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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Have you tried the ones made from a package of crushed Oreos and a package of cream cheese (otherwise made the same)? I much prefer the Oreo truffles to the cake balls, texture wise. I'll have to try the brownie ones!


    I just had some oreo cookie balls at a party last night. They were amazing. They also had some cookie balls made out of Nutter Butters. So good!


    Your brownie pops came out great. So fun!

  2. It is not a party, but a family reunion.


    Why would ONE family be expected to host, arrange, AND pay for everyone to eat, regardless of their $$$$ situation???


    Every large family reunion that I have ever been invited to was either 1. Pay for your "heads" at the main meal if it was catered, OR 2. Bring a dish to share.


    While, yes, I do agree that $15 sounds a bit pricey for a Mexican buffet, but then again, just what is included? Is it just taco fixings? Or are there burritos, enchiladas, etc etc etc etc???


    In the end, while I do think it was a little selfish for them to pick a meal that is pretty expensive, without considering other family members, on the other hand, I am a bit aghast that you would think because the planning family has $$$, they should pay for EVERYONE to eat.


    I mean, people will cancel, people may even not show up with out notification and then the host family is out that money....is that right?


    Have you ever hosted a large gathering? It takes time, effort and probably some output of $$$ to make sure is in order for a large group of people. Likely they have already invested $$$ on just the little things, but those little things add up when you are talking family reunions, ie large groups.


    In the end, you can attend the reunion, but bow out of the meal, go eat elsewhere during that time if needed.


    :iagree: I think it is normal to ask for everyone to chip in on a family reunion. The $15 probably includes a caterer that is charging to set up, clean up, appetizers, dinner, dessert and drinks. At our family reunions everyone brings a side dish and drinks to share. It doesn't add up to $15 per person, but we spend a lot of time setting up, cleaning up and washing dishes.


    I can understand your frustration at the price since $15 X the number of family members adds up fast.

  3. Most schools will do the same thing, Bill. If you get written up you ride the bench.


    That is not how I remember it in high school and college sports. If our coach found out that we had a bad attitude with a person in authority he would run us even harder. I can't imagine a coach telling a player is miss a practice because of a bad attitude or misbehavior. It would be the opposite. You would be in practice and expect to get your b*** kicked.


    My kids play rec sports with volunteer coaches. We do everything we can to be at every practice and game out of respect for our coach's time. Actually when my ds has a poor attitude I think a good workout helps him redirect and refocus.

  4. Forty is probably about the time one should start thinking of wrinkle prevention, and my dermatologist told me that Roc products are the only drugstore line that has any significant amount of retinol in them. I used them and think they're good. Plus, they don't cost a fortune.


    I second the ROC night cream. I get it at Costco.

  5. I keep gift bags fold and stacked in one large gift bag. When they start to overflow, I sort through them and toss the ones we don't need. I keep wrapping paper in the corner of our den closet stored upright in a plastic bin, (kind of looks like an umbrella holder). I have plastic shoe boxes for tags, ribbon, bows, and packaging. They are kept stacked and on a shelf in the den.


    My sis stores gift wrap under her bed in an under the bed storage container and it works great for her. She keeps all the ribbon, bows and paper in one large box.


    Happy organizing!

  6. I do that right now to send my oldest two to a charter, middle school. My dh drops them off in the morning on his way to work and I pick them up every afternoon. It is worth it.


    One advantage of a commute is that it gives you time to find out about their day, homework load and what is on their mind. If your children are going to attend school out of the home then a 15 minute drive will give you a chance to reconnect without other daily distractions.

  7. my son's Duplos are in a large, narrow depth plastic box on wheels that rolls under his bed. We keep the top off so he pulls it out, plays with them, then rolls back


    If he wants to keep a creation together, it can display on a shelf or his dresser top. But the pieces go back in the box and back under his bed when he's done.


    My ds has three under-the-bed storage bins that he keeps the majority of his Lego pieces in. He also has a bookcase with smaller plastic bins that he uses for special pieces and in process projects. He also displays his finished projects on his bookcase.

  8. We lived accross the street from an elementary school and I wouldn't do it again. We had crazy morning and afternoon traffic, people parking accross our drivway to drop off/pick up, and bells ringing all day long including school holidays.


    The funniest incident was one morning we were woken up by a roster crowing at the break of dawn. This went on for a couple of days. Finally my dh got up early and rode his bike around the neighborhood until he figured out it was coming from the school yard. The school officials were very understanding and found a new home for their classroom pet right away.


    The major downside of living accross from a school was the resell of our home. It took about 3 times as long to sell as other homes we have lived in.

  9. When you say nothing lasts more than 2 weeks is that due to your roots showing or the color is wearing off the strands of your hair? If it is due to the later than I don't think you have found the right product for your hair yet.


    I would go to a beauty supply store and ask their advice. I get my hair color supplies, Wella Color Charm Liquid Creme Haircolor and 20 volume creme, at Sally Beauty Supply. It is super easy to mix and use, and the color lasts a long time.


    Someone told me to try 1 to 2 shade lighter than your natural color. Ask for help and they will tell you which shade to try.


    For root touch ups I mix 1 T of the above hair color with 2 T of the volume creme and that makes enough solution to cover roots. I only color my full head of hair 4-5 times a year.


    I hope you find something that works for you.

  10. If you have (or can borrow) a regular (not styro) ice chest, then you can definitely get the food there while it's still piping hot!


    Before you make the meal, put your biggest pot (or two) on the stove, full of water, and bring to a slow boil. Turn off the heat and wait a couple of minutes for the boil to go down while you prepare other food. Pour the water into your cooler and close the lid while you finish preparing the rest of the meal.


    When everything is ready, carefully pour the hot water out of the ice chest and lay a towel in the bottom. Keep the lid closed as much as possible. Immediately put the hot food (in whatever covered container you decide to use) into the cooler and cover it with another layer of towels. Close the lid and keep it closed until mealtime.


    Food kept in a pre-heated hot box like this will stay steamy hot for several hours as long as the lid is kept closed.


    Wow! That is a great trick.

  11. You can smoother the lice with mayo, (or olive oil). Just put the mayo all over the hair and wrap in plastic wrap. Leave it on several hours. I treated all my children at the same time and let them watch TV. Wash hair and comb out the dead lice with a metal lice comb.


    The mayo will smoother the live lice, but you still need to comb out their hair with a metal nit comb once a day for over a week. I think the eggs can take up to 10 days to hatch.


    You also need to clean anything that touched your kids heads, (bedding, clothing, hats, hairbrushes, scarves). I even vacuumed the couches and car upholstery. Lice can not jump or fly so you only need don't need to go crazy and clean the entire house just the spots that have had contact with their head. Good luck!

  12. One more suggestion if matches/candles are not an option due to young children. Mix Heinz white vinegar with several drops, (like 20) of essential oil. Spray the vinegar/EO mixture into the air and walk away. When you come back the unwanted odor is gone and the lovely EO scent stays. This is not an air freshener, like spray into the air and take a whiff type. It is better if you spray and leave and let the vinegar go to work.

  13. My dd just turned 12 and she is allowed to wear blush and lip gloss. She has tried to wear eye makeup, but I told her no eye makeup until a later date, ( I am thinking 8th grade).


    She started shaving on her own - not sure what age. She just borrowed my razor and shaved.


    She got her ears pierced around age 10. We waited until she was responsible enough to care for her ears/earrings.


    She follows her school clothing policy for her regular dress too. She wears spaghetti straps around the house in the summer, but never out of the house. Her skirts are fingertips length or longer. For some reason she doesn't like shorts and wear capris. The only thing she wishes we would allow are two piece bathing suits. She has the tankini kind but would love to own a regular two piece. Right now that doesn't work for us.


    She got contact lens for her 12 birthday. She has wanted them for years but we waited until we thought she could take care of them.


    My dh and I haven't determined a dating age, but she won't be dating in middle school. That is for sure.


    So glad you are thinking of these things now because this issues are important to many preteens.

  14. Honestly, I would jump for joy at $5 tickets and one for free. We pay $10-20 a ticket to see anything our dc are in, and we get no free tickets. I always assume that parents will have to pay for tickets.


    I think $10 for dinner is expensive, though. Surely they could get pizzas for a few dollars per child.


    I think you could let the principal know your need and ask for a free ticket for your dh.


    :iagree: $5 would be a deal around here.


    I hope your dh decides to go. He shouldn't miss out on your child's performance just because the school did a poor job communicating.

  15. I think I would love some! I'm anxiously awaiting my kefir grains :D


    I just ordered milk kefir grains yesterday. I can't wait until they get here.


    ETA - for the milk kefir grains they say that your can use the extra in a smoothie. I wonder if you can do that with with kombucha grains?

  16. It gets easier as your children get older. One thing that helped me when my children were young was to provide each child a daily checklist. There was something about a checklist in writing that helped them stay on task.


    I also had them make their own cubicle by cutting a tri-fold presentation board in half, (horizontally). They decorated the board and then used them at the table when they did their independent study. Somehow they were less likely to distract each other if they couldn't see each other. The presentation boards are great because they fold up and store easy when you need to clean up.


    Have fun and enjoy the journey!

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