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Everything posted by Ottakee

  1. I am looking for some TALL men's t-shirts---nicer, heavy ones with pockets--in the basic colors for my dh. He needs a 2X tall. Seems like so many of the ones I see aren't that long.
  2. Honestly, I don't really know. I do know that there are other newer meds out there for ADD that might help. What meds did she try? At what doses? What reations did she have? You might want to look for a TOP NOTCH psychiatrist that can help you find a medication that might work for her. It took us trials of several ones to find one that worked for us---Dexedrine which is actually a much older med. For my dh though a high dose fish oil (at least 1000mg of EPA per day) really helps his ADHD.
  3. All 3 of my kids have in the past. It is a wonderful program. My son has done swimming, cycling, baseball, track and field, weight lifting, and down hill skiing. My girls have done gymnastics and swimming. Right now they aren't as they just aren't interested. If they were, we would do it again. My girls just wish they had special olympics horseback riding in our area. Then they would certainly participate.
  4. We have/had some ODD here. What I have seen/experienced is that the ODD is really a symptom of one or more other underlying issues---ADD/ADHD, mood disorders, Aspergers/autism, LDs, etc. The book sounds good. I would also suggest that you seek out a full evaluation to find out the cause behind the ODD. Often treating the underlying issue(s) can greatly reduce the ODD. Another book that might be helpful while you are this process is The Explosive Child. I don't agree with everything as long term parenting strategies, but the ideas can be very helpful when you are in more of a crisis situation.
  5. I lost 70 pounds with Weight Watchers points system and walking. It is a doable lifestyle, not a "diet" that requires a lot of special foods, something different than the family, weird/expensive stuff, etc.
  6. What muscle disease does he have? We have 3 mito mutations here with my 13dd. Have seizures been ruled out? For some ODD reason, Lamictal really helped my dd's speech and language skills. Not sure how or why but it does. For teaching reading, I use and LOVE the I See Sam books. http://www.teacherweb.com/CA/PomeloDriveElementary/Mrssakamoto/printap2.stm is where you can print them out for free http://www.roadstoeverywhere.com/3RsPlusRead.html is the US site but also click on the link to the UK site for lots of great information. Then after they can read the first 3-4 sets of the books, I start with the Apples and Pears Spelling. We have also used the Dancing Bears for drill work but the I See Sam books are much more interesting for kids as they are STORIES to read.
  7. A very easy to use and effective program is Apples and Pears Spelling. It is a bit more than some programs but not too bad. http://www.prometheantrust.org/soundfoundationsbooks.htm You do 1/2 to 1 level a day--depending on how much your child can handle. There are no word lists, no drills, etc. They just use what they are learning over and over in various situations which means the spelling carries over to their everyday work as well.
  8. We buy 1/2 cow at a time. We live in an area where the power does go out at times, sometimes for a few days at a time. We though have a generator and dh hooks that up and we are good to go---even the AC, heat, etc. will run off the big generator. QUOTE=Danestress;939245]Seriously? 400 pounds of meat? What happens of you lose electricity in a storm? I'm always afraid to stock up on grocery items for the freezer because I am sure we will have some kind of energy outage.
  9. Silly thing, I look up how to make BAKED POTATOES. I can never remember how long to bake them at various temps.
  10. Check out these books http://www.teacherweb.com/CA/PomeloDriveElementary/Mrssakamoto/printap2.stm They are very fun for kids and start out very simple and work up. There are more sets but these you can print out for free. [
  11. We use Apples and Pears spelling as well. I LOVE it. I like how there are no word lists and everything is application. This really helps it carry over to other school work. Very easy to use. We do break the lessons down over 2 days as well.
  12. I use recipes for baking breads, cookies, muffins, ect. but for most main dishes, I just wing it. In the crock pot I put: skinless boneless chicken breast tenders a bit of teriyaki sauce a splash of soy sauce about 2T brown sugar 1 T vinegar 1 tps. minced garlic I figure it will be quite tasty and used up the little bits of sauces, etc. I had in the fridge.
  13. i have just a second but check out http://www.prometheantrust.org/soundfoundationsbooks.htm Their Apples and Pears spelling program is WONDERFUL. It works very well for kids with LDs, etc. Very easy to use and the spelling carries over to everyday work.
  14. Question here---did the owner tell you it was a stallion or are you assuming that as you saw the "body part"? Even geldings can "hang" down quite a bit when they are relaxed. Gelding removes the testicles. The dog would likely get zapped once and then respect the fence. Lvingin the country is wonderful---just also make sure you realize, depending on where you are living that there will be tractors running at all hours of the day and night during certain busy times, manure smells, maybe more flies, etc. These are the things that some people complain about but they are just a fact of living in a rural area.
  15. I just noticed your kids ages---15 year old boys and 13 year old girl, right? If so, you will be fine. They are plenty old enough to know to stay away from the fence and NOT feed them by hand---and DO NOT EVER throw grass clippings to the horses to be nice---it can kill them. As to safety, with a good fence, they are fine. I would rent there and then over time, if you are interested, learn how to care for them---but never without the owners permission and presence. I may sound overly strict on those issues but we are bringing our horses home in the next week or 2 and I am a bit worried about a few of the neighbors, esp. the kids. Our horses are very friendly, no mean, etc. BUT they are horses and horses can be dangerous. My rule will be no kids without THEIR parent here (unless it is a guest of ours with the parent's permission), they must wear helmets, riding for others will be severely limited to nill. There is just so much liability. I don't worry about our horses getting out and being dangerous, more that the kids will try to go in the fence with them, etc. And I agree with the poster that said that a nuzzling horse can soon turn into a nipper, biter, pusher, etc. A Clydesdale could easily knock you over just by trying to "nuzzle" you.
  16. If the fence is good and strong and your children will NOT touch it or hand feed the horses, you should be fine. The only one I might worry about is the 3 year old stallion. A draft horse stallion might be a lot to handle. Is the owner going to geld him or leave him a stallion? We have 3 horses and will be bringing them home next week to our own place. They are a lot of fun and a lot of work. If the owner will do all of the work, I would let him. Over time, you might learn enough to handle the geldings and minis (remember minis are horses, not big dogs) but I would NEVER enter a pasture with a stallion (even to get the other horses) or handle the stallion unless you are very horse experienced. Well trained horses are usually great for grooming, etc. but again, they are animals and big, powerful animals. Not to scare you at all but if you do rent here (and I would--depending on the stallion situation), I would suggest that you get some good horsemanship and riding lessons for you and the kids if you are interested in horses. Learn how to properly and safely lead them, tie them, groom them and then eventually ride them. This place might open up an opportunity for you to own a horse as well--if that interests you. The owner might allow you to keep a horse there (but I wouldn't put mine out with a stallion) in exchange for you helping with some of the chores, etc. Bottom line, if the fences are good and strong and "hot" (meaning electric is on) and you can trust your kids not to hand feed the horses or try to go in the pasture with them, it can be a good situation. Hand feeding them can make them pushy.
  17. My girls rode the horses today in the local Dandelion parade---yes, there is really a Dandelion parade here in Michigan. It is a spoof of the Holland Tulip Time parade. LOTS of fun and a very small time farming area parade. So, don't kill them, celebrate them with a parade and festival. [
  18. Sounds like the new doctor is on target. Make SURE to draw the blood 12 hours AFTER the last dose and BEFORE the next one---which usually means first thing in the morning. So, if you give the meds at 8:30pm, be at the lab about 8am so that by 8:30 they will be ready to draw his blood. Then you give the meds right after the blood is drawn. He might need a combo of meds. My 13dd is on Tegretol and Lamictal.
  19. Sounds like a good plan. You do want a 24 hour EEG if possible. We have done both the ambulatory and in hospital video EEGs. Seizures will certainly affect learning. My dd's EEG was "normal" but yesterday the OT asked if she might have had a seizure during her session with her. I have wondered the same thing. Have you had your son's blood levels tested recently? I can't remember what meds he is on but as kids grow, even just a tiny bit, it can throw the med levels off and what was working now isn't anymore.
  20. This might not be exactly what you are looking for but ACE (school of tomorrow) has a nice program that is very step by step and covers the basics. In the lower grades it is more rote learning but as they go up, it covers more advanced thinking skills. Check out http://www.schooloftomorrow.com and see what you think. I would do a placement test and then go from there. It would be OK if she places a bit lower in some areas or has gaps, you just go at your own pace. I did Sonlight and then Winter Promise with my girls but honestly, ACE is a better fit for them. The learning is broke down into small pieces and that works for them.
  21. Glad to hear I am not alone. It is not as common for 12 and `13 year old GIRLS to be this dirty though. They DO get baths and showers and pool season should start in another month or so here. I am trying to train them to wear their rubber boots or OLD tennis shoes outside but that doesn't even always work. They ARE much healthier now that they are out a lot. They both have a lot of medical issues including immune deficiencies. They though have not been to the doctor for illness for 2 years now.
  22. Well, my thing that would make me NOT buy from them is their marketing thing. I got an ad folded up in an envelope, hand addressed to me. It made it look like it was from a friend I have in CA who goes by J. Come to find out, it is a marketing ploy. If someone really wants to help out and has an honest business, they will not resort to sales tactics like this.
  23. We live out in the country on 5 1/2 acres of mostly sand and dirt right now. We just had 3 1/2 acres of it cleared for horse pasture but all that is there now is dirt and tree roots, etc. My girls, yes girls, are outside almost all day playing. We are almost done with our barn and hope to have our horses home here in a few days or very early next week. Problem is that they are so DIRTY. Even after soaking in the tub their fingernails (kept clipped) are DIRTY, their hands are STAINED by the dirt, etc. Their clothes are impossible to keep clean. Any hints for cleaning either kids or clothes? I try to stress having PLAY/BARN clothes and shoes/boots but still, everything is looking so grungy and it is only about 2 weeks into spring here.
  24. Well, my girls both have congenital immune deficiencies and they have been the healthiest ever the past 2 years. This is what we have done: 1. Supremadophillus daily--this is a high quality probiotic 2. Fish oils--was Omega Brite but now Omega 3 mood 1000mg of EPA per day 3. LOTS of outside time---even in the cold. My girls are now outside 1-4 hours or more a day even in the middle of winter with temps below zero. 4. Horses---gets them outside and there might be something to all of the playing in the dirt/manure cleaning, etc. they do that builds their immune systems. I will have to admit that my kids get pop, chips, candy, etc. We eat white bread, white sugar, etc.--and likely too much of these. That said, we have made it over 2 years with no real illnesses---not even a cold that slowed them down--no fevers, no antiobitics, no vomiting, etc. This is coming from kids that the doctors had a lot of concerns about. At one point we were very close to putting a port into my now 12dd to infuse her with IgG infusions every 3 week.
  25. Is this a fairly sudden change for him or has he always had anxiety issues? If it is sudden, I would look at PANDAS---a strep related OCD/Anxiety. How old is your son and what type of symptoms are you seeing?
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