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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. I love, love, love coffee, but cannot drink it on a regular basis because my body is too sensitive. I drink chai tea in the mornings and water during the day.


    My friend gave me this chai tea recipes. Fill mug 1/2 full with boiling water. Seep chai tea bag 2 min. Remove tea bag and fill mug with milk, (I use soy milk) and sweeten with Stevia. Heat and enjoy. I add 1/8 tsp of cardamon spice to give it a kick.

  2. I wouldn't let my 13 year old go to the mall without an adult present.


    My oldest has gone to the movies with a friend without an adult. The theatre is located in an outdoor mall. I drop them off at the door and watch them walk inside. They take a spare cell phone and call me when the movie is over. They are not allowed to leave the building.


    My oldest two also go to our local community center during the summer without an adult. I drop them off and watch them walk inside. They are not allowed to leave the building without me. They went a few times last year and had a great time.

  3. I would put the word out through your network that you love hand-me-downs. When my ds was out of work several years ago I stockpiled clothes in four different sizes for each child. I kept them in boxes in the garage. We received bags and bags of clothes. It was great.


    I also kept a wish list and prayed over large ticket items. I could not believe God's provision. I prayed over a basketball hoop for my boys and ended up with 3 of them. We received a beautiful patio set, BBQ, furniture and housewares all at no cost.


    Also I like your childcare idea. Why don't you charge for the upcoming month at the beginning of the month. That way you won't have to worry about doing the work but not getting paid. When my ds was in daycare I paid at the beginning of the month. They also offered a $25 discount, (tuition was $500) if the money was paid before the 1st. We also had a late payment fee if tuition wasn't paid by the 5th.

  4. Allure magazine has a readers choice poll. They have both department store and drug store winners for each category. I have tried several of their drug store suggestions for hair care and cosmetics and have not been disappointed yet. I bought many of the drug store recommendations at Wal-mart or CVS with the extra bucks money.


    The link for the Readers Choice Awards is in the middle of the website, 2/3 of the way down:



  5. My ds had a sore throat two weeks ago. It hurt so much that I took him in for a strep test which came back negative. Now my youngest has it. The nurse practitioner told us to try honey or gargle with salt water for the pain.


    The good news is that is was gone in a few days. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. We use BJU so my children take tests in math and science at the end of each chapter starting in 4th grade. The tests are closed book and they study for them. The math tests point out what my children really didn't understand. Sometimes they can complete homework, (open book) but not be able to figure out the same problem on a test because they really didn't undertand what they were doing. The science tests are great because they make us accountable for vocab words. My kids have to know their vocab before they take the science test so starting in 4th grade they make their own vocab cards and review them daily.


    They also take spelling tests three times a week, (pre-test, trial test and final test). In English, (which is a combination of grammar and writing) they have a chapter and cummulative review at the end of each chapter. They don't study for the reviews though.


    We use SOTW for history. I have the chapter tests for the series and we fill them out together as a family as a review game.


    No tests for Bible, handwriting or reading. No mid-terms or finals either.

  7. We hs in our formal dining room and keep most of our supplies in the den which is across the hall. My children keep their books and supplies in a crate. The crate is kept on the floor of the dining room during the week and then stored in the den on the weekends. I keep my TMs and supplies on a rolling cart that stays in the dining room during the week and is stored in the den closet on the weekends. My rolling cart also has a filing drawer and a container for my supplies.


    We don't use any of the wall space in the dining room for hs so I put a world map and some charts on the table top and covered it with a clear hard plastic table cover, (available at the fabric store $5 per yard). I leave that on during the school year and cover it with a fabric tablecloth for events. We don't really use a white board any more, but I have a standing table top easle white board that I bring out if needed.

  8. My kids love, love, love hunting for plastic Easter eggs so I put their candy in the plastic eggs and fill their basket with things that they need anyway. This year their baskets contain swim goggles, flip flops, airsoft safety glasses, a chocolate bunny, a Reeses egg and beef jerkey. The plastic eggs, (they hunt for 12 each) are filled with chocolate bunnies, malt eggs and jelly beans.

  9. If you do this right now it will work:


    Pour their cereal and milk in a bowl tonight and freeze it overnight. In the morning, give them their cereal and they won't be able to get their spoon thru it.


    That is a good one. I'll have to remember that.


    This year I put a few drop of food coloring in my children's cereal bowl and then added the cereal. When they poured their milk in it turned blue.


    I also put gummy worms in their breakfast fruit. Yum!

  10. How old?


    Our ds came to us at age 1 with attachment disorder. I never had a formal dx, but he had several symptoms: stiff as a board when I held him, could not problem solve, straight to rage when frustrated, would not come to me for comfort when hurt, did not relate to other children and didn't play with toys.


    I followed the instructions in the book Holding Time and after about six months he went through the attachment process. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.


    We have had some very difficult times with our ds, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.


    I know RAD is a different ball game and more severe than what we dealt with, but I wanted to share with you our experience.



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