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Everything posted by journey00

  1. My 10th grade dd struggled through Algebra 1. She knowsher math facts, & can do basic math operations seamlessly, is fruga, & knows how to make a buck. She hopes to own her own busines someday. I know nothing about Geometry so I can't help her. What is a gentle Geometry program? Thanks.
  2. Abeka or Bob Jones DVD or SOS. Is she ok with Christian based?
  3. I must ask hard questions because I rarely get answers. LOL!
  4. The platform is very confusing & difficult to navigate. I miss Aha Science. Anybody else know of a good interactive science curriculum that's online & easy to navigate? Thanks.
  5. Easy Peasy is free. Time4learning is a good one and they have a free trial.
  6. We own the SWI-A and SWI-C dvds but we just never ever get to them. To even think about putting it together, watching the dvd, trying to figure out where to stop the dvd...ugh..it is just too much for me. I have watched the teacher dvd & the 1st dvd of the SWI-A and I love the concept & I think will really benefit the kids. I can see where they key word outline will be beneficial when taking notes down the road. If any of you have taken the actual live classes they offer through their website, what did you think? I am willing to pay the fee if it is implemented like the dvds. Thanks. :)
  7. I'm definitely pulling from everyone's ideas. Thank you so much! :hurray:
  8. I will be incorporating a rewards system for chores & school done on time. My idea is a daily checklist (my kids dig checklists & box checking) with chores & school. If everything is done & marked off checklist all week then they get a reward. My problem my 10 yo dd who stalls & plays instead of doing chores. If she misses her checklist goal on Tuesday then she will say "Oh well" and not try as hard the rest of the week because she's already missed out on the reward at the end of week. But I don't want to be unfair to her 11 y/o bro who gets his checklist done every day. Any ideas on how to fix that? Also, what do you use as rewards? TIA!
  9. IKR?! I have so much unfinished curriculum that I'm not buying anything new this year & doing some of that unfinished stuff. LOL.
  10. She is taking Spanish II this year and she's doing Greek history just for fall semester then Roman or World history in the spring. I was hoping more of a read this then answer some study/comprehension questions & write an essay? I'm not sure what I'm doing....feeling pretty overwhelmed right now and feel like quitting & putting them all in school. Jk....kind of.... lol. Thanks for the suggestions.
  11. Hello ADD Moms! What are your curriculum choices for this year?
  12. I think we are missing something...like literature but I have no idea what to do & we can't come to a decision. I work full-time & cannot do discussions with her. 1. Finishing Algebra 1 & starting Geometry. 2. Theology: live online class. 3. Biology with lab: live online class. 4. Punctuation/Grammar, live online, 6 classes then live writing class through December. 5. Ancient History: Greeks. 6. Piano, choir. church cantor. 7. Basketball, Tae Kwon Do.
  13. I let my Homeschool Planet subscription expire because it takes too long for the shortcut on my iphone to load the mobile website & it asks every time for me to log in all the information. I don't have time for that. Homeschool Helper App is great but it is self-contained meaning all the videos & information are on the device only so you cannot enter data from a pc. Any online planners which have both functions? Tia.
  14. This sounds like a pretty good online class but I'm wondering if there are other choices. Thanks.
  15. This looks like a great alternative for aHa Science which was discontinued. Thanks!!
  16. Brain Pop Jr. has many short history videos specifically geared toward young kids.
  17. journey00


    I work full time as an office manager for my family business. To those who have posted: what curriculum do you use? I'm assuming it's not teacher intensive. TIA.
  18. I'm attempting to utilize HSP to be better organized with assignments. But, I am not always home so I need to be able to sync via my iphone. Does HSP have an app or any of the online homeschool planners? Thanks.
  19. Thank you very much for the posts. @raristy: please pm me the info. Thanks. :)
  20. How did you find the tutor? Thanks for answering my post. :)
  21. I really like this also! Along with the 1 subject done once a week, do you also do writing, reading, math, etc?
  22. Has anyone done this successfully? My soon-to-be 10th grader has not finished Algebra and needs to take Geometry in the fall. She understands & can do fractions, percentages, and decimals. She is just a slow worker & I can't help her because I can't remember my college Algebra days. Because she works slowly she needs a little extra push to meet deadlines so I wanted to enroll her in a live online Geometry class but we can't do that until she finishes Algebra. I would like a tutor to look at her work & practice the concepts that she's missing and explain & practice with her. Can this be done via Skype? TIA!
  23. I'm in the same boat as OP so this has been a very helpful thread. Thanks for starting it.
  24. Has anyone used this dvd? It looks very interesting. TIA. :) http://www.memoriapress.com/curriculum/classical-studies/iliad-and-odyssey
  25. Everything I have read says an English credit is 1/2 writing, 1/2 literature with some composition thrown in. Of course, a literature class will still have some writing with it.t Is that 1 semester Lit then next semester writing = 1 English credit? Or both semesters Lit and a writing class? I'm considering an online Bravewriter class: The Boomerang club. Ten months is the equivalent of 1 hs credit of lit while 5 months is 1/2 a credit. I will add a writing class through Homeschool Connections Online. Tia.
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