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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. How interesting and so true.


    For homeschool I use BJU DVD's. All the planning is done for me. My job is to set up a stimulating homeschool work area, encourage my kids to do their best, review their work on a daily basis and help out when needed.


    For cooking I use e-mealz.com. All the menu planning and grocery list making is done for me. My job is to prepare a home cooked meal, encourage my kids to try new food, watch them do dishes and help out when needed.


    What does all this mean???

  2. Can you get them out of the house for a while? My ds just had an at home birthday party and we did a photo scavenger hunt. They had a list of pictures to take around the neighborhood and the team that found the most pics on the list won a candy bar. We used disposable cameras, and had the pics developed during the party. They kids loved the game and took the pics home as a souvenier. My neighbor went with one team and I went with the other to supervise.


    Interesting that you should mention that your house is dark. They also played flashlight tag for an hour, (outside though). I found flashlights at Walmart, ($3 for a 2 pack with batteries!). They kept the flashlights as a party gift too.


    The boys just want to get together and have fun. They really don't care what your house looks like and your son is going to feel so honored.


    I know it will all work out.

  3. Have y'all ever tried green smoothies? You can't get a better breakfast (a couple portions of fruit and veggies in one cup!). He may need some nuts or cereal or toast/crackers on the side.


    Most important would be water though.


    :iagree: I think spinach is the most mild of the greens. My kids like smoothies with 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup water, 3 cups baby spinach leaves. Blend. Then add 1/2 frozen banana and a few frozen strawberries. You could also add a scoop of protein powder if you think he needs more protein.


    Great suggestion, Pamela.

  4. I sweeten oatmeal with Stevia - 0 calories.


    I love to add cinnamon and ground flax seed in my oatmeal. My other favorite is to cook the oatmeal and then add chopped apple after cooking and let it sit a few minutes for the apple to soften. Yum!


    My kids like their oatmeal with either raisins/cinnamon or 1 tsp peanut butter, (tastes like a peanut butter cookie). Frozen blueberries or fresh strawberries are great too.


    Another great diet breakfast is egg whites. I stir fry green onion, bell pepper and spinach. Then add 1/2 cup egg whites. About 70 calories. On splurge morning I love to add turkey bacon, a slice of 2% swiss cheese or put the scrambled eggs in a sandwich thin, (the round bread in the deli section). Any of the above add-ins will add about 100 calories.



  5. My son's charter middle school uses it. They had a retreat at the beginning of the year to present the 7 habits and then they discuss application once a week.


    I'm not sure what my son thinks about it - he is out for the evening. However, he frequently talks about being proactive, working with the end in mind and synergizing. I like the program because it has a lot of application and practical uses. I haven't seen the book or workbook though.

  6. Here is the recipe I use. The first time I made this I ate the entire head of cooked bok choy while waiting for the rest of the dinnner to finish cooking. So good!


    Stir Fry Bok Choy


    1 bunch bok choy

    1 1/2 Tbl olive oil

    2 slices ginger, (or use 1/2 tsp dried ginger)

    2 Tbl soy sauce

    1 tsp sugar

    1/4 tsp salt

    sesame oil, few drops



    Wash bok choy. Cut the stalks diagonally and cut leaves across.


    Heat wok or fry pan. Add olive oil. When oil is hot add ginger and stir fry for 30 seconds to release the aroma. Add bok choy stalks stir fry until stalks start to soften, (approx 3-5 min.) then add leaves. Add soy sauce, sugar and salt. Stir fry on high for a minute. Add splash of water and simmer 2 mintues. Stir in a few drops of sesame oil. Serve.


    ETA - when I use dried ginger I add to the end with the salt.

  7. When I met my dh I was working full time. I kept a mug in the office for my morning coffee - white with a green grid pattern. My dh was a grad student and the first time I went to his apartment I discovered he had the exact same mug - same design, manufacturer, everything. We were both living in Los Angeles, 30 miles apart. There must have been 1,000 different mugs in the stores of LA, but we chose the exact same one. Weird!


    We have been married 25 years and still have the mugs.

  8. I wouldn't lower your calories any further because your body will go into starvation mode and you will start burning muscle instead of fat. Also you need fuel to get through the day and work outs.


    Here are a few ideas.

    -Try upping your water intake to 8+ glasses a day. Your metabolism will increase to heat the water.

    -Try switching to low-glycemic carbs like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grains for a few weeks. Skip the white stuff, (rice and flour). Also when I was in extreme weight loss mode I limited myself to two non-veggie carbs a day and ate both before dinner. I ate lean protein and lots of veggies for dinner.

    -Try tracking your food for a week. Write down everything single thing that goes into your mouth including, licks and tastes. I am always stunned how much side snacking I do.


    You are at the hard point right now, but I promise if you keep it up you will love the results. For inspiration Oxygen or Shape magazine are great. Also, Body for Life book by Bill Phillips is inspiring, (which you can find at the library). They also have on website and the difference between the 8 week to 12 week pics are amazing.


    Lastly, enjoy a treat at the end of each day to reward yourself for staying with it - 100 calorie frozen treat, SF FF pudding blend with FF milk and FF cottage cheese or a square of dark chocolate are my favorites.


    Just keep swimming.


    ETA - the goal of weight loss should be to burn fat and build muscle. The problem with intense cardio is that is can do the opposite - burn muscle. Since muscle burns more calories than fat you want to build up muscle to increase your metabolism. If you add any exercise at all I would add weight training. I promise, promise that you won't bulk up. I am not familar with Jillian so you might already be doing that.

  9. I really think it depends on your child. If they are an extrovert and love being around friends I would probably try it. Like one of the above posters mentioned, you don't need 5 hour days to hs a 1st grader. Focus on skill subjects like math, reading and spelling every day. Save the knowledge subjects like history and science for the days when you have more time.


    However, if your child is an introvert and gets their energy from being alone I would probably skip the co-op and put them in one when they are older. No sense in running around town with a child that young unless it meets a social need.

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