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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. I have three children in charter school that take lunch. The easiest way for me to pack their lunch is to use a formula: protein + grain + fruit + veggie + treat + drink. I use the same lunch bag and ice packs you are taking about. My kids also love to take a hot lunch in a thermos.


    I prep everything the night before while making dinner. The only thing I prep on the weekend are hard boiled eggs, (I do a dozen at a time) and baking a treat, (cut and freeze). All the veggies, fruit and sandwich I prep the night before.


    They have a lot of great lunch box suggestions here:



  2. Yes, I love the morning digest. It has a simple daily *to do* list for the day, a simplified weekly zone list, and then follows with shared testimonials if you want to read them.




    Okay, I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.


    P.S. No fancy cell phone at my house either. I just got texting capabilities last week. LOL!

  3. I sort of follow FlyLady. I have a morning and weekly cleaning routine inspired by her. I also deep clean on the same zone schedule they use, and I read Kelly's missions most weeks.


    Thanks for the TV link. I'll have to watch that when I get time.


    I have never tried the emails since people said they are overwhelming. Now that they have simplified them are they worth getting?

  4. :iagree:


    I have been using Saving Dinner for years, and it's a life-saver! I have the books, subscribed to their weekly mailer in the past, and ended up buying their one-year download.


    A year's worth of menus (in whichever format) literally means a year's worth of dinners, no repeats, for the whole year, including stir-fries, crockpot meals, etc. I also love that there are simple side (usually veggie) suggestions. The grocery list is also already made out for you.


    I used to plan my own weekly meals, spending over an hour digging through my recipe files, making sure we had a variety throughout the week (chicken/meat/fish/vegetarian/soup/casserole/crockpot/etc.), and trying not to repeat too often. Then, once the main dish was chosen, I had to come up with a side veggie! Ack!


    Now, I have a full year's worth of meals printed, slid into page protectors, in a binder. Every week, I just pull out the next week's menus and look it over. I do tweak some dishes to fit our personal tastes, or substitute a favorite recipe for something we don't care for, but the foundation is there. If I'm too busy, I just follow the plan as-is, and figure, if somebody doesn't like a certain meal, they won't have to eat it again for the rest of the year, so who cares!


    I also make notes of my successful tweaks, put stars next to particular favorites, etc., so when the next year rolls around, I don't have to reinvent the wheel.


    There are usually free menus to try on the website, so give it a whirl! It has been a lifesaver in my house!


    I have been using a meal planning service for years. I love having a grocery list sent to me each week and I enjoy trying easy and quick new recipes. For me it is worth the $1 a week.


    I have used savingdinner.com, sixoclcockscramble.com, e-mealz.com. Right now I am using cookingtf.com which was recommended by someone on these boards.

  5. In addition to board games, puzzles are fun. I try to stick to a 300 piece or less so it is not too overwhelming. Target has a great puzzle selection.


    If you are thinking about inviting a few friends over, a pizza decorating contest is fun. Ask your guest to bring an uncooked cheese pizza. Provide different toppings and have a decorating contest. Cook the pizzas one at a time and serve as appetizers.


    I think a movie marathon is a great idea. We did that this year for Christmas and introduced our kids to Gillian's Island. We rented season one through Netfilx.


    Have fun!

  6. I use a menu planning service, (cookingTF.com) and here is their New Year's Eve appetizer plan:


    Rumaki - (water chestnut/ bacon things)

    Pineapple Meatballs

    Garlic Chicken Skewers

    BBQ turkey meatballs

    Cheese and crackers

    Fruit tray

    Veggie tray with bean dip and hummus

    Chocolate chickpea cake

    Chocolate chip nut cookies

    Crock-pot sugared nuts


    Also some of the grocery stores have good deals on seafood right now.


    Crock pot meatballs are easy if you buy the meatballs pre-made in the freezer section. Mix equal parts grape jelley and chili sauce and pour over the meatballs. Yum!


    Happy New Years to you!

  7. and currently, 3 female rats. The kids love them. We did return the first one to her breeder because of biting, but the currents rats have wonderful temperaments.




    We had to return our pet rat to the breeder for biting also. It was a single male, and he bit everyone that held/touched him.


    We have a ferret now that we love - single, female that doesn't bite.

  8. Dd is doing chocolate-covered pretzel sticks (just the tops) with sprinkles for her brothers.


    There are a ton of $5 videos out there--maybe a video "basket" with some nice popcorn, a couple of mugs from the dollar store, and some hot chocolate, and a box or two of candy like you'd buy at the theater? It could be a $10 gift.


    Walmart has a large $5 DVD section right now including older TV series like I Love Lucy. So fun!


    Sometimes you just have to go and fake like you are having a great time.


    Good luck!

  9. Another thought would be to talk with a real estate agent first. When we sold our home we interviewed three real estate agents and part of the interivew was to walk the home and have them tell us what needed fixing and replacing. It really helped us prioritize. I was also surprised that a few things that I thought were a mandatory didn't need to be changed and the house ended up selling without making some of those changes.


    Good luck!

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