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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. I know, silly. I meant I didn't know as I was posting. I'm 10 away from 4, but I'm not here enough to deserve it.


    How on earth do you have almost four square with only 200 posts?? I don't get it. You must have very powerful friends. LOL!


    I tried to rep you but I am all out of rep tonight. I hope you get your 4th square because you are like Rep Wonder Woman.

  2. We are watching a friend's puppy, a 5-month old choc. lab. When they dropped her off I noticed little bare spots of fur on her back upper leg. They mentioned that she had been scratching due to fire ant bites and the vet told them to give her Benadryl twice a day. They also mentioned that she had just been treated for fleas.


    Well, that was a week ago and she is still scratching herself constantly. Now the other side of her leg has bare spots. It is almost like she is allergic to something. We treated our yard for fireants a month ago so I don't think that it is. She is scratching so much that I am still giving her Benedryl twice a day.


    Poor thing. I really don't want to call the owners, (they are on a much deserved and long overdue vacation), but they are not due back for a week.


    Is there anything I can try for her??

  3. Probably $45 a week in produce. I haven't found a farmer's markets around here so I get most of our produce at Costco, Sprouts or Walmart. I spend around $15 in fruit which includes frozen berries for my dh's daily breakfast smoothie. I spend about $10-$15 in pre-washed, ready to eat salad greens and spinach. The rest goes towards veggies and includes frozen veggies for twice weekly stir-fry.

  4. I took temps around the house today before baby climbed out of her crib: 78 in the dining/living room, 85 in baby's room, 85 in my room WITH 2 full size fans going all day, 90 in my bathroom. Why was it so cool? Yes, COOL! Because it rained today. Outside temp (I checked this w/ the same therm) was only 95, plus there was a breeze.


    I then checked online for safe temps, govt regulations, etc. Apparently, computers should not be kept at temps above 81 at the MAX. Indoor plants shut down at 90. The schools I checked could not let the air get above 78 in the summers; most nursing homes in. the. NORTH (!!!) could not allow their facilities to get above 80, except in extreme & rare circumstances. Ha!


    So. Remember Father of the Bride II when Steve Martin has to wear ear muffs because his wife & daughter are pg in the summer time? That's not how it is here. And since I can't get my time back & make the last 3 mos *comfortable,* I'm claiming a HUGE badge of...would it be honor? courage? putting-up-with-it-ness? Those are things I'm not famous for, you see. I'm a stick in the mud who never wants to go anywhere or do anything. What's "fun" for everybody else is a bore to me, & a lot of trouble. ESPECIALLY in the summer time. I. do. not. like. to. be. hot.


    And look what I've survived! Not on purpose, mind you, but here I am. I get the sticker on my diploma all the same. (Right???)


    Great job, Aubrey!


    Numbers don't lie. Now you have the proof you need to get the landlord to do something.



  5. We used to live in Northridge, CA and had graffiti in our neighborhood, too. When we moved to Thousand Oaks the town policy was to paint all graffiti within 24 hours so even though we had it there it wasn't as noticable. I think graffiti is part of the scene is most of So. Cal.


    San Diego is such a special place - the beaches, weather, museums, zoo, scenery, special attractions. Try not to let the graffiti spoil for you because you really are living in paradise. We miss CA so much!


    Sorry you are having to deal with this.

  6. I think I am going to go get one of the Ikea Expedit Shelves! These are exactly what I have been looking for. We have tried some similar shelving from Target and the cubes are not tall enough for notebooks and tall books.


    Could you possibly tell me the inside dimension of the cubes in the Expedit shelves? Ikea only gives the overall dimensions of the entire unit.





    The inside dimension of each cube is 13" X 13".

  7. I use a file box from Walmart with hanging files. All of my Saxon answer keys, solutions manuals, Apologia answer keys, etc are in there. The top of the box holds red pens (or various colors) and sticky notes. I *love* being able to take my grading box with me -- whether it's to wait during a doctor's appt or into the family room to grade in the evening.


    Can't take credit for it; someone here posted about their grading system something like this:


    file box + answer keys in hanging folders = 1 happy mama. I agree!




    Thank you for the great idea. Brilliant!

  8. The way it was explained to me is that your body doesn't start burning fat until after 20 minutes of moderate exercise. So with a 30 minute moderate cardio workout you only get 10 minutes of fat burning. Therefore, for weight loss, you either have to work out longer, or get your body to burn fat faster. One way to get get your body burning fat faster is through interval training. Intervals are great because they work with any cardio program, are easy to do and supercharge your metabolism. Another way to burn fat throughout your entire cardio workout is to lift weights first since the right type of weight lifting will put your metabolism into fat burning fairly quickly.


    Weight loss is 70-80% diet so you can lose weight without working out, but since exercise is vitally important to your health stick with your cardio. You can still get a get great cardio workout in 30 minutes by adding intervals to your cardio. It is so easy and will speed up your metabolism so you burn more calories.

  9. Your expectations are completely reasonable. Two years ago we were in a house that had the first central air conditioner made. Needless to say, it didn't work. Our house was completely shaded and very small, but it ran 24 hrs a day and the house was never cooler than 85-90. That is considered a health risk, especially for small children. They had to replace the unit with one that actually cools the house.


    Tenants rights in Texas




    3) the landlord has expressly or impliedly agreed in the lease to furnish heating or cooling equipment; the equipment is producing inadequate heat or cooled air; and the landlord has been notified in writing by the appropriate local housing, building, or health official or other official having jurisdiction, that the lack of heat or cooling materially affects the health or safety of an ordinary tenant; or



    This is listed under major problems the landlord is required to correct.


    I'd be throwing a wall-eyed hissy fit.






    Why don't you take some indoor temp. readings so you can know for sure? You can buy a garden thermometer at any drug or hardware store for a few bucks. If your indoor temp is high you can present the info to the landlord and it will be up to him to find another way to cool your unit so it is healthy for you and your kids.


    On the other hand it could be that the A/C really is working and it is just hot right now. We keep our A/C set to 78 degrees and there are times during the day, like when I clean that I sweat, too. Also there was a virus going around last week that caused my kids to have fever and chills. Maybe your baby caught something that would account for the sweating and crying.


    If you get a thermometer you will know for sure and won't have to worry any more.

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