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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. There's a problem with the poll...

    You can vote 16-18, and then more than 19. But you can't vote 19!


    We have 19 webkinz in the house, and I can't vote. What should I do? Throw a webkinz away with its unused tag? Or go buy a new one?


    You need to go buy one more so you can join our family in the over 19 club. LOL!


    I don't even want to know how many we own, ($$). All three of my kids have been collecting them for years so we have a lot.


    They play with their Webkinz for hours. They orchestrate eleborate Webkinz parties, make jewerly out of pipe cleaners and beddings out of boxes. It is almost like these little stuffed animals have a life of their own. There was even a time they went into storage and took out some white twinkle lights to stage a Webkinz wedding. We still have that event on video. So cute!

  2. I like Tosca Reno. I used to get Oxygen magazine and I agree with most of her fitness and nutrition advice.


    Did you look at the reviews at Amazon?


    It looks like the same program as Body for Life, Abs Diet, 3-Hour Diet, which are all good plans. She mentions eating 6 smaller meals a day, combining protein with carb, and eating natural foods. Sounds good to me!

  3. I don't follow cable celebrities and their spouses, so I don't think I'm seeing this from the common point of view.


    How is on man's vote any bigger than the next? There are a great number of undecided voters (I count myself among them), so one guy changing teams seems pretty insignificant to me.


    Who is this guy, and why is his opinion so important?


    He is a Washington attorney, married to TV correspondent, Greta Van Susteren, and a big democratic fundraiser. He campaigned for Bill and Hillary. I said it was big because of the money he can raise for the Rep. campaign and the other democrats he will influence to vote for McCain.


    This campaign is getting so interesting.

  4. For snacks I do better when I include a little bit of protein in my snack. Protein takes longer to digest than carbs do, so you will stay fuller longer.


    I love smoothies for a snack. I've never counted the calories but I use 1 cup non-fat milk or rice milk and 1 scoop protein powder for the base. For extra flavor I add frozen fruit, or crushed pineapple and coconut extract.


    For a chocolate treat you can add 1/2 - 1 tsp Hershey's baking powder + Stevia to sweeten. For variations I sometimes add either frozen strawberries, or 1 T instant coffee, or 1 T peanut butter, or 1/4 tsp mint extract.


    For a quick snack you can try:

    -yogurt and piece of fruit

    -raw almonds and piece of fruit

    -slice of deli meat wrapped in lettuce

    -celery stuffed with low-cal cheese (I use Laughing Cow brand)


    My favorite end of day snack/treat are Healthly Choice Fudgecicles. I also love making this pudding: Blend (in blender) fat-free, sugar free pudding mix with non-fat milk (use 1/2 less than suggested) and add 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese. A large box makes about 6 servings. I keep them in the back of the fridge so the kids can't find them. I love choc. at the end of the day!


    The main thing when cutting calories is to keep your food nutrient rich.

  5. :confused: Pseudo-sport? All of those volleyball players are stellar athletes and May/Walsh were not the only ones in bikinis. I am truly surprised to hear you say that they had "attitudes." All I saw was great sportsmanship.


    I thought it was a wonderful game.



    Elaine-proud bikini wearer


    :iagree: In high school, I played Jr. Olympic volleyball, training 6 days a week and traveling to Asia and So. America. I competed in many tournaments including two World Cups. During summer breaks I played beach volleyball in CA. and for me beach volleyball was much more challenging. Do you know how hard it is to move and jump like they do in the sand?


    I stand in awe of what the US team has done.


    I can see where people think their "clothing" is inappropriate from US standards, but I have been to the beaches of Brazil and Europe and they play sports on the in much less. Since the Olympics is a world wide sporting event, I think they need to do what the world is doing and we just have to get over it.


    I didn't see the Presidential rear-slap thing, but I can just say that I am glad I don't have a camera following me around all day because I do stupid things all the time.


    Give the young ladies a break! We should be very proud of them.

  6. I am not doing Eat to Live, but I eat healthy six days a week and cheat one day a week. I love my cheat day because it really helps the cravings not take over your life. When I see something I want I just remind myself that I can come back on my cheat day and get it. Nine times out of ten, the craving is gone by my cheat day. Likewise when someone brings over a great treat, or we bake a special dessert, I just throw a piece in the freezer knowing I can have it later in the week.


    Hang in there because you are making a change for life.

  7. For me the down side of homeschooling is my desire to reach out to others, but I just don't have the time to do it. This last year two of my neighbors brought home an aging parent. I really wanted to go and support them by taking a meal or offering to sit with their parent so they could go run an errand. But six months later, by the end of the school year, both parents had gone to retirement homes and I never was able to support them the way I hoped.


    We also had a family in our small group that was struggling financially. The dh was out of a job for over a year. Our group adopted them for Christmas, but I really meant to take the wife a wonderfully smelling candle in the fall or a bag of fun groceries in the spring - something to show we cared. Now here it is a year later, the dh has a job, (praise, God) but I never did anything tangible to show our support.


    The list goes on and on: writing to my invalid Aunt, calling my nieces and nephews, serving in our children's program at church, taking a meal to someone in need. I just wish I could fit it all in.


    On one hand I love hs and I know that this is where God wants me to focus my time and energy. On the other hand I feel like we are very self-absorbed and that is the hardest part of homeschooling for me.

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