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Everything posted by Love2Smile

  1. Cover Girl! Bare Essentuals makes my face too greasy
  2. I am one of those who quit homeschooling. I made the decision a week ago. My daughters are in 11th and 8th grade. Different season in our lives now. They are SO happy to be in public school though. I wish I had my older one start public school in 9th. She has missed out on so many experiences. We NEVER knew a single other homeschooler ever in our area, so we have always been on our own. That is one of the reasons I put them back into school. They were too isolated and lonely. I have such a good outlook on it. I AM happy too for the first time in a few years. I know this sounds selfish, but I have my life back, my kids are happy and it's the best thing for us now.
  3. Re: Highschool football players...why oh why do they still work out in the extreme heat after deaths each year? So glad I don't have a son who plays football, i'd literally put my foot down. This is something that can be avoided dont you think???
  4. Thanks for this...I am married to a man who has made his life long career (30 years) as a "cop" now a Captain for a major Police Dept. I have learned to ignore these types of posts But sometimes it is still unsettling that people think LEO's are supposed to be "perfect". Should I complain about the nasty plumber I had last week...no I don't think so
  5. Yeah I have no idea 4wildberries what that "shot" was supposed to mean. In fact I PM's her so she could explain, but have heard nothing yet... Strange
  6. I just saw the sig. Looks like you need some real, professional help.
  7. Oh my...no words of advice because I honestly don't know what to say, but I hope you find some professional help for him. Is he only 6??
  8. My feelings is that this is between mom and daughter. Why on earth should a dad have to be involved with this??? Is "dad" gonna be there when you teach her how to use tampons??? I never even "thought" of "asking" my dh if my 3rd grader could shave her very hairy Italian/Spanish legs. But I guess our marriage is just like that. He trusts me to deal with the "women" issues. He does not want to be involved with those issues. Isn't that what moms are for? to teach and guide our daughters?
  9. Totally agree! My dd was shaving in 3rd grade due to "hairy issues":iagree:
  10. My 11th grader will be using: Easy Grammar Ulitmate Vocab from Classical Roots Light Lit Jensen's Format Writing
  11. Saxon took us up to two hours a day. Math should just NOT take that long. We have said goodbye to Saxon and are now using MUS, and happy as can be. I am sorry, but many people either love or hate Saxon. It is NOT the best for everyone and like I said, why should math take up half your day, dump it for something else and move on!
  12. Thanks for this. I think at this point since I have WS 10, I will use it this year for it.
  13. Please help me decide one of these. My dd, 16 is the very creative type. I'm not sure if she'd like Jensen's since it is so structured but it is on my list. She loves to write creative stories and like I said doesn't do too well with overly structured programs. I have: WriteSource Handbook 10 Jensen's Format Writing and I am considering: Elegant Essay Which one of these to you like for this type of teenager? I have not seen EE, but it looks more her style. Please help
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