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Posts posted by Jaz

  1. Our a/c died last year then our sewer line needed to be replaced this spring. We just took out a HELOC to pay for them because we had to put those big ticket items on credit cards. We're very happy with our HELOC.


    We've gained over $80,000 of equity in our home in the five years we've lived here as we bought at the low. We refinanced a couple of years ago to a 15 year mortgage so we were in the reverse situation of what you're considering.


    If you can refi now and take the money out, I'd probably do it that way so you can lock in a low interest rate.

  2. We're going to see Jurassic World with my parents in the morning, then heading out to lunch. We'll swim in the afternoon and grill steaks for dinner. :)


    I already gave my dh his gift. Holiday Inn Express pillows, both a soft and firm. We loved the pillows when we stayed there recently. He travels for work and hasn't found nicer pillows. I hope he likes them!

  3. I have changed my mind about the purity culture too and I'm glad I did before my dc were teens. I support dating at an older age (college) and waiting for sex before marriage, but those are my views that I'll encourage my dc to think about.


    Please consider a little stronger warning about the video as she talked about the abuse of a very little girl.

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  4. I guess this is a spin-off question but I am struggling with how to afford the extra-curriculars. It seems like a lot just to pay for flag football every year, and that is under $200 for both of mine.  We don't do piano lessons outside the home yet because of cost, and I would love to join the Y but we don't have the money. Unfortunately I don't think we will qualify for financial aid.


    So for all of you posting that you are spending over $3K per year on stuff--do you work to pay for that, or is it all coming out of your dh's income? I have thought about a part time job to pay for things, but then that means I will have less time to drive kids around, etc. 


    We live on my dh's income and spend a little over $3K a year which includes traveling as a family to speech competitions.


    At your dc ages, we didn't spend much on extracurriculars. We used homeschool karate on DVD, easy teach yourself piano with a keyboard, homeschool art on DVD, Community Bible Study, VBS, and groups that were free. Your dc can learn quite a bit and gain skills inexpensively at home. I also kept a look out for deals. My dc had 6 free ice skating lessons. My dd waited several years for a deal on horseback riding lessons with friends.


    Here's what we'll spend this year:


    Competitive speech and traveling: $2000

    Touring theater group: $150

    Church camp: $500

    Gym membership: $500


  5. My ds has had 2 very different high school years. For 9th grade, he had a very rigorous study load including things he really didn't want to do such as an online Spanish class and piano lessons. He worked until about 4-4:30 each day including going to the gym 3x a week for exercise in the mornings.


    For 10th grade, I pulled way back, listened to what he wanted to study and created a much better year for both of us. My ds has never liked Spanish or other languages. He's interested in computer programming. He'll start at the community college and transfer to a college that considers programming a language. Instead of the online Spanish class, I found an in-person class which was much less stress for my ds and I let him finish after one semester.


    We compromised about music. My ds was able to stop piano lessons in exchange for self-teaching guitar from youtube. He discovered he likes guitar. I found Excellence in Literature and let him choose which books he wanted to read. When he didn't really enjoy his chemistry textbook, I found great ideas for "real" books here and cut back his textbook requirement to 60% (what was required when I was teaching through an online school).


    I let him sleep in and that helped tremendously! The only things he did out of the house this year were one semester of Spanish class, working out, a computer programming class on Sunday mornings, and youth group at church on Wednesdays. He did school until about 2-3pm then hung out with friends online or in person. He had a lot of down time and I'm glad we did it that way. He has his permit now and is talking about getting a job next summer. I see so much growth and maturity. I'm glad we didn't rush it or push him too hard.


    For junior year, we're ramping up a bit. He's ready for more difficult school work and a busier schedule. He'll be taking an in-person Physics class along with competitive speech. He'll be volunteering in the tech area of the library and playing in the youth worship band at church. These activities along with our regular school work will make for a full year for him.


    Good luck with your planning!

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