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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. We are in TX with 100+ degree heat. My dd wears these camisoles at home and out running errands. She puts a shirt over them if she is going to a friends house, to church or on an outing. I know its not proper, but it is just so hot here. Seriously, when we are going to run to the library to return a book and the car is 120+ degrees and the outside temp is 103 degrees, I am okay with a cute cami.



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  2. That was pretty accurate. I had a medical procedure last month and my BMI was 21.6 per the paperwork. Just recalculated with your link and came out to 22.1.


    I'm not sure about the ranges though. In Jan. when I started WW, my BMI was 24.5. According to the link that is in the normal weight range, but I felt uncomfortably overweight when I started. Maybe it depends on where you carry your weight because mine was all in my hips/waist. Anyway, I feel so much better after losing 20 lbs.


    I do agree with some of you that the BMI calculation in muscular people will be skewed. It will show them having more fat than they do. I really don't understand the skinny fat comments. BMI is estimating the composition of body fat. If your BMI is under 18 then it indicates that you have low body fat. You still need exercise and may want to be more toned, but you are not in danger from carrying too much fat. Ab fat is really dangerous as it can lead to stroke and heart problems. I think there are many facets when it comes to health. BMI is an important piece, but certainly not the whole picture.

  3. Most running stores, including online, will take those shoes back! So, be sure to call! If they wouldn't, few runners would ever try new shoes bc there is really no way to know for sure until you've run some miles!


    That said, try great socks. Really great running socks. Buy a couple different styles/brands of $15-20 running socks. I almost never blister at all in my best running socks, even 12-20 milers, but two miles in cheap Target socks on a hot day will blister me for sure.


    If socks don't do it, I'd just retire the new shoes to being overpriced kicking around shoes, and buy new shoes. This time, be sure to get them from a running store with a good return policy!


    :iagree: My dd just got a new pair of running shoes from Luke's Locker. They said that if her the new shoes did not help with the shin pain that she is having then to bring them back and to try a different pair. They watched her run in her old shoes and the new ones too.


    I also agree with spending money on good running socks. My dd wears balega socks.


    Lastly, make sure you are tieing your shoes snuggly. You should only be able to get one finger under your lace. Any more than that and they are too loose and your foot will move around.


    ETA - Just read your update. Never mind my post.

  4. First day of school here too. My 10th grader was so stressed out. He has to wear a school uniform with his shirt tucked into his pants and a belt. So stressful!


    My dh actually drove him to Office Max yesterday since all their employees wear shirts tucked and a belt. It is his dream to work there one day so my dh thought it would help. It didn't.

  5. What is the reasoning behind banning Gatorade? I am trying to figure this all out with my son because he is also a runner but fainted from dehydration last week and both dr and coach encouraged me to lift Gatorade ban :-)


    Not sure why the ban, but our CC coach says there are different types of Gatorade. He only recommends Gatorade G2 for recovery because it is lower in sugar, but has electrolytes. My dd doesn't like the taste and prefers Refuel chocolate milk.


    Throughout the day, he has them drinking water, lots of water, like 120oz each day. The amount of water will vary with each athlete, but one test is to check the color of urine. It should be clear to pale yellow. If it is yellow or darker, drink more water during day. If your son doesn't like the taste of water, then I would try Mio drops for flavoring or let him do Gatorade. Just make sure you avoid soda and anything with caffine because that will dehydrate him.


    So sorry about your son. Hope he is feeling better.

  6. Thanks for the feedback.


    Yes, we have someone in mind. I know if we ask her the cost she will way, way undercut herself. Her family has fallen on really hard times so I wanted to make sure she got a fair rate.


    My oldest two are self-sufficient so it would mostly be overseeing my youngest. Waking him up in the morning, encourage him to stay on task with homework, double check homework against online planner and reminding him of his bedtime. My children would get their own breakfast and lunch, but I would need her to heat up premade dinner.


    Morning and afternoon pickup take about 45 minutes. Morning would be dropping off at two schools, no lines, drop and go. Afternoon is picking up from one school, (my youngest two are in carpool) with a big line, 15 minutes wait. No heavy traffic to or from school. After school activites are one per day, about 10 minutes away, no heavy traffic. I was planning to have her use my car if okay with our insurance co.


    Routine would be something like 6:30 wake up; 7:15 leave for school; 8 break; 3 school pick up; 4-6 supervise youngest homework; 6 drive dd to activity; 6:30 heat up dinner; 7 dinner and verify kids made lunches for next day; 8 pu dd; 9 kids go up to bed.


    So based on above does $400 still sound like the right amount? Still seems high to me.

  7. I am pretty sure you can freeze it as well especially if it is shredded.


    :iagree: I freeze shredded zuchinni and add it to casseroles, chilli, and spaghetti sauce to bulk up the fiber content. You can also puree zuchinni and add it to baked goods. Freeze the pureed zuchinni in muffin tins for easy use.

  8. I should add we've had it for a year and it looks/works like the day we got it. Occassionally I spray it with PAM, but really not necessary past the first few times you use use. I love that it "dings" when they are done (makes doing multiple batches easier since I can multi-task).


    A tip is to take them out of the maker and put on a cooling RACK as opposed to a platter or board b/c the steam they still emmit makes them soggier if not on a rack with circulation. I always do the ones to freeze a little less "brown" b/c they will brown more in the toaster. Depending on the density of the mix you use, you may need to quickly defrost in the microwave so that the middle is warm before it gets too brown/crunchy in the toaster. We use a whole wheat recipie that is dense, so it is an issue for us. I don't think it would be so much with regular waffles.


    This is the recipie we use:



    I make a few changes- veg oil vs. canola. I also add oats and cut back the flax seed. I also add a healthy squirt of honey. It isn't necessary, but we like them a little sweeter! :-)


    I used to make them in the kitchenaid, but I've found they turn out better when I do them by hand (just mix in the dry until moist, like you would with a muffin). I think I was overmixing at first, they are so much better now by hand and it is no harder!


    Thank you! Very helpful.

  9. A spa pedicure runs $25-35 at a strip mall type shop and $50+ at a nicer nail salon. I get a professional pedicure 4 times a year and bring my own nail polish. I touch up chips so my pedicure last about 2 months.


    I do my own manicure, mostly because professional ones don't last. I use light pink/beige polish on my finger nails so super easy to redo each week.


    I used to go get a pedicure every 6 weeks to have my rough callous heels worked on. I paid an extra $5 to have them smoothed out. Then someone on these boards mentioned the pediegg. Since I have been using the pediegg a few times a week and don't need an extra work on heels anymore.

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