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Posts posted by Jaz

  1. Beyond FIAR would be good for your 5th grader!


    My dc loved Easy Simulations Pioneers. It's like an Oregon Trail game I played in school where you face obstacles and make decisions as you ride along the trail. You keep a diary of the adventure. http://www.amazon.com/Easy-Simulations-Information-Skills%C2%97-Understanding/dp/043952220X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1455225542&sr=8-1&keywords=Easy+Simulations+pioneers


    When my ds hit high school, he wasn't interested in unit studies or working with his sister so for 2 years he worked independently or with me. I'm glad I gave him a chance to grow up on his own. This year, I'm combining them again for history, logic, and literary analysis (Windows to the World).


    I have the Easy Simulations American Revolution and Civil War books I plan to use with my dd in high school. I'm also going to have her read through a bunch of the American Adventure series books. I think I have about 30 of them. I realize these are below high school reading level, but I really enjoyed the flow of history when I read them. Plus, they follow a family through generations, which is fun! http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_15?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=american+adventure+series&sprefix=american+advent%2Caps%2C272 She'll study primary sources and documentaries for American history too. I just thought I'd share a way I plan to incorporate a unit study feel to high school.


    ETA: We're all interested in architecture so we may study European architecture next year which I would count as a type of unit study.



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  2. We use an antennae for regular tv.


    We use a Roku box for Amazon to purchase shows and watch free ones on Prime.


    We use the Roku box, pay $20/month for Sling TV, and are very happy with it. It isn't perfect and sometimes glitches a bit, but my dh likes watching sports and my dd and I like HGTV, Food Network, and some of Lifetime (Project Runway). On those 3 channels, we can go back 3 days to watch shows so it works a little like a DVR.



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  3. Thanks, I'm going to try to get one as I'm still using an Iphone 4 and my dh has an old iphone 5 to turn in...


    ETA: They didn't have any in stock anywhere near me so I didn't get the gift card, but the store was able to order one for me so I'm thrilled to get a new phone for $1.

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  4. I had a neighbor next door who claimed they were broke and was constantly in crisis. I bought groceries. My dh gave his expensive golf clubs to her dh. We tried to bless them even though we didn't have any extra money at the time. Later, I found out they owned a home in another state that they were selling and had been consistently contributing monthly to their kids' college funds. Our dc didn't have college funds because we couldn't afford it.


    I felt taken advantage of, so I understand a bit of how you are feeling. But then, I had to remind myself that while we had less financial resources, I felt blessed. I'd rather have my life of contentment than hers of crisis.

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