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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Baking with Mom

    Special craft

    Trip to park

    Family walk

    Extra bedtime story

    Extra 1/2 hour reading time at night

    Sleep over

    Go to high school ball game

    Plan a family outing

    Day off from chores

    Camping in living room

    Rent video

    S'more night

    Picnic outing or eat in front of TV

    Make your own pizza night

    New jigsaw puzzle

    Choose breakfast

    Extra computer time

    Friend over for tea

    Outing with Dad

  2. For us, it was better to just buy the Good Nites. It spared the embarrassment of needing to change his bed daily, he could just throw the pants away. I can't remember the actual cost, if you buy them on sale, it worked out to around $.70 -1.00 per pair.


    :iagree: I think it costs about that to do a load of laundry: $.30 in electricity to wash and .15 to .30 to dry a load (natural gas in cheaper). When you add in the cost for water and soap I think it is the same.


    My ds tried going without pull-ups over the summer and I line dried his sheets to save money. I just put him back in Good Nites because I can't keep up with the extra laundry during the school year. Oh, well!

  3. My dd uses a website called aslpro.com to learn sign language for her co-op class. The teacher gives them a list of words to learn each week and my dd looks them up on the dictionary section of the website.


    Last week they had two deaf visitors come to their class and ask them questions in sign language. She was so excited.

  4. My dh and I were DINKs (dual income, no kids) for a long time. We bought presents for our nieces and nephews because we wanted to and didn't want anything in return. I would have loved to have received a thank you note from my nieces and nephews, though. That would have been great.


    My brother and his family are on a very tight income and they always send food for a special Christmas breakfast to my Mom: pancake mix, fruit syrup, flavored coffee and gourmet hot cocoa mix for the kids. Since we all gather at her house Christmas morning it is his way of giving a gift to all of us.


    We have another relative that is tight on money and one year she sent a box with a 500 piece puzzle, homemade cookies and hot apple cider mix. It was a big hit. We enjoyed the refreshments and worked on the puzzle for family night. We had a few visitors that year and every one that came into our home really enjoyed working on the puzzle.

  5. It is expensive. We went in May as cheap as possible and still spent around $3,500 for a family of 5 for 7 days. That included free housing since a friend let us use her timeshare. Here is how it broke down:


    Gas (TX to FL) $450

    Hotel (1 night in AL) 120

    Timeshare xfr fee + thank you gift 350

    Disney tickets - 7 days 1, 200

    Disney parking 100

    Food (9 days @ $100/day) 1,000

    Treats 250


    We ate our breakfast and lunch in the timeshare and brought our snacks and water in a backpack. We ate dinner in the parks. My kids brought their own money for souveniers, (allowance and Disney Dollars from relatives for Christmas).


    Staying off site worked great for us since our timeshare unit was spacious. It was worth driving back and forth to Disney each day to be able to come back to a 3 bedroom condo unit.



  6. Hi, Tara --


    T1s don't produce enough insulin -- or none at all. T2s initially suffer from insulin resistance, so they produce too much insulin, but their bodies can't use it -- until their beta cells give up.


    A T1s dietary concerns are different from T2s. The simple answer is that T1s can pretty much cover whatever they eat with insulin. T2s have a more complicated response and, while many of them are on insulin, too, because they usually still have some kind of beta cell action going on, the calculations are more difficult. Also, T1s have a bigger concern about hypos and it's usually recommended that they keep their BG a little higher than T2s. This is all simple and generic, of course, but maybe something's ringing a bell. :D


    Well, that explains it. My neighbor's friend is Type 1 diabetic and she eats completely different from my Mom. She eats lots of fast food, hates veggies and eats candy when her blood sugar is out of whack. She doesn't exercise either. But she does carry insulin with her where ever she goes.


    I couldn't understand how two diabetics could have such different approaches to the same situation, but what you posted makes sense.

  7. Several years ago, when we did our foster adopt, it was explained to me that any child adopted from the foster system is considered "special needs" by the federal gov't in order to qualify for the $10,000 tax credit. Our supporting data was our adoption paperwork.


    We didn't have any adoption expenses either, but the $10,000 adoption credit was a true credit off your federal taxes. You can also carry it forward, (I think up to 5 years) if you don't use it all in one year.


    We adopted 2 foster children in the same year so we had a $20,000 tax credit and didn't pay federal taxses for years. My dh still had the federal taxes withheld at work so we used to get a whooping tax refund every spring. I miss those days!



  8. My Mom has been a type 2 diabetic for over 20 years.


    For dinner she usually eats a side salad, small piece of protein and 2 servings of veggies, (usually a steamed green veggie and something else). She rarely eats bread, white rice, potato dishes, (sweet potato is OK), corn or pasta for dinner. When she makes soups, stews or casserole she leaves the salt and/or sugar out.


    Bless her heart, she is 80 years old and still works part-time at a pre-school. She exercises several times a week and attends a diabetic support group twice a month. She is amazing!


    Hope you find some great recipes for your friend.

  9. There are always two sides to every story, and in this case maybe three.


    The Blind Men and the Elephant


    It was six men of Indostan

    To learning much inclined,

    Who went to see the Elephant

    (Though all of them were blind),

    That each by observation

    Might satisfy his mind


    They conclude that the elephant is like a wall, snake, spear, tree, fan, or rope, depending upon where they touch. They have a heated debate that does not come to physical violence. But in Saxe's version, the conflict is never resolved.



    So oft in theologic wars,

    The disputants, I ween,

    Rail on in utter ignorance

    Of what each other mean,

    And prate about an Elephant

    Not one of them has seen

  10. What does your realtor suggest?


    :iagree: Ask your realtor.


    I was ready to repaint our home before we put it on the market. We had a green living room and dining room, butter yellow front entry and family room and bright yellow kitchen.


    Our realtor loved the colors and told us not to paint. Our house sold at full price within 60 days.

  11. I love our Ashely's furniture, but we have only had it three years.


    We have a bi-cast leather pull-out sofa, love seat and storage ottoman in our game room. We have neighbors/ friends over so the game room gets heavy use. The pull-out works great and sofa looks brand new.


    We also have a master bedroom sleigh bed and dresser. I use my dresser everyday and it works great, no problems. I love our bed. The headboard is upholstered leather and it is the most comfortable headboard to lean against for reading.


    I know others have mentioned concerns about their quality, but I haven't had any concerns with the items that we bought. On the other hand we bought these pieces when our kids were early elementary age and I really didn't want top quality furniture in our game room where it could get trashed.


    However, don't get me started on Broyhill. The leg on our sofa bent after only 2 years. Ugh!

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