is quite happy in a stroller when they are at the zoo, aquarium, etc. Anywhere dd is likely to pull the stroller out for one; she would use for both. In most stores she will use her Ergo and put 3yo in the buggy, but she is looking for a stroller for the times they go other places. My other dd would give anything for a Bob, but I've never seen a used one anywhere near $100.
  2. Okay so my cappucino this morning was pretty darn good, but I have GOT to perfect my froth!
  3. My niece and her husband met online and they couldn't be more perfect for one another. They went through one of the match-type sites and met up and dated for a good while before they got married, but they are a great couple and have been married 8ish years I think.
  4. Almost 3 (a small 3) and 6 months. Doesn't need it to be for jogging, but does want it to maneuver well and not have crappy wheels that seem to twist up. Must be easy to fold and as lightweight as possible. I don't think side by side or front and back matters as long as the other criteria are met. Ease of use is top priority.
  5. Okay I did this last night. I guess you DO have to bring it up to the 185 no matter what, so I did the instant pot to yogurt and BOIL and it heated the milk in an hour. I turned it off immediately and uncovered it (I stirred it every now and then) until it got to 115 degrees. At that point I put in 1/2 c of plain Greek yogurt, stirred it well, turned the instant pot back on Yogurt and let it go for the 8 hours (while I slept). When I woke up, it was just going off and I turned off the instant pot, dumped the yogurt into my strainer and have been letting it strain (I like thick Greek yogurt). I did a small amount in my nut milk bag so I'd have some to try and I'm eating it right now with a little local honey drizzled on it. Oh My Goodness it's good!
  6. Anyone have or had one they just love? My daughter is looking for something that isn't too huge and bulky, folds easily and is very maneuverable. I just figured with all the combined years of experience here on the hive, some of you must have suggestions!
  7. Thanks for the link. I've actually watched all those pertinent to my machine, but really they don't talk much about adjustments other than how to do it. I was just trying to figure out what amounts others use so maybe I wouldn't have to waste so much coffee trying to figure it out.
  8. Well I'm drinking my "cappucino" and I am using the term loosely because I think I seriously failed on the milk/froth aspect this morning. I don't have my little frothing cup yet and I didn't put enough milk in the cup I was using and it is just not frothy at all, nor is there enough of it. Overall though, I'm liking the flavor; the Papua New Guinea from Camano is awesome!
  9. I avoid them if at all possible, and I would prefer they were labeled so I could make informed choices about my food and where it comes from.
  10. Well I don't know if I'd tell (although I probably would with certain people), but I'd want someone to tell me (although that isn't likely because the only thing I wear tight enough to show panty lines is jeans or jeggings and I, GASP, don't wear underwear with either). With looser clothing, I wear boy-cut briefs and rarely have a panty line issue, but I do think a distinct panty line in snug clothing is very noticeable whether someone is looking for it or not.
  11. What do you mean one shot is too weak? Like you have to do a double, or having the lowest strength makes too weak a shot? I can always do a double shot, but I just need a general idea of how many ounces to program for a single shot? I'm gonna have to play around with this a bit more and get a different coffee. The Camano decaf isn't making me happy right now. I'm liking the other one I have, but the decaf isn't doing it for me (and I have GOT to have a good decaf because I really should never have more than a shot of caffeine).
  12. I am most definitely NOT well endowed. However, nursing 4 babies/toddlers has left me with some rather deflated looking little balloons. ;-p I haven't done a cami with a built-in bra, but maybe I could give that a shot. I don't generally have to wear them in the winter because of tanks under sweatshirts, but alas, in Louisiana that just isn't a large percentage of the year. I may need to get a good fit somewhere for those occasions where I must wear one.
  13. Wouldn't that only be an issue if you were pasteurizing first? Otherwise I don't think it would heat to a temp higher than that anyway. I could be way off base but I'm just guessing.
  14. I'm programming my espresso shot button and my long coffee button and want to know about how much water to a regular shot. I have the option of doing one bean, two bean or three bean strength and I'm probably just going to do the one bean since I'll likely just do cappucinos anyway, but I have no clue how much water is typical of a single espresso shot.
  15. Well I never wear one if I don't absolutely have to, but sometimes it HAS to be done; such as when I go in public. ;-p It doesn't impact my ability to breathe deeply, but it really feels like it is constricting my chest and it makes me have a tight feeling in my chest. The feeling goes away as soon as I unhook it.
  16. When I am wearing a bra of any kind, I literally feel like I cannot breathe. I feel like it's compressing my chest. It doesn't matter what type of bra, nor how loose it is. Anyone else ever had this issue?
  17. Okay, how much existing yogurt (or culture - I think I have a packet of culture a friend gave me) to one gallon of milk, or to a half gallon if I'd like to try a smaller batch to start? Also do you put it on "yogurt" for 10-12 hours? There's not a preset time for that? I'm planning to make mine then strain to make Greek yogurt also. I really prefer the texture of Greek.
  18. I really want to try this. If you have done it, how and what did you do? Did you use the yogurt insert thingys (yes, thingys)? I bought a certain milk just to do this yesterday, so I need some input ASAP. Thanks in advance!
  19. FWIW you could certainly earn rental income from a condo in FL as well, so I think the rental potential goes either way. I like the camper idea if you travel a good bit because of the options. I think the upkeep on a second place is pricey and probably limits you as to how many other places you can go (or maybe not; obviously plenty of people have the means to own second homes and still do other things). We have struggled with this because my husband wants to live in FL, and the only way I'm doing it (all my kids/grandkids are here) is if we can keep our home here and split the time. I just am not ready to leave all my grandbabies even if it's only a 5 hour drive.
  20. We have been big raw milk drinkers here on and off for about the last 15 years; from our own goats, and from various friends' cows and goats. I think there are a lot of nutrients in raw milk that are destroyed during pasteurization. I think a lot of the enzymes are destroyed, which affects our digestability. The Vitamin D is affected as well, so then a synthetic is added back in, and it isn't as easily assimilated. Homogenization isn't good for you as it changes the composition of the milk. Goat milk is a naturally homogenized milk (and superior to cow's milk when raw IMO), which is why it is considered more digestible for humans. I'm honestly more fearful of the antibiotics and hormones in store-bought milk than I am of getting ill from drinking raw, but I would definitely want to know my source well. When we can't get raw, we buy from a local farmer that pasteurizes but doesn't homogenize, or I buy a grass-fed organic from Whole Foods that isn't homogenized.
  21. Close to us as well. I have to admit that I haven't been into BR in the last two weeks because of all that has gone on. I was headed in this morning to shop at Whole Foods and this nixed that trip. It's so tragic. The black officer who had that young baby that will never get to know his father; so heartbreaking. Of course it's heartbreaking for the other officers' families as well, and there is one still fighting for his life in the hospital. So much tragedy and heartbreak.
  22. I've made some pretty great coffee in my French press this week; so good that I've wondered if buying the superautomatic was just stupid. I guess I will know after I get it tomorrow. Of course if I don't keep the superautomatic, I'll have to go back and get another grinder, and that adds one more step. I just hope I love this thing!
  23. I've watched the You Tube video, but plan to watch it again after I get my machine and am programming it. I'm glad to know your measurements. I'm kind of an in-between gal, so I'm gonna shoot for 2 beans and see what happens! You should check out the link I just posted and try that coffee if you haven't; it's really awesome, especially if you get the $20 off!
  24. Yeah that one is definitely a bit fancier, and probably better made, but, for right now, the Brera fits my budget well (by budget I mean budget for what I wanted to spend). ;-p It's due to arrive tomorrow. I got my first shipment of Camano coffee today. I would definitely encourage y'all to try their coffee. If you use my link you'll not only get $20 off your first shipment (I got 3 full POUNDS of coffee for under $30 and this is all shade-grown, organic and mostly single origin, roasted the day of or before shipping), but I'll get $20 off my next shipment. After you set up a shipment, you'll get a link to get people to sign up (and you can cancel after your first shipment so there's no commitment), and you get $20 off a shipment every time someone uses your link. AWESOME deal and the coffee I've tried so far is amazing! http://j.mp/29Eotbr - link again if anyone else wants to try it!
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