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Everything posted by MamaSprout

  1. I do find a bit of a tribe here, but it really is an academic focus. Dd is, oddly, kind of easy academically at the moment (other than I'm sure I'm not meeting her needs in math... but I digress). We're just really looking for the peers/ parenting part, I guess.
  2. Our psych we used is 2 states and 6 year years ago...
  3. There are others, like Quark mentions, but I don't see a problem with linking these; http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/on-line_support.htm
  4. Yeah, Davidson is mostly families with kiddos in school, and is also indexed by search engines like this one is. I've never particularly cared for the "vibe" over there, either. Oh well...
  5. I haven't done it myself, so hopefully someone who has chimes in. As I understand it, you email him and let him know you are interested in the self grading/ half price option and they set you up with solutions to everything in addition to whatever you would normally get access to. You grade and track everything.
  6. Where have all the people on the TAG forums gone? When dd was very young they were busy and felt like I could ask lots of (non-academic) questions. Now I feel like I'm coughing during a theater performance when I ask a question because no one seems to post on them anymore. Facebook lacks privacy. Where has everyone gone?
  7. You do not need to use the same email for Hoopla as what the library has on file. It is a good idea to have 1 device = 1 account. Logging in and out with different accounts sometimes doesn't work b/c the device thinks you've used your checkouts.
  8. I meant the video + notes format. No movie clips at the front of DO... and it's free.
  9. http://precalculus.flippedmath.com/table-of-contents.html Kind of like DO w/o grading. Or DO half price option? You grade.
  10. Not really having much on functions, probability and statistics seem to be the main difference in the Algebra courses? There is a short unit on probability in geometry, but there doesn't seem to be coordinate geometry, so that would need to be covered elsewhere if someone wanted to line up with common core (or use a cc textbook alongside it). Regardless of someones thoughts on CC, I can see wanting to add some probability and statistics before precalc.
  11. I like my bullet journal/ google calendar pages system, but still keep a separate assignment planner for dd. What about something like this? 202 pages of undated daily plans? Doesn't matter what day of the week. https://store.schoolspecialty.com/OA_HTML/ibeCCtpItmDspRte.jsp?minisite=10206&item=3271442&ref=https://store.schoolspecialty.com/OA_HTML/xxssi_ibeSearchResults.jsp?query=assignment&idx=0&relevancy=Relevancy&ps=15&r=~TAXONOMY_LEV1%3DSchool%2B-%2BOffice%2BSupplies&refQuery=&collection=products&searchType=productResults&minisite=10206&pageType=&a=b#reviews
  12. There are some short stories in the program, as well. I think your plan is good. We added in extra short stories, grammar and vocabulary for a full year of English.
  13. I posted this in the high school math thread, but I think it would be a good addition here: http://www.flippedmath.com/ "Flipped" (kind of like DO) Algebra- Calculus. Free for the printing.
  14. For the equal size for all days, you could sub-divide the notes section vertically on the two ones I linked above and voila, Saturday and Sunday... not sure if you could put your goals where the subjects are written in? Only other drawback is that even the longest one I linked only has 45 weeks, which is why we use the dollar bin ones from Target in the summer. Good luck with your planner hunt!
  15. Google Classroom is now available to regular gmail users. Very nice if you teach a co-op class or have a teen who likes to check-the-digital box. https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6020279?hl=en
  16. We just use the Target planners for summer, although we might just use it for summer + fall this year and start a new one in January. On the right side of the weekly page, where there is room for lists, I make the the top box (or two) Saturday and the second box (or so) Sunday and start the to-do list in the third box. Let me know if you need a visual. I print our Google Calendar for the next few months in "portrait", trim and glue into the front. We have this one for fall: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/144131573X/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 We liked/ used this this year: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003FMRS46/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have a print out from Novare's yahoo group that I like for making my lesson plans. It's nothing special (a 2-semester weekly grid with days off grayed out), but I like how it's set up. ETA, Both of the linked planners have plenty of notes pages for logging reading, field trips, etc. Both also have grade book grids.
  17. I guess they call it a course book now, which is a better description: http://www.oakmeadowbookstore.com/Curriculum/High-School-Courses/High-School-Social-Studies/World-History-Coursebook-2016-p3448.html
  18. Singapore and lots of "living" math books and recreational math. Dd was mostly ahead of Beast releases. Derek Owens (compacted- when you could buy the course) with 1/2 Jacobs Algebra for PreA and a combo of Dolciani and Foerster for Algebra. Currently sailing through Jacobs Geometry. Plan to do Foerster for Alg 2. Maybe Brown for Precalc.
  19. Well, actually there will be zero APs next year in our district unless someone gets certified over the summer. In the past, the offered a DE class at the school, but I think that teacher also retired. We're in something of a small town, but it isn't especially rural or poor, just a little clueless and ambivalent. That's why we homeschool. Even with a local private college that has generous dual credit, the ambivalence extends deeply into the district- because ya know- you throw them all in together in kindergarten and everyone evens out by third grade....
  20. I just looked at our district high school. The one AP they offered this year was taught by someone who retired two weeks ago. The move to dual credit for those kids is a must. In our state you need at least one AP or DE course for an academic honors diploma.
  21. Would it work with Oak Meadow's syllabus? They have byo book set up now.
  22. Okay, I've attached what I've found so far. I didn't have any luck finding anything after chapter 13. Can anyone comment? It seems like those are some of the most interesting chapters. Are those subjects usually taught in a different course? Feed back welcome. I can't comment on the quality of the videos- I really didn't preview them much. AdvancedMathematicsTOCVideos.docx.pdf
  23. Flipped Math Classroom: http://www.flippedmath.com/ Full courses for Algebra 1- Calculus AB Note taking packets with homework, addition "corrective" assignments and test and quiz "study sheets" with solutions that could be used as tests. Videos are download-able as MP4s if you don't have consistent internet access or don't want your students on the site with the answers. Could someone look at and comment on the rigor? Glancing at Algebra 1, it looks solid to me. Possibly could use some additional practice problems from a textbook.
  24. Since Wilson Hill isn't using Brown anymore, I think I'm going to put together a video playlist document for the lessons in the book. I've found a couple of teachers who seem to have partial playlists specific to Brown's lessons on Youtube, (AutenPCmath and Darrin Pagel), but if you know of others, let me know. I'll post to the math thread when I'm done if it turns out to be useful. Thanks!
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