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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. I started the new points plus plan and am losing weight faster than last time I did WW 2 years ago. I am stunned because I went through menopause and was certain it was going to take more time and effort.


    I go to morning meetings so I am not sure when to stop eating. I track the difference between WW scale and mine, and sometimes there is a pound difference just depending on the type of breakfast I eat before the meeting. I imagine by the end of the day there could be a several pound difference. I also notice then when I eat processed food my weight can go up 2-3 pounds overnight from water retention.


    Don't dispare. Go to the meeting, weigh in and keep trying. Weight loss is a journey of self discovery. You will find what works for you and you have the weekly weigh in to keep you accountable.


    P.S. I did have to cut back on fruit to speed up my weight loss. I was eating 6 pieces of "free" fruit a day and am now down to 3. I started the week after Christmas and have lost 13 pounds sticking with my daily points + unlimted veggies and 3 pieces of fruit.

  2. We did that a few years ago. For my oldest all three quotes came within $100. For my youngest there was an $800 difference for the exact same procedure. Yikes!


    The other benefit of getting multiple quotes is that you will be exposed to mulitple treatment methods. My oldest needed additional work and two of the ortho agreed on same procedure. The third, who came highly recommended, suggested something that didn't sound right to me. We ended up going to a different ortho, and I am glad we got three quotes to put my mind at ease.

  3. Ideally, I would cook them in the crock pot, but I did not know if they would cook that way, I can always just throw a lunch portion in a pot for me, the chicken is cooked, just needs reheating.


    For me, there is no lunch option :) I am craving Dumplings for breakfast actually ;)


    I've made chicken and dumplings in the crock pot. The recipe I used had the chicken part cook for 5 hours, and then the dumplings were added during the last 30 minutes of cooking.

  4. I switched to coconut oil for sautees.


    I also started using whole wheat blend pasta and brown rice. It took my family a few months to get used to the switch, but it was worth it.


    I try to bulk up my meals with veggies. I add grated carrots and zuchinni to everything - spaghetti sauce, casseroles, baked goods, pancakes (peel the zuchinni so they don't see the green part). I also bulk up my lunch and dinner with homemade veggie soup, broccoli slaw or a salad. For diet coleslaw dressing I use 1 T Marie Calendar and 2 T Walden Farms FF coleslaw dressing. My family doesn't even notice the differnce and it saves alot of calories.


    We got rid of fruit juices and added more fruit to our diet.

  5. ETA: I forgot to address the exercising thing. Right now, my dh is working out of town through the week and I can't really do the gym-thing. My only option right now is exercise videos, which I HATE. So I need to work on this, because while I believe that weight loss is more what you eat than exercise, I do know that in the past exercise has helped me to feel so much better and has helped me to eat right.


    One thing that really helped my was to buy a pedometer and try for 10,000 steps per day. I am numbers person and it really helped my to get up and move. I started parking far away from the store, walking up and down stairs and taking my children on longer nature walks just to make my goal.


    I also wanted to add that I attend Weight Watcher meetings and quite a few people rave about the WW app on their iPhones. If you have an iPhone you might want to check that out. I think it has a trakcing feature, WW points calculator for eating out, and even a feature where you can scan the bar codes of food as you grocery shop to get WW points. Something like that.

  6. I love Pinterest, and I don't even have an account. LOL!


    Stair baskets - wish I had thought of this years ago. I can't find the original blog, but here is a repin, (3rd pic down):




    Pencil holders - no link, but modge podge scrapbook paper to tin cans. I make several for our den to hold colored pencils, highlights and expo makers.


    Painted laminate bathroom cabinets - I didn't know you could paint laminate cabinets. They came out fabulous.




    Bathroom mirror frame - Not the original link, but we framed the mirrors in our master bath. I painted them Betty Ross Brown by Valspar to match the cabinets.




    Floating shelves - I don't have a link for our current project, but my dh made floating shelves for our water closet in the master bathroom. They go wall to wall over the toilet.

  7. I make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. You can free-hand them or make round pancakes and cut them with a cookie cutter. Do not put a plastic cookie cutter on your fry pan thinking you can fill it with batter. It will melt the cookie cutter - duh!


    When we homeschooled my children would make Valentines cookies for neighbors and friends. I used a regular sugar cookie recipes with a little peppermint extract to replace vanilla in the dough and frosting.


    Some years we make a decorate a heart shaped cake. Bake cake in one square and one round cake pan. Remove the square cake from the pan and put on a plate with one point facing down, (like a diamond). Cut the round cake in half and place each half against one upper side of the diamond to make a heart. I let the kids frost and decorate.


    Another favorite Valentine dessert is baked fudge:





  8. Here is my disinfectant spary recipe: 15oz distilled water, 1oz liquid soap, (I use Dr. Bonners or Meyer all purpose) and 1/4 tsp tea treee oil. Shake to mix in spray bottle.


    I have no idea if it really works but it is what I use in the bathrooms and once a week on kitchen counters. I also keep Clorox wipes on hand to wipe down door knobs/phone in the event that of my children gets sick.


    I just found a glass cleaner recipe that I love. My dd cleaned her bathroom last week and told me that her mirror has never looked so good. LOL! It has rubbing alcohol so probably not for younger children. Glass cleaner: 2 c water, 1 T cornstarch, 1/4 C vinegar, 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol. Shake in spray bottle before use due to cornstarch. (I warmed the water and then added the cornstarch to help it disolve.

  9. I am also 5'11". Last September I weighed 168. I am now down to 153. It has been a slow process. I joined myfitnesspal.com and keep track of everything I eat. I also keep track of exercise on the site. It is the only way I have been successful. I had no idea the actual amount of calories in the food I was eating everyday.


    :iagree: I got down to my fight weight by tracking. I did WW and used their manual tracking guide. Tracking really helped me with portion control and choosing nutritional dense food.


    The other thing that made a difference was to weigh my lean meats and casserole type meals. I am so bad at estimating and when I weighed my food there was no quesition of how many WW points I ate.

  10. I would check them out of the library first. I liked Sneaky Chef for the nutrition information. I still use her flour blend suggestion, (1/3 ww, 1/3 reg flour and 13/3 wheat germ) in baking.


    I haven't tried Deceptively Delicious.


    If you decide to try the puree veggies, it was easier for me to make a large batch and freeze them in cupcake tins. Once they were frozen I transfered to a ziploc bag. Each cupcake size portion made 1/2 cup. I added them to everything: casseroles, spaghetti sauce, pancakes, baking. So easy when they are ready to go. I used the califlower/zuchinni and sweet potato/carrot blends the most.


    Tip: I peeled the zuchinni at first so my children didn't see green stuff in their pancakes.

  11. Wow, you must be so excited! Here's my 2 cents:


    The sleeper-sofa is a great idea. Snuggle time during read-alouds is the best part of homeschooling.


    We prefer 1 large folding table to several desks. As a bonus it can be brought down for Thanksgiving and other large dinner parties.


    I use our laptop instead of a TV in the school room. The laptop is already there and it can be used for online programs like Veritas, etc.


    I prefer white boards to chalk boards, specifically because I need a wide variety of marker colors when teaching place value in long division etc.


    My favorite classroom color is a buttery yellow. It is bright and cheerful, but not overwhelming. I also try to keep the Stuff-Hanging-On-The-Wall to a bare minimum. Our room gets cluttered enough with normal use. Extra stuff just makes it look messy.


    Don't forget sturdy bookshelves. Even though you will have a separate library, you will still have materials you will use every day. My favorite shelves have cabinet doors on the bottom to hide art supplies, science materials, etc.


    :iagree: I would add a photocopier. Wireless is so helpful with laptops.


    Store school supplies on the table top so your children don't have to get up and down all day. I used a cleaning caddy filled with pencils, scissors, stapler, hole punch, and tape.


    Keep extra school supplies in an over the door shoe pocket organizer, like this:




    My children had trouble focusing on their school work when that sat at a table all together so I ended up making partitions out of a tri-fold presentation board. I cut them in half which was the perfect height and let them decorate them. The best part was that the boards fold and store easily. Eventually, my children ended hs in separate rooms. I drove them crazy when I was talking and explaining things to one of them while the other two were trying to study. In those year I stayed at the table with my youngest on the other two had designated spots in another room.


    Congrats on your new house. Enjoy the journey!

  12. And I wanted to add - did you find it helpful in putting together your own wardrobe? I feel like I really need to spend some time and money on a wardrobe update after this baby arrives - when I look nice, I feel nice and I act nicer. But left on my own, I am rather clueless.


    If you have other suggestions, please share!


    Do you have Netflix? I rented a DVD called What Not to Wear, which were TV show episodes. I learned so much from watching that DVD. They also have some full episodes on Youtube that are interesting. I think there are two TV shows with that name, one in Europe and one in the states. I watched the one filmed in the states.


    They also have a book with the same name that I got at my library, but I like the TV episodes much better.


    Have fun shopping.

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