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Everything posted by michaeljenn

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone!! I am actually feeling more and more at peace about this decision. I have felt like I have been trying to stay above water for some time now. My hubby is VERY pro-homeschooling, but has realized something needs to change for awhile. I need to "let it go" and get our household back in order. It is just toooooo much for me to juggle it all. I have been told to "unschool" for a few years by well meaning friends, BUT NO, I cannot do that. We would really go crazy then, if there was NO structure at all. Soooo, I have ALLOWED myself to be ok with being able to: 1. be able to go workout and get back in shape 2. be able to have a clean and organized house 3. be able to REALLY play and interact with my 4 and almost 2yo... who at this time just gets shoved aside in the name of homeschooling. 4. be a mom again 5. be a house wife... or maybe a "sexy" housewife:lol: 6. actually have a social life again that does not involve talking about what grammar we are using... I am excited for this new stage in my life. Yes it will be a major transition, but it is just what our family needs at this time!! I am so glad to have you guys to "chat" with about afterschooling!! There, I said it... I cannot do all of this anymore, right now. I am not super mom, and I am not a failure!! Thanks again everyone, Jennifer
  2. My older 3 children will be going to public school this fall, and I am just terrified. There ages are 9, 12 and 13 and I still have a 4yo and almost 2yo at home. I have spent the past 7 years hearing how horrible the Public School is from all my other homeschool friends!! The older two asked to go. My son (13) wanted to be on the Robotics team and on the Tennis team. He also wants to take pre-ap classes that will challenge him more. He also only has 1 friend and he soooo loooongs for friends. We have made an extreme effort in finding friends this year, but have not had any luck. SIGH!! Most boys are either way older or young than he is. Or.... they are just plain wierd!!:lol: So, he wants to go for social reasons as well. My daughter wants to take a creative writing class as well as theatre. She looooongs for the social aspect of it too. My 9yo does not care either way, but we were able to transfer into a school that has a huge waiting list. We are still trying to figure out HOW we got her in that school. This was truly a miracle. The middle school my 12 and 13yo will be attending is a magnet school. 76% of the students are transfer students and have to maintain a 3.2 to stay in the school. They also have a very strict dress code, which I like. They are pretty strict on behaviour too. My hubby and I met with the principle for an hour and a half and were pretty impressed. So, I am wondering do your kids like school? I am wondering if my kids will like it. I mean they are all excited and all, but do they have a wrong image in their head? They are tired of being home all day!! They are tired of the distractions the little ones cause while trying to do their math... They want to do projects and more lab sciences. Yes, there are classes around our community for homeschoolers, but they cost an arm and a leg and I would have to lug them to class during nap time!! SIGH!! I am also feeling guilty. I feel like they will not get a good education and that they will turn into heathens headed for prison someday... or at least that is what the "wonderful" homeschoolers think around here. Honestly, I live in a very conservative town and the schools are good. Both the schools that my children will attend were rated Exemplary schools... So thats good right?? Ok... Yes, I have rambled far too long. I guess I just need encouragement?? Help!!
  3. Yes, there will be photos involved. I am also going to have clues that they have to figure out as well! Thanks
  4. LOL:lol: I agree... sigh.. there are some very strange homeschoolers out there!!!!!!!!! I hate that everything for homeschoolers is during the day too. There are some wonderful programs out there, but they are all in the morning or afternoon. We could take part in them, but then we would be doing school well into the evening... which daddy does not like at all!! SIGH
  5. I am throwing a surprise birthday party for my 12yo daughter, which will be a Mall Scavenger Hunt. I NEED ideas for what to "hunt" for. I have several idea already, but I just knew that you ladies would come up with some cool ideas too! The ages of the girls range from 10-14:) There will be 10 of them and they will be divided into 2 groups, so it will be a competition. Thanks!
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry!! I am speechless, but know that I am praying for you both.
  7. You CAN do this:001_smile: First, remember that your daughter is young and if you have to relax for a season she will be ok. I would just make sure that you get the core basics done at this point. I would also use something that is very independant that she can do on her own. Also, if you feel they need to go to school, don't feel guilty. I am sending my two older ones this fall because it is the best thing to do for our family right now. My two smaller children have been shoved aside because I have been so busy trying to keep my older two challenged. It is just not working anymore and the older ones have requested to PLEASE go to school. I was able to get them in a wonderful magnet program, which is two minutes from my house, with pre-ap classes. I could have farmed out their academics with various homeschool classes in the community, but we could not afford it and I did not want to be driving everywhere all day. Anyway, just make the best choice for you and your family:) No guilt and they WILL be ok!! Blessings
  8. Thanks for the comments. This has been a VERY tough decision for us. However, I actually think this will be to his benefit. He is just ready to get out of the house. I have always said that I will NEVER put my children in public school. ;) Well, never say NEVER!!! Thanks again.
  9. My 13yo son REALLY want to go to school this year! Why? Because he wants to be able to take part in their Robotics class, as well as labs and such for science. All of his friends from homeschool have either went back to PS or have moved and he is very lonely. He did go to a University Model School 2 years ago, and he loved it. We had to take them out because we could not afford it anymore due to my husband's job change. How did your child do transitioning into Public? I am absolutely TERRIFIED! However, he is a great kid, and I do think he will be ok. He could also take part in the pre-ap classes which he is very excited about!! Thoughts? Jennifer
  10. What do you do for Vocab for 7th and 8th grade????
  11. Wow... I think that is great! My 12yo daughter is pretty organized and likes things neat.... but she does not go that far.. I am jelouse!!
  12. I am in the same boat. My children started off in a private school where it is standard to hold your child back if they have a May, June, July and August birthday. My son has a May birthday and we chose to hold him back at that time. When we started homeschooling, we just kept him at the same grade, but of course he jumped right up to grade level in academics. I personally think it is a good thing to keep them home an extra year. SWB states this in her book too. A year really does make a difference! I say go with your gut!
  13. I am trying to decide what logic to use for my 13yo. This will be our first time to do any logic. My choices are: Introductory Logic, Nance The Fallacy Detective with Critical Thinking Book 1 & 2 Traditional Logic from Memoria Press What did you use that worked well for a 13yo? Any opinions/suggestions welcome!
  14. I won't spend the money!!! LOL I really could spend it elsewhere too. This program was given to me, so I should at least take advantage of it. I did look on the Apologia website just a little bit ago and it does seem like the text was almost the same. The only thing I saw in the first chapter was new pictures... well, we can just do a search on the internet or something!! Thanks for saving me money! Actually, my hubby says thanks!!:lol:
  15. of Apologia General Science if I already have th 1st edition which was given to me in excellent usable condition:tongue_smilie: Of course I WANT the NEW edition, I mean I don't want to be outdated or anything:lol: So, please help me decide if I need to spend an extra $70 or not. I just cannot make this decision on my own!!!:lol:
  16. Thanks everyone... gamommy... I am assuming your hubby approves of the Apologia series?? That is our other choice. Thanks
  17. I am considering Abeka for my 13, 12, and 9yo this year. I want to choose a publisher and stick with it until 12th grade. I would love to hear opinions on this. My other option was Apologia, but it looks sooo boring. My kids say that it looks like there are just words on a page:lol: and no pictures... or very few.
  18. Summer, Do you know if CLP sells the answer keys for BJU in the upper grades(7th and up) too? THanks
  19. :party::party::hurray::hurray: Rejoicing with you. It is always nice to know that they are actually doing just fine, and we aren't ruining them!!
  20. AWWWW.... How sweet. She must have been really tired. Thanks for sharing;)
  21. Love it! This will be one of those photos/moments that ya'll will laugh at years from now!! Do ya'll watch Veggie Tales???? Or, maybe it is just the nice cold feeling of the eggplant on a hot summer day that is soothing. What are you going to do when it starts to rot? :lol::lol:;)
  22. Hmmm... Well our family has chosen not to read the Harry Potter series, but we have read My Father's Dragon. I did not see any harm in it at all. I agree that everyone has thier own concerns and convictions. If you see nothing wrong with the book, then read it. You know how we mom's can be soooo opinionated:lol: Really, just go with what you think is right:)
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