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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Not quite sure if I remember this correctly, but when I was living in CA I met someone that worked at Altadena dairy. They said they had so many lawsuits over raw milk that they had to stop selling it. I think the issue was that since it is unpasturized there is potential for bacteria contamination.

  2. you can freeze them in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Once they're all frozen, you can put them in a freezer bag. They make really good snacks just by themselves, kinda like frozen grapes. My kids love eating frozen blueberries.


    :iagree: I freeze them and use them in smoothies and baking.


    My children loved them in baked oatmeal.

  3. We have a little craft area with the following: thin markers, thick markers, crayons, colored pencils, water colors, face paint, modge podge with small foam brushes, scrapbook paper, construction paper, felt and foam, stickers, foam stickers, various size google eyes - my kids love these, pipe cleaners, white card stock cut in half and folded ready to make note cards, 4 3/8" X 5 3/4 envelopes for note cards - get these at Walmart, and of course, glue, glue sticks, tape and scissors.


    Have fun!

  4. Ok, she finally called at 10:35 and said she will be here at 10:45 and that she got held up by her mother calling her. Then she laughed so it didn't sound like it was an emergency.


    Wouldn't someone with a professional job be on time or nearly on time and not held up by a relatives phone call?


    When I worked, I could not be late, ever. The only time in 17 years that I was late was when I was in a car accident on the way to work. Phone call or no, I had to go!


    That is not a good sign. Our favorite realtors were very professional. We interviewed several though.

  5. I love the Rubbermaid Chug bottle which I bought at the grocery store. I take water in the car and the finger loop makes it so handy to carry, especially when your hands are full. It also fits perfect in my water carrier on my bike.




    I also have a metal water bottle but I can't see how much water in left so I don't drink as much during the day. Also I know this sounds weird, but when I work out I like to slightly squeeze the plastic to make it woosh when I drink. The metal bottles and hard plastic bottles were driving me nuts because they don't woosh. LOL!

  6. When my SIL calls, I never give her an answer - she won't hear it anyway! I simply tell her that I'll talk with my hubby and he'll get back to her. She hears what hubby says (it's her brother). This way, I don't get sucked into drama and she still feels that she has to respect him, I on the other hand am just the crazy, loud mouth, opinionated, always wrong sister-in-law who can do nothing right when talking care of the in-laws who live next door to us.


    Delegate to your husband. It honestly makes your life sooo much easier!


    :iagree: About 12 years ago I stopped making plans with my SIL. Now when she calls I hand the phone to my dh. If he isn't home I tell her that I don't have his calendar in front of me but I will make sure he calls her right back. What a huge relief to not be wrapped up in all that.


    Also for Mother's Day my dh often takes his mom out to eat without us. Just one on one time for his mom and him. She loves it and it saves us a lot of money and saves me from hours of cooking.


    Lastly, let you dh worry about the money when it comes to his family. My SIL/BIL planned brithday parties for their children at restaurants. We each had to pay for our meal plus bring gifts. I really resented that since we were on a tight budget at the time. Now that my nieces and nephews are grown I am so thankful we attended - and somehow we are still debt free.

  7. I have looked at Land's End and see some very nice ones. However, my shopping experience has me somewhat traumatized. Maybe I just won't swim for a while.


    And yeah, it's hard to lose weight when dh buys chips and ice cream, etc. The chips I can avoid but the ice cream I absolutely love.


    Go swimming. It is really great exercise. Don't worry about a perfect swimsuit. Buy something that flatters you and go!


    Also tell your dh that you want to work on your health and ask him to please keep his chips out of sight. For ice cream can you buy your own stash. That way when he has his treat you will have one too. I love Skinny Cow and Weight Watchers brands.


    No excuses. You can do this, and you are going to feel great when you are done.

  8. It doesn't always work well that way, unfortunately. I let the bloggers experiment and then use the fruits of their labor! Coconut flour requires a TON of eggs and liquid as it is essentially pure fiber.


    The blogs I linked to above have lots of great almond and coconut flour recipes :) We really like Honeyville Grain's almond flour. Available from their website or from amazon.


    eta: I don't use any white flour or whole wheat flour. Just recipes that require straight coconut and or almond flour.


    That make sense. Thanks!


    I bought some almond flour in bulk from Sprouts. I was using just a little in my baking 1/4 to 1/2 cup to replace the white flour. Love the taste and texture. I haven't been able to find coconut flour local.


    Will check out your links.



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