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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Agree.


    Do you use coconut and almond flour, OP? They are great options for those needing to lower carb consumption.


    Do you replace all the flour with almond flour or a portion? Say you wanted to make pancakes that called for 1 1/2 cups flour, would you use 1 1/2 cups almond flour or a portion almond portion white?

  2. :001_smile: Those are my memories. Fans, open windows, porch, shade, ice cream treats, sprinklers, pools, beach etc. I did not have home with AC until I was 26. lol


    I remember on really hot night my mom and dad would drive us to the nearest park. They had a water feature and we would fall asleep on a picnic blanket near the water feature because it was cooler than our house.


    On other nights my mom would wet our top sheet and wring it out. We fell asleep with a damp sheet on us to stay cool.

  3. I like this kale recipe, but I cook in a different order as some of the reviewers suggested.


    Saute garlic and onion. Add kale and a few splashes of water. Cover and steam a few minutes under tender. Add bread crumbs. I also add some salt and few Tblsp of Parmesan cheese. Also I reduce bread crumbs to 1/2 cup.



  4. I don't know what you should do, but I know what I would do.


    I would tell my family that people deserve to die thinking the world was an alright place and that their relatives weren't such a bad mob. I'd tell them if we can be nice enough in Unpleasant Relative's last days, that relative might well be inspired to be re-born a nicer person. :p I'd tell them I didn't care how insincere they were as long as they performed well and if they needed vast quantities of ice cream to sooth their inevitably frazzled nerves after each performance, I'd buy a tub each. Then I would go as often as I could to cook, clean, smile and quietly tell SIL to shut up and eat more bean dip and chocolate biscuits if she harassed me, while I tutored my kids in how to sound sincere while they provide their grandmother with whatever it is she wants to hear. I'd probably make my kids go once now, so it wouldn't be a fear of the unknown holding them back and because she's been asking for them, but after that I'd play it by ear. I think there are times to tell kids to suck it up and times to let them stay away, but I don't suppose you know which times are which until they are happening. When they went, there would definitely be tutoring and ice cream...


    But I certainly wouldn't knock you if you did none of the above. You are not being cold. It would serve some people right if they had bean dip dumped over their head.





    :iagree: You can have your children serve by cleaning, cooking and making cards/letters for her while at her house. You don't have to be in the same room with her to support her and be there for her. Also do you have to engage with SIL? I say a polite hello and hand the phone to my dh when my SIL calls.

  5. Depending on how you carry your babies, maybe a forgiving non-maternity dress will work?


    I think I could have worn this dress mid-way in my pregnancies.


    It is charcoal and would look good with your daughters dress and should look good with the purple brides maids dresses.


    It is floor length, but can be altered to what ever you want.


    Nordstoms ships free/returns free, so if you don't have a Nordstroms in your area, you can order it just to try it on. Nordstroms sells nice clothes that will last a long time. It has great reviews at the website.


    It is a fairly classic style, so after pregnancy you could still wear it.


    Love this! You would still have time to have it shortened, and you can wear it again after your baby is born.


    Congrats on your pregnancy and dd's wedding.

  6. My mom is a type 2 diabetic. She is going through chemo for breast cancer and one of her chemo meds makes her blood sugar levels go up. Her doctor said if it is over 200 during her next chemo treatment she needs to take medication to lower it.


    During her first chemo session it went up to 300 by the end of the day. The next morning she went to water aerobics and is was back down to 150 by the afternoon. Some how exercise is one of the best things you can do for diabetes. I went to her water aerobics class and it was super easy. I was stunned that such easy exercise could be so beneficial.


    My mom also joined a diabetes support group several years ago. They meet twice a month and she has learned so much about managing her illness. She is 84 and in awesome shape since she eats so well and exercises every day.


    So sorry about your Dad. Hope he is better soon.

  7. You can make baby back ribs in a crock pot: (I have tried them both with broiling first and without broiling. Didn't seem to make a difference to me).




    Taco filling: take boneless skinless chicken breast and add salsa. Cook on high 4 hours or low 6-8. Shred and use in tacos.


    Another taco filling:



    Mexican casserole: Brown ground beef or turkey with chopped onion. Drain and mix with large can refried beans, 1 tsp garlic salt and 1/2 c mild red enchilada sauce. Dip corn tortillas in enchilada sauce and layer crock pot with corn tortillas, meat mixture and shredded cheddar cheese. Add another layer with dipped corn tortilla, meat mixture, dipped corn tortilla and shredded cheese. Pour remaining enchilada sauce over the top, (I use large can). Cook on low 4-6 hours until cheese is melted.


    I haven't tried this one yet, but it is on my list to try this summer, Zesty BBQ Chicken:




  8. I'm a little confused about whether this is to take with them while cross-country running. Why lean protein?


    Nuts--protein+ good fat--could range from a handful of almonds, etc. to peanut butter

    Beef jerky if sodium is not an issue and they need it while running

    Hummus or other bean dipfor the veges (combine protein & fiber)

    Bean tortillas with whole wheat tortillas or corn if you're avoiding wheat

    Do they like sardines? they are probably the cheapest form of marine omega 3s

    kefir--get plain and mix it with fruit juice. The flavored kinds have lots of added sugar

    oatmeal or oatbran

    salad--can put any of the protein stuff on it


    This is for them to eat during the day so they have enough energy to run at night - (they train from 6:30-8:30 and eat before and after).


    Thanks for the great suggestions. I forgot about peanut butter and hummus. Love the bean burrito and oatmeal suggestions, too. Thanks!


    I make my own milk kefir with milk grains. My kids cannot stand the taste, even when I only add a tablespoon or two to their smoothies. Go figure!

  9. My children run cross country in the TX heat. They are not doing very good on their nutrition. They are suppose to eat a lean protein and a fiber food every 3 hours.


    My kids are responsible for making their own breakfast, lunch and snacks. So far today my dd has had two bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios and some tofu. My ds had Honey Nut Cheerios and an egg. Not good.


    I need to precook and package some protein and fiber foods for them. Probably cold or microwavable is best. I have some ideas, but would love any other suggestions:


    Lean Protein:

    hard boiled egg


    cooked chicken

    2% milk

    lowfat yogurt

    cheese sticks

    soy cheese




    Fiber Food:



    brown rice


    quiona pasta



    Any runners out there can give me more suggestions??

  10. WEll, sorry to say, but it may very well be that your grocery store does not stock lentils. They are typically on the very bottom or very top shelf next to the dried pinto beans. But here's the deal--I live in a metropolitan area, but our very large Kroger stores stopped carrying lentils a while back. I went on a one year crusade (not kidding here, people) to get the local management and the headquarters in Ohio to let my neighborhood Kroger store carry lentils.


    Most Walmarts will carry the green lentils at about .97 a bag (1 lb.) If you would like red lentils, you will probably need to find them at a Whole Foods type store or at an Indian market.


    Sprouts has the red lentils in the bulk section.

  11. Can you put a bookcase where her dresser is and move her dresser between the closet door and bedroom door?


    My dd has many stuffed animals and this Ikea unit is amazing. You can buy pull out bins that hold 15 stuffed animals each. They come in different colors, but I think the expresso brown would be cute in your dd's room. My dd has the 2 X 4 unit and we added 4 pull out bins, (Drona box in white). She keeps shoes in one and the other three are filled with stuffed animals. She keeps books and mementos in the open cubbies. The top of the unit is covered with her stuffed animals too.




    It might seem a little pricey but they are so versital and well made that she will be able to take it off to college with her and beyond.

  12. We have a fair amount of hs high schoolers in DFW. Here is link to hs prom:




    Classes and bookstore:




    Several co-ops - too many to link.


    They also have lots of hs sports out here, (don't have link but know of students doing hs soccer and basketball).


    We also have dual credit options and with community colleges starting after 10th grade. Here is link to one organization that assists with that:





  13. I have two tattoos. I have a magnolia tree on my back that has three beautiful singing bluebirds (my three daughters) on one branch and a nest with a little blue egg (the baby we lost) on a lower branch. It is beautiful and means the world to me. I have to go one more time for it to be completed. I also have a small swirly abstract tree on my left inner wrist.


    Please post pics when you tattoo is done. I can't wait to see it.


    My niece designed a beautiful tattoo for her left shoulder blade. It includes flowers from the state she was born in. The flower stems have the first letter of her name, her mom's name and her grandma's name in them. I think there are a few other things in the design with special meaning. Wish I had a picture of it.

  14. It just struck me, though. I wear long sleeves all year here. It is so rarely stinking hot. I'm now wondering if art tats are more common in shorts and tanktop and flipflop parts of the US.


    I live in north Texas and spend many summer days at our local water park. I think tatoos are the minority around here, too. I can only think of one close friend that has a tatoo.

  15. FaithManor hit the nail on the head. I was bullied from grade 5 through 9 mainly, though in grade 10 many got physical. My parents are of the belief that bullying makes a stronger person so they sent me back everyday and told me to suck it up. Grade 11 I no longer dealt with bullies but after years of conditioning that I was worthless etc I ended up in a series of abusive relationships. It was at that time that I seriously could have been a kid like those at columbine. I had a person willing to sell me a gun, I had a list of targets etc. Instead I opted to attempt suicide more as a cry for help than an actual death wish. It made things worse. My parents told me in the hospital how selfish I was once back home they had told the school guidance cousellor who told the school/family liason worker (just the person who works as a go between with parents and school, not a social worker or anything like that) she met me at my house about 2 days after my attempt without my parents there. The premise was to talk to me and see what help I needed. Instead she told me I was a b*tch ruining my parents lives. I threw her out and that made things way worse with my parents.


    In the end I barely graduated high school, and I moved out 6 months later. I have battled depression most of my life which I believe is tied back to both the bullying at school and at home. I have never in my life felt loved or protected by my parents. In fact I feel like they threw me to the wolves and never looked back kwim. I have grown up now, no more bullying, but those emotional scars are there for life.


    :grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry.

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