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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. My dh's favorite is peach cobbler. You could make them in mini-loaf pans and freeze for later. Blueberry cobbler would be great this time of year too.


    Someone recently posted a link to mini pies that you bake in canning jars. I think the recipe makes 4 at a time and are freezable.




    You could try cookies too - peanute butter, oatmeal or thumb print.

  2. This made me laugh, and then off to check my own doors. Thanks for the reminder, Ferdie!


    10 min: Scrubbed moth poop and hand smudges off front and back doors. Wiped off the porch lights.


    Maybe that was moth poop. Whatever it was, it is gone now.


    Thanks for the back door reminder. Off to check that and straighten/vacuum family room.

  3. I'm making another fondant wedding cake next week.


    Store-bought fondant is HORRID---think playdough with a bit of sugar added (really the recipes are that similar!).


    The Wilton brand is inedible!


    Marshmallow fondant is yummy (if you like marshmallows) and covers cakes beautifully. I flavor mine with vanilla and either almond, citrus or a berry flavor. The cake I'm making next week will be a white velvet cake with raspberry jam (and butter cream) filling. The fondant will have a touch of raspberry flavor--the fondant pearl boarder will have a stronger raspberry flavor (like a candy).


    I made a strawberry filled cake for this brides sister (my nieces) last summer. I had strangers telling me that they wanted any extra 'pearls'--and most of the guests ATE the fondant! (some were afraid due to past experiences...).


    Just google recipes for marshmallow fondant.. basically you use Kraft marshmallows (water and flavorings)--just like you make rice cereal treats--but mix in powdered sugar (important that it is cane not beet sugar) with a mixer and dough hook... then finish off by kneading on the counter...


    I'll be making 4 batches of it to cover the cake... (I only need 3 but I want some extra just in case!).


    Lots of youtube videos on marshmallow fondant too!


    The fondant is similar to pie dough (a bit softer) when applied--also the cake is iced with butter cream BEFORE the fondant is applied. The fondant will actually bind (melt together) with the butter cream... The outer layer is a bit stiff--but the icing is still moist against the cake.


    Very informative. Thanks!

  4. Thanks for the help.


    I do live in very sunny southern CA. However, I don't spend a lot of time outside. I'll change that today! The weather has been uncharacteristically mild and beautiful for July. I think I read that the sun exposure is best for Vit D between 10-3? So, I'll sit in the yard for 20 minutes or so during that time frame.


    I'll do some more reading on the D2 vs. D3. I want to know somewhat what I'm talking about before talking to my dr.


    Any other input is welcome as well!:)


    I live in a sunny climate as well. I just had my annual check up and my Vitimin D levles came back in the normal range. I forgot to ask what that meant and what exactly they checked.


    Anyway, I take Viactiv calcium chews, (at Costco or Walmart) which have 500 IU of Vitamin D3. I take two chews a day and they are so good, chocolate flavor, that I rarely forget to take them. I also drink a glass of milk a day with chai tea. I am out in the sun about 15 minutes a day, usually stopping to talk to a neighbor or on a walk with the dog.


    Something like that may work for you once you get your levels up in the normal range.

  5. I think North Carolina would be wonderful, and it sounds like there is alot to do there.


    I'm not sure if you are into beaches, but since you mentioned CA I thought I would suggest my favorite beach - Carpinteria. I like Carpinteria beach since the waves are low and not too forceful so the kids can play in the waves without too much stress.


    They have a Choice Points Hotel in Santa Barbara which is about 14 minutes away from Carpinteria. The hotel/motels in Santa Barbara are so expensive, but since you have free points for 6 nights it would be perfect. Santa Barbara is beautiful and there is lots to do there as well. They have a great children's zoo - one of my favorite zoos because of the view. You can also rent a 4 person bike and ride along the beach bike path. The weather is always perfect.


    You would need to fly into Burbank, (1 hour drive) or Los Angeles, (about 2 hours drive) airport. Santa Barbara also has an airport but it would probably be pricey. It is usually cheaper to travel Wed. to Wed. I like fly.com to research airfares because they compare all the airlines. For a car you can use Priceline and try the make a bid option which is cheaper than Travelocity or Expedia. I just rented a car in Conn. with Enterpise through Priceline and then got a free upgrade coupon through the Auto Club which they honored.


    Another great CA option would be to fly into San Diego and visit the beach, hike and spend a day at Sea World. I don't know that area that well, but if you search on the boards there have been a few threads about things to do there.


    Lastly, if you are an Auto Club member they will make a free trip ticket for the driving part of your vacation. They include exact driving directions and maps, too.


    Hope you have a great get away.

  6. We have been to the Museum of Science and Nature in Dallas which are two separate buildings included in one fee. They also have an IMAX for a separate fee. I was underwhelmed with both museums, but this was after living in CA and frequenting the wonderful museums in Los Angeles. I loved the IMAX theatre though.


    I heard that the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History are better and have been newly remodeled. Here is the link:




    If you are on a tight budget then the Bureau of Engraving in Fort Worth is free. It doesn't have as many hands-on activities as the museums, but makes for a wonderful outing. The Fort Worth Bureau is one of two places in the nation where they print currency. They have a great video, wonderful tour, informative displays and excellent demonstrations. My kids were fasinated by the spider press where they demonstrate how money was printed in the mid-1800's. They also had a demonstation of how the replace destroyed money-so interesting. You will need reservations in the summer, but it is free. It takes about 4-5 hours to see everything. Here is a link:




    I have also heard great things about the Dallas Aquarium, but we haven't been yet since it is expensive. If money isn't an issue and you want to stay in the Dallas area, (as opposed to Fort Worth) than I think this would be a great option. The Dallas Aquarium is indoors which you want right now due to the heat.



  7. D Magazine has a ranking of the top ten suburbs in Dallas. You have to scroll down 1/2 way to see the rankings:




    ETA - our HOA fees are $350 per year and mostly pay for the open space, (gardener/arborist) in our neighborhood. We also spend $50 each month during the summer for a community center family membership which has a water park, indoor pool, game room, gyms and work out area. It is a life saver in the summer when it is hot, hot, hot.

  8. I think I'd sit down with him and discuss. I'd want pros and cons list and try to figure out what is behind his change of heart. I'd also be clear that you'd spent all the money and that it's very late for him to change his mind.


    :iagree: My Dad taught me how to make a pro and con list for decision making when I was in high school. It was such a helpful tool and I have used it many times in business and in my personal life.


    I would use this as a teachable moment. Go through the process of preparing a pro/con list and help your son make a final decision. Tell him whatever he decides is final and will be a one year commitment.


    If your son knew you where buying curriculum based on his decision then I would have him help you resell it and pay off any loss. If he didn't then I would resell and cut the loss.


    Good luck!

  9. I will look at Fiesta dishes. Is there a place to get them that is much better on pricing than others? Or other options? I want lead free and no plastic.


    Fiesta dishes are available online at zestydishes.com and megachina.com. If you have a Kohls near you can get a place setting for $19 right now if you can find a 30% off coupon, (sale price is $26.99).


    Also if you are not picky about the color Dillards is selling the cinnabar, (maroon) color Fiestaware for $12 a setting. I just received my order today. Shipping for three place settings, java mugs and sugar/creamer was $8. It came in about 3 days.




    ETA - I know you don't want plastic dishes, but I bought some melamine dishes at Target for my kids. We obviously don't microwave in them, but they use them cold food like cereal and sandwiches.



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