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Posts posted by Jaz

  1. My 14 yo has a natural wake up time of about 9:30-10:00, but we have agreed that starting next week he will be setting his alarm and getting school work started by 8:30. He has made this decision because he doesn't want to be working on school past 3:30 or so in the afternoon. He feels very demoralized when he feels that he has no escape from school in the afternoon.


    We also start school at 8:30 so my dc can have an afternoon break.

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  2. It's really pretty simple. You pick your data size (we went to 6GB for $60, since dh doesn't even use his anymore) and then any new or out-of-contract lines will be an additional $20 each.  Any lines currently under contract will be an additional $40/mo.




    For us, that's $60 + $20 for my expired contract line + $40 for dh's under contract line + $40 for the girls' shared under contract line.  $160/mo (plus taxes and insurance on the girls' phone) vs. the $200 we paid last month, vs. the original $240 we were paying before that.


    Of course, my phone is so old I'm about to enter their month to month phone plan, which will be another $20-something.


    Once our contracts die, we'll be down to $120 for service, vs. $240.  Over 2 years, that will save us almost $3,000.  Plenty of money to buy whatever fancy or crummy phones we might want and then some.


    Ah, thanks. We have 4.5GB/month of data for a year and pay a little less right now, so we'll probably stick with what we have until I need another phone.

  3. Blah. We switched today, saving about $40/mo., which is nice except that it would be $80/mo less if two of our phones weren't still under contract. Thousands of dollars over more than a decade and we can't get the break everyone else will.  :cursing:


    Anyone remember when loyal customers were treated like... loyal customers?


    I was wondering about that. My dh travels for work and has to use Verizon. He recently upgraded his phone. Ugh! Should we go in to see if mine is cheaper? I can't figure it out from the charts...

  4. I'd recommend you go with Psychology since it's a current interest and could help with understanding your younger dd.


    How about a free course through futurelearn.com or coursera.org? My dd just finished Start Writing Fiction through Future Learn and really enjoyed it. We both learned a lot! She's going to take The Science of Medicines starting next week as she's interested in pharmacy: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/the-science-of-medicines









    I've heard good things about North Star Geography: https://www.brightideaspress.com/shop/north-star-geography/

    It's from a Christian perspective.


    Could you use one of the high school levels of Learning Language Arts Through Literature? http://www.commonsensepress.com/gold.htm


    We use The Phonetic Zoo for spelling here.




    • Like 2
  5. How many of you have actually gotten to the sentimental part -- photos/scrapbook/paper trip mementos?


    My house is decluttered and staged.  I got rid of SO MUCH by asking "Do I want to unpack this?" before I read the book.  Now I'm bored and contemplating opening my 3 unorganized plastic bins that all contain photos/scrapbook/paper trip mementos.  When we were cleaning & decluttering, I just said I'll deal with those after we move.  But now I seem to have time (nothing to clean, no school going on) in large chunks between getting everyone and the dog out of the house for a showing.  I could start on those bins.  In a controlled way!


    But I'm afraid nothing will spark joy and yet I'll just keep it...because it is a physical photo.  I don't have any new physical photos since...oh, I don't know 7-8 years??  And the years since then are on 2 defunct Apple computers that we haven't attempted to get the photos off of yet.


    Just thinking out loud here...


    I've gotten to that part. It hasn't been too difficult for me as both sets of in-laws are still living. I can deal with my own photos and paper. Another whole life of photos, I'd have to work through. I used to print off articles I found interesting (before Evernote). I pitched all of those. I also printed off newsy emails. I kept those in file folders by date. My dc may be interested in reading through them someday to see a glimpse of our lives and the files don't take up much room.


    My problem with photos is I wanted a way to see them in a timeline similar to Facebook but I'm not on Facebook. Luckily, Shutterfly, where I purchase my photos (and who purchased Kodak where I had a bunch of photos stored) has a new app, This Life. I transferred all my photos there and now I have my timeline. :)


    I know that some tech experts recommend printing photos as they think the new generation will regret not having pictures. I go back and forth about it. I have scrapbooks from when the kids were little. I have some photo boxes. Do I want more boxes of photos? Now that I have my timeline online, I don't think so!


    As far as your situation, I don't think 3 bins is too many. Can you condense them into 2 bins by date? Sounds like you've made great progress!

    • Like 1
  6. My dh has always been a fainter. I think it's genetic. He had shots to go to Haiti a couple of years ago. When they shots were finished, he said, "that was fine" and promptly started to faint from a seated position. My ds is the same way. We just insist he lay down or stay seated and drink juice.

  7. If it causes an negative emotional response when you think of the cards, then I think you should cancel them. We canceled two of ours recently so I can't speak to the FICO hit, but I can tell you how freeing it is to have them out of our house. We kept our oldest card.

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  8. Anyway: I hang almost everything.  This is wrong according to MK.  The reason I do it is that when I get up in the morning I don't think, 'I'll wear a blouse today.'  Instead, I stand in my walk-in wardrobe and decide what to wear, whilst looking at the shirts and t-shirts hanging up together.  I could end up with one or the other, but I don't know until I'm standing there (rather than walking backwards and forwards between wardrobe and chest of drawers).


    Any thoughts?  


    I hang almost everything too. Like you, I want to see the clothes I own. Plus, I don't like my shirts to have wrinkles, and I don't iron. I was able to sort by "sparks joy" and hang by color and category to give me some organization. All pink t-shirts together, 3/4 sleeve shirts together, etc.


    Don't change something if it works well for you!

    • Like 2
  9. I've enjoyed following this thread. I went through my clothes and shoes when we last spoke about the method. Looking at a more spacious-feeling closet has helped me "see" what I really need, such as a cute black short-sleeve shirt to wear with some sweaters this fall which I found on clearance recently. My dh followed me and went through all of his clothing at the same time.


    This time, I flew through my jewelry, nightstand and pantry. I have a craft/tool closet left to go through. The rest of my house already has everything in it's place. :)


    Both kids jumped on board and worked on their bedrooms today. From their rooms came 7 bags of donations, 4 bins of keepsake toys for the shed, 2 huge bags of garbage, a full recycle bin, clothes for 2 different friends, and a box to go to the grandparents' house.


    I still haven't read the book. I'm number 8 at my library and a friend has one she can loan me when she's back in town in a couple of weeks. I'm curious to see if there's more work to do at that time.

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