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Aunty Social

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Everything posted by Aunty Social

  1. BTW - When can I expect mine in the mail? Will it come with my goat from the pagan thread?
  2. Oh, I LIKE this analogy. Makes much more sense to me now. Do they make the pretty designs too?:leaving:
  3. Hmmm. Looks like I left a few choices off. Let's say that Yes includes any attempts - ongoing, one time, or any frequency in between.
  4. While I agree...there is a small part of me that is now verrrrrry curious. Must.Not.Google.
  5. I completely get this. As far as I know, it's all private - I only see the number and percentages of votes. No names or anything. And since I only know a one person on here IRL, your secrets are safe with me. :bigear: Generalities, anecdotal experiences, and funny stories are all welcome!
  6. Alright:toetap05: People are voting, but no one is discussing. We need details, people! How is he supposed to go back to work and dazzle them with his knowledge?
  7. Dh asked if I would post this as a poll. Apparently there have been some... discussions... at work that have ranged far and wide.:lol: So. "Manscaping". Who does, who doesn't, why, how, how widespread is this? Discuss:D. ETA: Poll should be anonymous ETA (again) definition in title now.
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