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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Here's a blog from one homeschooling mom who used the Baby Campbell:





    We purchased a used C & C text at Amazon (5th Edition - $5) that included a CD that helps the student through each chapter. We also purchased the study guide and test bank from Pearson.


    Thank you! Thank you!


    That blog link is exactly what I was looking for. Very helpful.

  2. Just found these Glencoe literature study guides:




    Several of these study guides are for books on the SAT recommended reading list as follows, (numbers on left are ren learn reading level):


    5.6 Lee, Harper ---To Kill a Mockingbird

    6 Remarque, Erich ---All Quiet on the Western Front

    6.6 Twain, Mark ---Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The

    7.3 Orwell, George ---Animal Farm

    7.6 Rostand, Edmond ---Cyrano de Bergerac

    7.9 Brontë, Charlotte ---Jane Eyre

    8 Crane, Stephen ---Red Badge of Courage, The

    8 London, Jack ---Call of the Wild, The

    8.1 Chaucer, Geoffrey ---Canterbury Tales, The

    9 Conrad, Joseph ---Heart of Darkness

    10.5 Kafka, Franz ---Metamorphosis. The

    10.5 Shakespeare ---Hamlet

    11.3 Brontë, Emily ---Wuthering Heights

    11.7 Hawthorne, N. ---Scarlet Letter, The

    12 Austen, Jane ---Pride and Prejudice

    12.4 Shelley, Mary ---Frankenstein


    Hope this helps someone.

  3. Not for high school, but we did use BJU DVD's for 6th grade. I limited the DVD's to 4 core classes because I didn't want hs day to be too long. We also did Bible and history together as a family.


    Pros - curriculum is very well laid out and thorough. My ds referred back to BJU's 6th grade science text a few time for his ps 7th/8th class.

    - work got done because he wasn't waiting for me to teach him.

    - student get timely feedback. Since I wasn't teaching, I had to time to grade his workbook/quizzes daily.

    - Straight forward - the lectures and reading prepare you for the workbooks, the workbook exercises prepare you for the quizzes, the quizzes + studying prepare you for the tests. There were no surprises and if you do the work you will do well on the tests. I also liked that my ds was getting test taking experience.


    Cons - expensive

    - tedious - My ds is coming back to hs next week as a 9th grader. I don't think he could go back to BJU DVD because it is tedious listening to lectures day after day.


    Lastly, we used DVD's which worked out great since we had a portable DVD player. However, you need to track the DVD's since they charge for each individual DVD's which are not returned.


    My friend used the online program. The computer was a huge distraction to her son. He would pretend to be watching the lecture, but flip screens to watch Youtube and game. She had to sit next to him to make sure he watched the lectures.

  4. My ds has decided to finish his freshman year at home this year. He was taking an AP Bio class using Campbell's Biology. I would like to switch to the baby/daddy? Campbell book, Biology: Concepts and Connections.


    I spent last night researching these boards and saw the recommendations for the online videos and labs. Does any one know where I can find a syllabus or lessons plans for the above textbook? ...read these pages, watch this video, do this lab, study these vocab words, take this quiz/test...


    I emailed Anderson from Bozeman Science to see if he had a list that cross referenced his videos to specific chapters in the textbook since his school uses the above book. Will post an update if I hear back from him.

  5. My dd has that bedding and her walls are a light-med yellow color.


    The bedding is pretty bright and busy so we decided to go with a more soothing color rather than loud/bold for the walls.


    I think light pink would be cute, but somewhere around age 9 they out grow light pink walls.


    We are planning to repaint this summer and she has picked out a light blue grey color by Sherwin Williams called Mineral Deposit.



  6. My friend is an flight attendant and has worn the Broadway nails for years with no problems. You just glue them on and they look great. She replaces them one at a time when they fall off.


    Last year my nails got so thin and brittle with menopause. I started using the KISS glue on nails. I loved them. They make your nails look fabulous and last about a week. I had two people ask me where I got my nails done. They look that real.


    I used the EF01 real short version of this one:




    I stopped wearing them during the summer and it took my nails about 6 weeks to grow out and recover from wearing them. You real nails get trashed from filing and also when you remove them.

  7. I put all of the presents under the tree. But, instead of labeling them, I wrap each child's gifts in the same paper. So, dd1 might be in candy canes, dd2 might be in green stripes, etc. That way nobody knows which gifts belong to them, except me.


    Similar - we have three children and assign each child two reindeer names, (dasher, dancer....). We keep the, master list and they have no idea who they are until Christmas morning.

  8. Fewer plastic parts is what makes them more expensive and last longer


    My friend, who does kitchen remodels, mentioned that the faucet manufactured for the box stores are made with plastic parts. She said the faucets manufactured for plumbing supply store are made with brass or stainless steel parts.


    Oue faucet needs replacing and I was thinking about a Kraus faucet like this:



  9. Dollar movie theatre

    Go out to coffee

    Go on a hike

    Bird watching

    Go to library and read magazines



    I made a date night calendar one year for my dh for Christmas and he loved it. It had a pocket on the bottom with gift cards for our outings. I put a Starbucks gift card, card to Sprouts to get picnic items that we used for a summer concert in the park, movie tickets...etc.

  10. Cute idea!


    For California rolls we use sake, rice vinegar, nori sheets, canned crab meat, this hot sauce:




    Also my children have trouble hand wrapping sushi so I bought them one of these from Amazon:




    We use short grained white rice, (fat and round) from the bulk section at Sprouts. I rinse, rinse, rinse per these directions:





  11. TY! Penny's is one place I plan on stopping, so I'll keep an eye out for those or something like them.


    I was just there today and they have some great deals. Also there is a coupon good for tomorrow for extra 15% off, (I got mine in the mail).


    Do you have access to Youtube? Here is a link to a video. Go to 12:33 and they have an example for the top that goes in under the bust to acent your waist.



  12. I would look for trouser jeans in a dark rinse color. Try and find something that goes straight from your hips down, to make your hips look small. Pants that taper at the ankles will make your hips look larger.


    For a top look for something that will show off your great curves. A top that has a band under the bust will hit you in your smaller part and make your waist look tiny.


    Have fun shopping.


    Trouser jeans example:



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