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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. When my children were that age we stayed in hotel rooms with two queen beds, and brought a sleeping bag so one of them could sleep on the floor. You have to check around become some hotels limit the room to 4 people, but some will allow 5. If the room is larger sometime they will bring in a rolling bed for you.


    Embassy Suites are great, because they have a pull out couch and free breakfast.

  2. My dd has a unibrow. When she was 6 she started shaving between her eyebrows after another child said something to her.


    Around age 10 I started waxing since she wasn't so accurate with the shaver. I don't wax above or below the eyebrows, just the hairs in between to make them into two separate brows. The problem is that as the hairs grow back they are pretty dark, but too short to tweeze or wax. It sort of looks like a five o'clock shadow. It really bothers her and she is right at the age where she wants to put her best foot forward.


    Does any one know anything about permanent hair removal? I am not even sure how to start researching.

  3. "Hey, I know I am only getting half a story, and I bet teachers hear some interesting stories about Moms, so here is what I am hearing, and I want you to fill me in on what I am not hearing from him." And then go in planning to really listen and to ask questions and try to hear the answers.



    But tell her .... he feels like she rubs the homeschooling in his face.


    :iagree: There are two sides to every story and you need to meet with the teacher to find out what is going on from her POV. Maybe your son really does have some things to work on or maybe the teacher really is being unfair. I sounds like you need to meet with the teacher before you can make that determination.

  4. It really depends on where you are staying because LA is a big place. Here are some ideas:


    Near downtown is the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. They have fast food there too so it would be easy to spend the day. USC is across the street.


    East of LA is the Los Angeles Zoo. My kids love that zoo and you could spend a day there. It is okay to bring food with you into the zoo. Also the zoo is located in Griffith Park and there is an observatory near there too.


    My my children were your kid's ages their favorite hang out was Kidspace Museum in Pasadena. The Descanso Gardens are also near there. It might be a drive though depending on where you are staying:




    The beach is always a hit with children. The waves can get rough though so it is probably better to prep you kids that they will be staying in the sand. Bring cups and spoons so they can dig in the sand and a blanket to sit on. Hermosa, Mahattan and Santa Monica are all great beaches. Santa Monica might have a large homeless population this time of year. So just be ready to say "no" to the handout requests.


    If you can find out where you are staying I might have some better suggestions.

  5. What about going out to lunch with her and her girlfriends. Make it a girl lunch celebration.


    You could invite her to dinner at your home with just your family. Make it a special celebration from your family to her.


    Could you do a potluck with her extended family? You could plan it for later in Feb. Maybe you could find a hall to rent or see if one of her siblings with a larger home would host.


    For my MIL 70th birthday we had a tea party with her best friends. It took about a month to plan, but everyone loved it. Maybe you could coordinate the event and assign each of your siblings a task.


    Does she like botanical gardens or art museums? Maybe you could go on an outing with your family and her and treat her to lunch.


    I know whatever you do will be much appreciated.

  6. If you do elect to have your teen fly alone, don't book them such that they are flying on the last flight home from a given destination. When my then high school senior was on a college visit trip, her first flight arrived late such that she missed her connecting flight. She ended up staying in the airport overnight waiting for the next available flight which was some 12 hours later. We won't be making that mistake again. (On to new and advanced mistakes!)





    :iagree: My friend is a flight attendant and she said to book a child flying solo on a connecting flight for the earliest flight as possible. That way if they miss the connecting flight there will still be a chance to catch a later flight.

  7. Is your gift card for Sephora? If so I would go back and try another person or tell them that you would like to test the Bare Essentials mineral makeup line. I received so many compliments when I switced to mineral makeup.


    ANother great source for makeup recommendations is Allure magazine's website. They have a reader's choice section with makeup and skin care top picks, (I think the link in on the bottom left of the website home page). I like that they include a drug store and department store recommendation for each catergory. I have tried several of the drug store top picks and have been happy with everyting I have tried.

  8. Not true for my ds. He went to ps for first time this year.


    I met with his mentor teacher who said he fit right in socially from day one and he has done fantastic academically.


    He is at a brand new charter school where 1/3 of the students came from a hs environment so maybe that had something to do with it. Two of his best friends at school were hs through 6th grade also.

  9. RWJ - Just wanted to tell you that you saved the day with your disposable camera suggestion.


    My son's party was Friday night and I wasn't able to find another digital camera. I ended up buying the disposable cameras you suggested for $4 each. After the scavenger hunt, during dinner my dh took them to Target to have them devoloped. The boys loved looking at the photos and they each took several pics home with them.


    Great suggestion. Thank you!!

  10. We do this often to entertain kids here. Our lists usually aren't elaborate but more to fill a quick half hour or so while providing some exercise. For the quick hunts we use cell phone cameras to take the pictures. We've also used it as a major activity with church youth groups, giving single use cameras and dropping the film at the 1 hour developing.


    We give extra points for including additional people or props in the pictures. Creativity can earn extra points as well.


    Here is a recent hunt list I gave the kiddos.

    1. a house with outside furniture turned over

    2. a car with no hub caps

    3. a house with dead flowers in a pot

    4. a house with a bush shaped like something besides a circle, square or triangle

    5. a car with a political bumper sticker

    6. a house with a toy truck or car outside

    7. a house with a pond

    8. a bird

    9. a worm shaped like a letter

    10. a child playing outside

    11. a house with a bench outside

    12. a truck with something in the back

    13. a blooming flower

    14. a house with an animal statue in the yard

    15. a house with something visible on the window sill


    I love your cell phone idea because I was planning to borrow a camera.


    I spent time googling last night, but it seems like most scavenger hunts are for the mall or for driving around a city. Your list was very helpful.


    Thank you!

  11. My ds wants to do a digital scavenger hunt for his birthday party. It will take place in our immediate neighborhood, (no driving). Two teams with two digital cameras.


    So far I have 12 scavenger hunt items. Any other suggestions??


    Team posing with a stranger (10 points)

    Team posing in front of a "For Sale" sign (10 points)

    Team members posing like trees, under a tree (20 points)

    Little kid making a funny face (20 points)

    Team posing by a fire hydrant (10 points)

    Team posing on a bridge (20 points)

    Team member shaking hands with a neighbor (20 points)

    Picture of neighbor doing yard work (30 points)

    Team human pyramid on a lawn (30 points)

    Team posing in front of a house with a "13" in address (20 points)

    Team member walking a stranger's dog (20 points)

    Team member in front of a red car (10 points)


    Also if anyone has done something like this before, I would love any tips or suggestions.



  12. My 5th grader uses BJU DVDs. This is her schedule 4 days a week, starting at 8 and finishing around 1pm:


    Bible 20 min.

    Math 45 min. - 1 hour depending on topic

    Reading 45 min.

    English, (grammar/writing) 30 min

    Spelling 20 min

    Handwriting 10 min.

    Science 1 hour - (extra time since she wants to be a vet. She listens to DVD, takes notes from DVD and reading, does her workbook and writes/reviews vocab. words)

    History - SOTW with family 20 min.


    We are adding IEW intensives A next week. Not sure how long that will take.

  13. I'll try to answer a few of the comments...


    I thought the same thing about why do I need a pan that cuts the brownies. I never would have purchased it for myself.

    We also stay away from edges at my house. The edges with this pan are different. The corners are still corners, but the other edges are not like a full pan edge. They are just perfectly chewy to me, yet a little crisp. The kids who ignore edges loved them.


    You use a 9 X 13 mix and I always make the Duncan Hines with 2 eggs (fudgey option). They turned out a bit thicker (and just these cute little perfect squares). LOL! I really didn't think I would like it quite so much! Baking time was the same... I actually took it out a little early, but I was watching because I have a new oven and it cooks a little differently.


    Thanks Becky!


    That is what I wanted to know.


    I think it would be cute for cornbread, too.

  14. My 7th grader is at a charter school from 8:30-2:30. He has 4 core subjects in the morning, math, English, science and history. Each class is 55 min. After 1/2 lunch they have an one hour elective class. For 6th period they do PE twice a week, study hall twice a week and computer lab once a week.


    ETA - he has between 1-2 hours a night in homework, which includes about 20 minutes on a website that prepares them for the state standarized testing.

  15. I think it depends on the size of your room. In most rooms I let it run until it stops and recharges. In two of of our smaller rooms I stop it after 25 min and move it to the next room.


    I run it several days a week following a schedule which vacuums each room once a week except the family room which gets vacuumed twice a week.


    I had to replace the battery after 18 months.

  16. Whereas she is trying to reidentify herself (normal after a divorce) it's not surprising that she has a new hair style. If her hair was long before, something new would be short - but in this case her hair was short, so extensions to lengthen it is a solution.

    Give her some grace - she is simply a woman - only human. Christian or not, we all have to deal with our feelings and changes that are in and out of our control. Why should she not try to make herself feel confident about herself when so many people are constantly criticizing her and her choices?


    Good point. My sis cut her hair super short after her divorce.

  17. Maybe you need a menu planning break. Check out e-mealz.com. I like the points option best, (I've tried the vegetarian and low-fat too).


    I agree with your dh. Not only do you save money eating at home, but you consume 30% fewer calories and the food is more nutritious too.


    Good luck!

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