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Everything posted by Makita

  1. YES! We talked about that (again) on the way home... stranger danger, etc. What to do if...
  2. Darla & Colleen - Both perfect responses. I wish I had thought of either of them! :D
  3. Thank you, everyone. It helps to know that I am not alone in my frustration. I was venting but am open to commentary. We are all here to learn, right?
  4. It never fails. Whenever someone angers me, I become tongue tied and am unable to voice my irritation with their insensitivity or their rude behavior. Today was no exception. The kiddos and I stopped by Mailboxes, etc. to make some copies this afternoon. We had just departed the post office where the postman had delighted in their behavior and offered them each a piece of candy. I told the kids that they could enjoy their candy as I made copies. It soon became evident that my little guy was getting more enjoyment by playing with his piece of taffy than by consuming it... he was a pink, sticky mess! Before long, he touched Sweetie with his sticky fingers and she was not at all amused. Rather than ask him nicely to stop, she started crying and whining. I asked them to please keep their hands to themselves... I'd be done shortly and we could proceed to the restrooms inside Fred Meyer to get cleaned up. I doubt they even listened to me because her whining only got louder. I got down to their eye level and tried talking with them. Buddy settled down right away and said he wouldn't touch her anymore but Sweetie kept right on whining. Whining REALLY gets to me but I managed to stay cool. It was clear that she was very tired. Fortunately, I was finished making copies and we could be on our way. As I was waiting in line to pay, Sweetie was crying.... complaining that she was now sticky all over. I reassured her that we would be going to the restroom shortly. In the mean time, could she think of a better way to have asked Buddy to stop. "Whah! Nooooo!" I repeated my request. "Can you think of just one way that may have worked better than whining and screaming at him?" I was attempting to carry on a dialogue ... allow her to reflect on her behavior and learn from it. We do this all the time. It helps her to calm down and better handle situations in the future. Only today - she was tired. She couldn't focus. It was then that the woman in front of me who was filling out a packaging form turns around and says to her, "I can't concentrate when you are crying. You are embarrassing your mother." I replied, "It is she [my daughter] who should be embarrassed. It isn't my behavior that is embarrasing but hers." The woman just looked at me funny. She then turned to Sweetie again and said, "You need to stop. This is enough. You are being very bad and need to be in time out." I said, "Oh, she will be." Sweetie sits quiet for a moment but starts crying quietly again. "If you don't stop crying, I am going to take you out to my truck and lock you in the seat until you do! You better stop or I will take you to time out in my truck!" the woman states sharply. I was stunned. Sweetie was stunned. I wanted out of there. A rebuttal was slowly evolving in my mind. Fortunately, the clerk came up to the counter and asked if I had been helped. "No, I just need to pay for my copies." The other woman turns to me and says, "Oh. Am I in the way?" "No. You were here first," I replied but she had stepped aside and the clerk rang me up anyway. I think they were both as eager for us to leave as I. As we departed and proceeded into Fred Meyer to get cleaned up, a variety of responses came to mind. Why am I always so slow to react to confrontation? Why can't my words come more quickly? She had no right to interfere with how I was parenting. Sweetie really hadn't done anything wrong. She was simply upset and having difficulty expressing herself, finding the words to communicate. Using fear and intimidation has never been nor ever will be my style. How dare a stranger threaten to take my children and lock them into a car! It was 80 degrees! I couldn't very well depart the premises until I had paid for the services I had used. There was no public restroom where I could pull my children aside. How I choose to parent my children is of no concern to her and she has no right to tell me how I should address their behavior. I will not threaten, terrorize, bully, or persecute them. I use natural consequences. [As a result of her behavior and a second, though smaller, meltdown in Fred Meyer when I told her she couldn't have candy, we returned home. We were supposed to go to Taekwondo class but it was apparent that she was too tired. I explained this to her on the drive home. 'We'll go home and sit together on the couch and read, instead.'] I looked for this woman as she finished up our shopping errands in Fred Meyer but didn't see her. I would have liked to have said my peace.
  5. I wanted to assure you saw my reply... so I posted on 2 of your 'repeated' threads. ~~~ Does he like to draw? My DD (6 in Sept) is working on a Geography Picture Dictionary. You can see a sample of it on my blog (link in signature). For Science, we are focusing on Animals, Plants, and the Human Body. We did plants through summer. We just started animals. I read lots of non-fiction to them and try to do at least one hands-on activity a week. Generally, I find ideas on the web or in books I have (I'm a former Elem. Science Teacher). I post about most of our hands-on activities on my blog. When we did plants, we collected leaves. Identified them with a dichotomous key and field guides. We learned about seed parts. We planted seeds. We measured growth. We looked at diagrams showing plant life cycles. We read about pollination. We talked about plants that make seeds mostly but briefly talked about plants that don't make seeds (ferns and mosses). With animals, we collect feathers, skulls (if we are lucky enough to find one), plaster of paris casts of animal tracks. We made stencils of tracks (used photo copy machine to enlarge images from books). In a couple of weeks, we will paint tracks onto a t-shirt and make-up a story to go along with them explaining what animals made them, etc. We look at feathers under the microscope or with hand-lens and learn the parts of a feather. We did an activity to determine for which foods different bird beaks are adapted. We play games - found on internet or in Ranger Rick Nature Scope books (look online for them). We go on lots of nature walks and draw in our nature journals frequently. If you are studying / interested in anything in particular, please ask me. I have lots of ideas / experience with Elem. Science.
  6. Does he like to draw? My DD (6 in Sept) is working on a Geography Picture Dictionary. You can see a sample of it on my blog (link in signature). For Science, we are focusing on Animals, Plants, and the Human Body. We did plants through summer. We just started animals. I read lots of non-fiction to them and try to do at least one hands-on activity a week. Generally, I find ideas on the web or in books I have (I'm a former Elem. Science Teacher). I post about most of our hands-on activities on my blog. When we did plants, we collected leaves. Identified them with a dichotomous key and field guides. We learned about seed parts. We planted seeds. We measured growth. We looked at diagrams showing plant life cycles. We read about pollination. We talked about plants that make seeds mostly but briefly talked about plants that don't make seeds (ferns and mosses). With animals, we collect feathers, skulls (if we are lucky enough to find one), plaster of paris casts of animal tracks. We made stencils of tracks (used photo copy machine to enlarge images from books). In a couple of weeks, we will paint tracks onto a t-shirt and make-up a story to go along with them explaining what animals made them, etc. We look at feathers under the microscope or with hand-lens and learn the parts of a feather. We did an activity to determine for which foods different bird beaks are adapted. We play games - found on internet or in Ranger Rick Nature Scope books (look online for them). We go on lots of nature walks and draw in our nature journals frequently. If you are studying / interested in anything in particular, please ask me. I have lots of ideas / experience with Elem. Science. :D
  7. Donna - I *heart* the 'Well-Trained Runner' in your signature... can I use it, too? :)
  8. I did 6... slow and easy. :D I stopped a couple times though to pull a few invasive, noxious weeds! I just can't help myself. I'm a weed warrior! Does anyone else multi-task on a walk/run?
  9. I saw a podiatrist. His wanted to try to avoid inserts or custom orthotics. He did prescribe a steroid for a couple of days but otherwise his treatment plan is doable on your own. RICE Rest Ice Compression (ace bandage) Elevation After the steroid, even though the pain was gone, he had me take ibuprofen 600 mg daily for a week. Stretching is also very important. He also advised that I stop doing step aerobics (I had been doing aerobics 2-3x week and running on the other days) to alleviate some of the pounding on my heels. He suggested cycling or swimming.
  10. I walk through the water stops but otherwise, yes, I ran the whole thing. I did well - though not as well as I had hoped. My dream is to qualify to run Boston and I had hoped to finish the 30K on pace to do that. However, I was off slightly. It is a hilly course, though, and there were few participants so I didn't really have anyone to chase or to chase me so I lagged in the middle miles. If you have trained 60% of the distance, come race day, adrenaline will carry you across the finish. Most marathon training plans go up to 18-20 miles for the long run, 3 week prior to race day. When & where is your relay?
  11. When I first started running in earnest 3 years ago, I had developed a severe pain in my left heel. It was particularly painful in the morning and I could hardly put any weight on my heel. It would feel better as I got moving around and wouldn't bother me at all during a run after I warmed up a mile or two. Eventually it got unbearable and I saw a podiatrist. He determined that I had Plantars Fasciitis and prescribed a steroid for a couple of days. Thereafter, I took ibuprofen for a week. The pain went away within the first couple days of the steroid. I also stopped doing aerobics and started swimming or cycling instead. I have been injury free for 2+ years now. A neighbor of mine had similar pain in his heel and he saw the same podiatrist. He shares my story. You might Google Plantars Fasciitis and compare symptoms.
  12. I agree! It is so cool to know that so many of us are getting out there and taking care of ourselves. As I train predominately by myself, it is nice to know I'm not the only one. Kudos to you all!! :D Today - I'm taking the day off. I'm still sore from a 30K race I did on Saturday and my sitter is out of town. I called a trainer though - I seem to have hit a plateau in my performance so I'm seeking a coach! :)
  13. I hope you are feeling better! I'm proud of you for getting out there despite the yucky tummy. :)
  14. Mondays are my scheduled long run... as I have a race on Saturday, I opted to take it easier than prescribed by my training plan. I did 9 miles in just about an hour and twenty minutes. Though I did stop briefly at 4.5 for water and a little stretching. Originally, I had planned on running a marathon in early October. I'm not sure I want to push myself that hard right now. I need to do some serious evaluating. Much will depend on how I do come Saturday.
  15. I've been using PBS for over a year and absolutely LOVE it!
  16. I recently inherited a spinning wheel that came over from Norway when my ancestors emigrated in the late 1800s. There is a 4 digit numbers engraved into the wood which reads 1322. My Great Aunt believed this indicated how old it was but my mom believes it to be a serial number of sorts. My mom believes it to be circa 1870. We also have many, many pictures dating back to the late 1800s. There has been a family historian in each generation since our ancestors left Europe.... I have the pictures now. :D
  17. First of all, WELCOME! Best of advice - don't compare yourself to others! Do what you feel is best for you and your family. What you are comfortable with. In regards to the curriculum questions, I'm still trying to figure it all out myself. I have a suggestion though for foreign language... have you thought about American Sign Language? If you are interested, check out a series of videos called "Signing Time" - there are about a dozen or so and they are great! We've been using them since before the kids could speak and we still enjoy them and learn to sign new words. My daughter wants to learn to speak (Mandarin) Chinese and we've tried several resources but nothing has kept her attention. We'll keep trying things out....
  18. I've been wanting to do a triathlon as well... but haven't yet. I don't have a road bike and am afraid I'll get hooked and need a bike, clip-in shoes, gloves, helmet, jersey, tri-suit, patch kit, etc. Right now, a pair of running shoes, a swimsuit, and occasional race fees are all the expenses I have. Easy on the budget. :)
  19. Tell me more... is there a link for more information?
  20. I started blogging originally as a way to stay connected with friends/family. Over time, though, I've discovered that they seldom read it! When they do, they never comment. I have 2 blogs - one dedicated to homeschooling and one dedicated to my other passions - running and scrapbooking. Both are essentially journals whereby I record a little of everything, both good and bad. However, I don't post anything I wouldn't want my neighbor to know. I used to keep a paper journal (blank book purchased at a book store) but do so no longer. I love the interactive nature of an online journal or blog. I love getting feedback from others who share my passions. I have always used blogger or blogspot. It's free and is very flexible, particularly when you become familiar with html (which isn't necessary by any means).
  21. Today is swimming day for me... who knows what Coach has planned for the main set but I generally get anywhere from 1800-2300 meters done. I *heart* swimming, especially in the summer. Smiles ~
  22. We just started using SOTW. My DD (6 in Sept) absolutely loves it and has decided she wants to be an Archeologist! I read aloud the chapter and ask her to narrate what she can recall. I write her narration on the back of the coloring sheet and she then sits down to color it. She also does the map work. We then spend a week or two (depending on interest, availability of materials, etc.) on extension activities (crafts, books we found at the library, videos, etc.). We go pretty slowly but so far, we are enjoying it. I purchased the hardbound book and the accompanying activity guide. I then purchased a history pockets activity book (different publisher). Hope this helps. Makita
  23. Twice a day - if you can find the time (I know I can't!) - is great! Experienced runners often even break up their long runs into 2 segments as it can be hard to get a 3 hour run in on a busy morning. I did 4 miles today... 1 mile warmup at 9:38 3 mile intervals at 7:48 each (23:23 total) My plan called for an active 800m recovery. I was on the treadmill with the kiddos at home and no sitter so I did my recovery as I walked about the house and picked up or helped the kiddos with something. I hope to do another 2-3 miles tonight with the kiddos in the jogger but it will depend on how things fall together.
  24. Treadmill running is a little easier as the previous posters stated. To account for this, adjust the incline to 1% if possible. You might also want to take a peek at the following website: http://www.hillrunner.com/training/tmillchart.php I used a treadmill almost exclusively for my 3rd marathon. It led to some minor burnout, but is certainly doable. :)
  25. We just hung one up yesterday in fact! We found two different sets of 3 maps at Costco for $19 each set. One set includes: World North America United States The other set includes: Animals of the World Prehistoric World Ancient World As we are currently reading Story of the World Vol.1 (Ancients), we hung up the Ancient World map. It has hundreds of tiny little cartoons to illustrate important events/features of the Ancient World. The kids love it!
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