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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Well, here is what I would do. I would get canned curriculum for your middle schoolers and have them work as independently as possible. They can keep their stuff in a crate on their closet floor.


    For the elementary age I would focus on minimum days. All you really need is math and writing curriculum and lots of library books. Do Bible and math first thing in the morning. Then have your children read while you work on writing one-on-one. For history have them listen to SOTW CDs while they color the black-line maps, (in the activity guides). For science I would have them watch educational videos from the library. That should get all your curriculum on one shelf and you can put the library books in baskets by the couch. So cute!


    Can you hire someone to help with the repairs and painting? Our realtor had a great handyman and he gave us a good deal because he did a lot of work for the realtor.


    One thing that really helped out when we had our house on the market was that our realtor put a statement in our profile that we were a hs family and would prefer showings after 1:00 if possible.


    I know this is so hard. Hang in there.

  2. My kids are adopted, too. They have always know that my tummy doesn't grow babies, so they have a tummy Mommy. When they were about 5 we told them their birth Moms' names. We also told them about their half-siblings that we know about.


    We did s*x ed as part of hs when they were 6, 7 and 9. When we got to the part about the man providing sperm to make an egg I just mentioned that that means they have a birth Dad, too. For two of my kids that was enough info. I was so thankful because both of their birth Dads died in jail. Ugh! I am not looking forward to explaining that to them when they are older. My dd wanted more information and had many questions about her birth Dad. The hard part is that she doesn't have a birth Dad listed on her birth certificate but there is an alledged Dad per the social worker. I just told her that I never met her birth Dad and didn't know much about him, but that we have a name and picture for her when she is older.


    I know it gets a little complicated but I think our children have a right to know age appropriate information regarding their adoption.


    For the s*x ed part we used the God's Design For S*x series, (bbok 2) and the Wonderful Way Babies were made. Both books were perfect for us.


    Wanted to add that my dd is 9, too and we just went shopping for her first training br@. She is developing much younger than I did.


    Hope you find something that works for you and God bless you for sheltering one of God's precious children!!

  3. That is so hard. I am sure there will be many bright spots of ps once your family gets used to it.


    Is there anyway you can volunteer in one of your kid's classroom? I volunteered once a week in my son's K class and it was a great way to get to know his peers and understand the teacher's style. It was only 1 1/2 hour commitment, but it gave me invaluable insight.


    :grouphug: to you!

  4. Try some oxyclean and hot water when you wash the sheets.

    I've been greasing up my pregnant belly with a variety of things and usually do it while in bed for the night. No grease stains - I swear it's the oxyclean. (I use the powder).


    Thank you, Karen!


    I am going to try this the next time I wash her sheets. I really appreciate this tip because we use her room as the guest room when overnight guests visit. I was getting ready to buy a separate set of sheets just for the guests because her sheets look soiled even when they are clean.



  5. I tried it but it really hurt my knees. So frustrating because I spent $70 on the DVD's and one of them has a small scratch so I can't sell them.


    If you want to try the program before you buy I would be willing to loan you my set for free. Just PM if you are interested it testing it out. I just don't want anyone else to waste $70.

  6. I use it as an oil for stir frys and love it on my veggies - broccoli and coconut oil. Yum!


    My dd also uses it on her finger that has execma. It works better than the medicine that her dermatologist gave us. I put a little in an extra jar for her that she keeps in her bathroom at room temp. The only downside is that it stains her bed sheets with oil stains, but who cares because we are saving a lot of money in dr. visits and medicine.

  7. I love the diversity of workout options offered at a health club and the people are so inspiring. I have been working out at a health club for years.


    When choosing a health club it needs to be convienent, (the closer to your home the better) and you need to feel comfortable with the club's atmosphere. When you take your tour ask for a free pass to come back so you can workout before you join. Also find out where you friends and neighbors are working out because it is more fun to workout with a friend and it will make you more accountable.


    When you find a health club that you like, negotiate a 3 hour personal trainer package. They should give you one hour free and another 3 hours for $99, (I like to split the hour workout sessions into two 1/2 session to get more for my money). It is totally worth the $100 to hire a PT because they will design a reasonable work out plan, explain the machines and weights, help adjust the machine to your exact body requirements and most importantly make sure that you are doing things correctly so you don't injure yourself. You are going to feel so much more comfortable working out if you feel like you know what you are doing.


    I know you mentioned joining a couples gym, but you might want to check out the family friendly health clubs, too. During the summer, our health club has a free Kid Fit program everyday for 1 hour. It is so hot in Texas that some days that is the only exercise that my kids get plus it gets me to the health club. Also our health club has a small indoor track and they we can use as a family, (very helpful in 100 degree weather). They also have an indoor gym with family hours that we use during basketball season for extra practice. We pay $60 per month for a family membership so it doesn't cost any more than a couples health club.


    My favorite feature of our health club is that they have individual TV's on the cardio machines. I hate doing cardio, but it is not so bad when you are watching HGTV.


    Hope you find something that works for you.

  8. Is that for every other week service? I think it is a great deal, especially since they are bringing their own cleaning supplies.


    If the cleaning service gets to be a distraction for your hs then maybe you can plan a field trip or library trips for the days they will be at your house.


    Enjoy your new clean house and extra free time.

  9. I agree with the other posts. I don't answer the phone during school hours. We have voicemail so people can leave a message. If someone trys to schedule something before 2:00, I just tell them we can't make it because my kids are in school-period. For neighbor kids (and my neighbors-LOL) I have a sign on our front door that says: Stop. School in session. Please come back later.


    We follow the ps schedule, but start school a week early so we can take time off for birthdays and out of town guests.


    This is one battle I would keep fighting because school is much easier when your kids are fresh.

  10. I have a Roomba that does the vacuuming very nicely, but I've heard bad things about the Scoobas, so I don't know if I want to go that route.




    Our previous home had linoleum floors and the Sh-mop worked great. The removable cover is easy to clean and goes in your laundry when the floor is done. The handle is adjustable so it is easy for your children to use.




    Our new home has lots of tile floor. Since our tile is a little bumpy the Sh-mop was very hard to push and didn't really clean as well. I switched to a Scooba and love it!! We have had our Scooba for 6 months and it is my new best friend. I bought the extended warranty because I know they break down after a year or so. I clean our kitchen and breakfast nook 2-3 times a week and the water comes out blackish.


    I hope you find something that work for you.

  11. I'm really sorry this is happening to you. My son was kicked out of BSF back in 2nd grade because he has Tourette Syndrome. It's a very mild case but they didn't want to deal with it at all. They really made me feel like only "perfect" children were allowed in BSF.




    I had the opposite experience at BSF. We had a 2 year old foster child that had a lot of problems hitting, bitting and getting along with children. His BSF childrens' leaders were amazing. They worked with him one-on-one and kept encouraging me to come back. BSF and our church were two of the few places I could take him without being judged.


    I am so sorry about their policy regarding your dd. I think you should write a letter to their corporate office because that is just not right.

  12. I am a CPA, so I would be working 60+ hours a week for some corporation whose sole purpose, dispite their jolly mission statement, is to make money for their shareholders. I would spend way too many lunch breaks with co-workers who discuss nothing but sports, sports and more sports. I would take business trips where I would try to cram my extremely tall body into a too small airplane seat. And every month, at month end, I would have the joy of staying up until the wee hours of the night to close out the monthly financial statements and write variance reports which nobody reads.


    Even in my worst stay-at-home mom moments, homemaking and homeschooling my kids is a cake walk compared to my working days. Can you tell I don't miss my "career" at all?

  13. I think it really depends on your child and the school.


    One of the big advantages of homeschooling in the elem. years is that you can teach to child's need. My youngest needed extra time in certain parts of math and I am so glad he was homeschooled because I know he would have been left behind in a public program. My oldest was strong in reading and math I sometimes I wonder if he would have been bored in ps.


    Another advantage of hs girls in the elem years is that you minimize some of the unhealthy social aspects. I have several friends that have pulled their girls out of ps due to queen bee and peer pressure issues. The thing that shocked me was that this was happening in 2nd grade - so young!


    I personally plan to avoid ps middle school at all costs.


    I know many hs children that have done great in ps high school, but it really depends on the child and the school.


    HTH - such big decisions.

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