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Everything posted by journey00

  1. How can my 10th grader get better at public speaking? I know the more you do it, the better you get but she wants some type of speech class to teach her the basics. She was unexpectedly asked to explain something in front of church and fumbled through her words. She wants to get better. No Toastmasters in our area and the local 4H is not into that, they're about livestock. Ty. :)
  2. Oh, I am excited to research all of these. I have not heard of OYAN but looks interesting. Thank you so much, ladies. I really appreciate your posts & I will look into them. :)
  3. Surely, this exists? My 10th grade dd is doing a live class 1x week throught Homeschool Connections Online and it is so boring & uninteresting. At the very least, tolerable? We will be making a change after Christmas. Anybody's teen taken a writing course that they actually enjoyed? TIA.
  4. We are re-thinking everything for 11th grade. DD has not done any accredited classes for high school so she will need to "test out" of classes. How hard is it to test out? She does not want to retake any classes, which I don't blame her. She already takes a long time doing her work so repeating classes would not work for us. Anybody started midway with AS? Tia.
  5. Thanks, Ahasrada. I will look up your previous posts. :)
  6. Time4writing is a separate program from Time4learning.
  7. Nobody has used this program? That kinda concerns me.
  8. Does anyone have any experience with this program? Care to share your experience? Tia.
  9. There's not very many posts about this program. Does anyone have any experience with it? TIA.
  10. My hubby brags to others about homeschooling and completely supports me in every way. But, he has absolutely nothing to do with it. He doesn't help teach anything, nor does he want to talk about any of the curriculum. He completely trusts me & does not question me at all nor does he limit my budget which is a blessing but sometimes I wish he would ask me how the kids are doing, what we use, or just make any input. Once in a while, I will ask him "Do the kids seem like they're doing ok school-wise?" to which he gives a resounding "YES!". He goes to work very early & gets home after dark so I know he's "spent" and ready to rest. BTW: He's a great dad, ya'll. He plays with them & spends time with them.
  11. These are the types of books my dd likes to read. Nothing with sexual stuff, please. Do you have others to add? The Hunger Games. The Book Thief. Maze Runner. The Help (She really enjoyed this one.) Chronicles of Narnia, she just finished reading but wasn't really loving it. Percy Jackson series & another series that followed by the same author. Sold. 12 Years a Slave, I thought would be a good one.
  12. Thank you for the instructions. I can't wait to try it! :)
  13. Question tech savvy mommas & poppas: 1) How do you use Google drive? I would like to keep my high schooler's book list on there. 2) Is there a way to send daily lesson plans or to-do-list to a Kindle? 3) ^^^Same thing for an iphone. 4) Is there an app where a high schooler can log their daily hours of work? She misplaces her paper calendar/schedule but always has her iphone (just like me). Tia
  14. My kids love apps & since my dd will be starting Geometry soon, I thought I would sneak some in. Dragon Box has been great for Algebra & I was wondering if any similar for Geometry. Thanks!
  15. I have read that it's just straight gentle Geometry and proofs do not come until much later in the book. My 10th grade DD hates math & is not stem oriented. She just needs to pass the class with a "B." I know nothing about Geometry so I will not be any help. Is jumping into a program so different as MUS going to be a rough transition? Thanks!!
  16. 6packOffun: My other kids do TT so I'm very familiar with the format & if I get the Geometry & she doesn't like it, it may not be a total waste of $. Lolly: thanks for the very detailed info about the proofs. That really helps because if she does get frustrated & stuck on proofs then I have a rubrics to determine if she's following logically & we can move on. I read somewhere else that was the problem with TT, the student may not have the same proof as the book thus becoming frustrated. But I imagine that's for every curriculum with proofs. I'm going to start a thread about MUS. Thanks again!!
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