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Status Updates posted by melbotoast

  1. Today's toddler antics: Cracking eggs on the kitchen floor. I'm estimating 9.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ForeverFamily


      Oh dear. If it makes you feel better mine dumped a pack of fruit punch mix on the ground yesterday. The puppy decided to help. My son had red hands and the puppy red paws. :-)

    3. mom2att


      I had one that did this regularly. Our fridge had a lock for awhile.

    4. melbotoast


      I've started looking at refrigerator locks. This isn't the first food incident :P Thanks for the salt tip!

  2. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Rainbow Resource Christmas catalog is here!

    1. Tenaj


      Ours came on Thursday and the cover is already threatening come off because it's been thumbed through so often.

    2. RootAnn


      I may have to hide mine. It usually disappears into the boys' room never to be seen again!

  3. "Mom, can I do more math?"

  4. 11:30 AM and I am declaring the first day of school done! I'm exhausted.

  5. Another one bites the dust! I'm starting a bullet journal :)

  6. I cannot decide on a cursive program!

  7. Just watched Star Wars V with DS8 for the first time. His jaw dropped at the big reveal :)

  8. Laundry mantra: A load a day keeps the mountain away.

  9. I have a crawler! Knew it was coming but I'm not ready for this...

  10. Just realized DD4 & DS7 are using an incorrect pencil grip! Argh!

  11. Searching through Google works so much better!

  12. What to add to my RR order?

  13. Downside to buying curriculum in advance: I can't find it anywhere!

  14. Researching science curriculum. Again.

  15. We're having a baby girl!

  16. Walked over to our neighborhood pool only to discover that it is closed due to fecal contamination. Awesome. It's 100 degrees outside.

    1. bethben


      We've had an "outbreak" of kids throwing up into the pool thus closing it for periods of time. It makes me never want to swim in a public pool again.



    2. Momof3littles


      My kids pick up a stomach bug at the start of every pool season it seems. I'm scared to go back :/ My DD just threw up the other day at home and I fear the next kid will do it in the pool. My pool has tight rules and lots of testing, but it doesn't seem to matter.

    3. melbotoast


      Wow, I am feeling lucky that my kids haven't ever gotten sick! Better to be hot!

  17. I mopped! (Yes, that's an accomplishment.)

    1. Momof3littles


      Me too! A task I generally loathe. Way to go, us!

    2. melbotoast
    3. PinkyandtheBrains.


      I don't think I recall how to mop...good for you!!

  18. Homeschool Share took down their FIAR resources. Waaah!

  19. DS, while eating crackers: My throat hurts really bad when I eat, but if I don't eat I'll die :D

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Funny! But I'm sorry he's sick!

  20. Feeling better today...I think the neti pot works!

  21. I caught DD's cold :P

  22. Today I tried to bake pound cake. It fell in the middle, but at least my apartment is getting warmer :)

    1. Monarch Room

      Monarch Room

      You should try Paul's Deen's recipe. To die for :)

  23. I've been giving out lots of random likes recently...you may thank my thumb :)

  24. Pink oranges are delicious :)

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