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Dee in MI

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Everything posted by Dee in MI

  1. 90% - I hope so, considering I just finished Paul Johnson's A History of the American People AND the Daniel Boorstin Americans trilogy. I have Sowell's Basic Economics on the list for this summer. Which is good, because just about everything I missed was economics.
  2. We've inherited many coins. We started by having the whole lot appraised. Then we occasionally select a smaller lot, and I take it to two other coin shops. I know who generally gives me the highest value, so he's usually my last stop, and he usually buys the lot. Gold is high right now. We're not selling any of the jewelry. But I often see people selling jewelry, and they're generally disappointed.
  3. We use a series by Gerald W. Johnson. There are three books, "America is Born", "America Grows Up", and "America Moves Forward". They were published in 1960, and pretty much end with WWII. I really enjoyed the first two. In the third one, the author was a bit too close to the time. He absolutely fawns over Wilson, FDR, and the League of Nations. But they're still nicely written. The author tries to present the idea that reasonable folks can differ, but he doesn't quite succeed in the third book. I just used it as a springboard for discussion. My son enjoys the books, which we use as daily read-aloud. After we finish these, I plan to read the Usborne History of the Twentieth Century. It isn't as narrative, but it is more up-to-date. We also use the Complete Book of United States History. These have an excerpt and then an activity. There is also one on presidents that I don't have handy right now. And we're currently reviewing the states a bit using the Complete Book of Maps and Geography.
  4. This is free at librivox.org and the reader is nice.
  5. Here is a nice summary that helps me. I don't do the Dowling Method, but this helped me get my brain around how the language works: http://rci.rutgers.edu/~wcd/Latin.htm
  6. Grammar? - Daily, but short Writing? - Daily History? - 2X per week+ read aloud daily Science? - 2X per week + read aloud daily Geography? - Daily, but only for a few weeks of each year
  7. I have an only. It was difficult the first few years. And we used to do a lot of activities, trying to find our way. It paid off, because in time, through those activities, we met our own small circle of friends. My son is very social, and was at one point so lonely that I worried about him a lot. He seems content, now. I'm from a big family, and I love big families. I love our small families. And I've seen some snarky, offensive comments about both extremes. Seems to me, whatever choices you make, there are people that will approve and people who won't. You aren't going to please everyone. So you do what you think is best and shrug it off. Also, I am a person who regularly says things that I regret later, so I have sympathy for others who may not understand the effect of what they're saying.
  8. I've tried lots of things. Everything works for a little while; nothing works for very long. It's like fighting the borg. Lately we do math war. I pulled the kings (and some aces, twos, and jacks and tens) from the deck. Then we play like war, except he keeps the cards if he comes up with the answer quickly. He starts with about five cards and I get the rest. We play until he wins the deck. He loves this, and is disappointed when I try to skip it. We've also done timed worksheets, times tales, timez attack, and old fashioned flash cards.
  9. This is free on librivox.org and the readers are good.
  10. I read it. I think it's fantastic. It orphans the kid in the first part of the book, as all modern books do. (I find that annoying.) But the second part of the book is fantastic. The pictures are awesome. My son is now reading it.
  11. I'm on a Jane Austen kick, too. I just finished Northanger Abbey, and read Persuasion earlier this week. Northanger Abbey was kind of fun, but not nearly as well written as S&S, P&P, or Persuasion. I'm also reading Paul Johnson's A History of the American People and Plato's Laws. Such a nerd, I know. Read aloud is Jules Verne's Michael Strogoff. The Russian names are killing me!
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