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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Here are some starch suggestions:


    Brown rice - to start make a batch of white rice and a batch of brown. Mix together (you can freeze half). I make mine with 2 T of olive oil in the water and salt when done. If your family doesn't take to it right away add butter on top when done.


    Potato - mashed, baked or oven fries.


    Whole grain noodles - try Barilla yellow box. My kids love the rottini (spiral) shape. I serve with butter and parmesan cheese on top.


    Couscous - I use the one in a box - Roasted Garlic flavor. It is a little expensive at $2 a box but much cheaper than eating out and super fast - ready in 5 mintues. My kids love it.


    The only time I serve bread with dinner is with chilli or soup because my kids get enough bread with lunch.


    Hang in there because the more you cook the easier it gets.

  2. Our youngest came to us at 11 months old with attachment disorder. I knew right away that something was wrong, (stiff as a board when I held him, did not play well with toys or relate to other kids, didn't come to me for comfort when hurt/sad, had trouble solving problems). We used a book called Holding Time to work through his issues.


    I also had him tested for FAS when he was 5 at a Ped. Neurologist.

  3. I don't have a great wedding story but I have a honeymoon story. For our honeymoon we went to Hawaii and for some strange reason, I thought you were suppose to go off on our honeymoon beautifully dressed in your best clothes. I told my dh to wear his new sports coat, pants and dress shirt - on the airplane to Hawaii!!! I had on a beautiful, high-neck, long sleeve silk dress. Ugh! We were so hot when we got there and had to wait in line for our rental car dripping sweat. To this day, I still don't know what I was thinking.

  4. The worst thing about my wedding day was the fact that my dress had no buttons on it. I had taken it to the cleaners to be pressed. The dress had buttons, tiny, white buttons, that went down the front of the dress. Well, apparently, the cleaner took them off to press the dress, and then didn't put them back on.


    I put my dress on, and then thought that I was nervous and couldn't button it. I asked my friend to help me. She came over and said, "Oh my gosh, there are no buttons on this dress!" :001_huh:


    I didn't panic though. I immediately started thinking what dresses I had at home that I could wear instead. Then I remembered a box of butineer (sp?) pins I had bought for the flowers. So, my dear friend spent the next 20 minutes pinning my dress shut. Needless to say, hugging was a very uncomfortable affair that day! My father-in-law was furious. I think he went after the wedding and chewed out the cleaner. I loved that man!


    That reminds me when I was in college I had a very broke gf who talked me into sewing her wedding dress. I really didn't have the time since I was so busy with school, but my friend was persistant. I didn't have time to add the buttons holes and buttons on the lace outer part. So on her wedding day, I hand stiched my gf into her wedding dress. LOL!


    Her wedding only lasted a year, but she is still my best friend to this day.

  5. Sunflower,


    My children loved the tour at the Bureau of Engraving, and it's free. It is one of the two places in the nation that they print currency. If you go make sure you see the spider press demo on the first floor.




    Also right next to the HER store is a small community water park - Sun Valley Aquatic Center. They have 2 slides, pool and lazy river. Plus you can bring in your own food. It is a great spot to cool off in the afternoon.




    Here is a link to the water park we go to which is the next town over. Click on membership for day pass rates.




    Also, right across the street from the HER is the Lewisville Public Library. It has a great children's area with lots of places to sit and relax and WiFi acess if you have a laptop.


    Lastly, we haven't been here yet due to the cost, but a lot of people rave about this place:




    Have fun!

  6. We are in Texas with friendly neighbors. Our immediate street has 11 houses and we see the neighbors two house deep on either side of us all the time. Our kids play together almost every day and in the summer the wives get together and do a bible study.


    In CA our first neighborhood was great. We had a "neighborhood quarterback" who coordinated parties for each holiday. In our second neighborhood the neighbors accross the street were 30 year original owners. Something happened over the years and they wouldn't speak to each other which made things a little tense. We also had a lot of 2 income families. So while the neighbors were friendly we didn't see them that often.

  7. I don't buy anything special, but on the first day of school I hide my kids' school supplies for a back to school treasure hunt. I started doing this when they were little thinking they would outgrow it, but we still treasure hunt every year. LOL!


    Last year friend started the school year with a 1/2 day of school and then spent the afternoon making this pencil brownie cake with her kids. It turned out really cute.




    Here is a link to a thread on the curriculum board about Schultüte:



  8. I divided my house into 9 "zones". (You could do more or less) and I work my way through one zone per week. In the summer, I deep clean everything in that zone (including drawers, closets, etc...) In the school year, I just make sure that that zone isn't a disaster. This helps makes the task more managable, so I don't feel like I have to clean the whole thing at one time.




    Do you mind sharing what are your 9 zones? Sounds like a great plan.


    Hey, and congrats on you 6 green squares. Yahoo!

  9. Well that is pretty creative.


    My gf lives in her trailer M-F, but she works full time during the day. She works as a financial consultant and goes out on jobs for 6 months at a time. She parks her trailer at the closest trailer park to her current job and leaves it there when she goes home to her house on the weekends, (she has the type of trailer that hitches to a truck). She likes it better than staying in hotels.


    I don't think she has to deal with AC or heat though because she lives in CA. I wonder how the heating/cooling would work for your boys.


    It sure would be fun to own a trailer for weekend get aways.


    The other thing to consider is that an add on to your home would make your house worth more and appreciate over time. A trailer depreciates with time. You might want to run the numbers to compare the two while you are doing your research. because the interest on a second mortgage to improve your home would be a tax write off and your payment spread out over 30 years.

  10. We have the exact same situation here - large upstairs game room vs. the very visible dining room. I hated schooling in our game room. The kids got distracted every time I went downstairs and I couldn't supervise my youngest when he went outside to play. Even though I really tried to focus on school only from 8-12, I can't believe how many times I went up and down the stairs!


    Last year we switched to the dining room and it was so much better. Since our dining room is fairly close to the kitchen I could still pop up to fix something and yet be there to encourage my kids to stay on track.


    Our dining room is right next to a small den so we opt to store our hs stuff in the den. So we bring our things out on Mon. and clean up the dining room at the end of the week. My children and I called it the invisible homeschool room. LOL!


    I use a rolling cart for my stuff: TM, files and supplies. My children keep their books in crates that are stored on the bottom shelf of our den bookcase. We have a table top, easel style white board and keep our world map on the table underneath a sheet of clear plastic. I put extra pencils, erasers, scissors, glue sticks and a calculator in a small caddy that sits on the table during the week. We keep our globe and atlas on the coffee table of the ajoining living room.


    The only downside with schooling around the dining table was the noise. I pretty much tutor all morning and even though I whisper when I work one on one, the noise was frustrating for the other two. So this year we are going to try scatter schooling. My dd is going to school at the breakfast nook (still keeping her things in a crate in the den). My oldest has a very cool spot in the den that we just set up for him this weekend. My youngest and I are going to be in the dining room again, (same set up with the rolling cart and crates).


    I didn't mean for this to be so long but I just wanted to share with you our experience. I hope you find the perfect homeschool spot!

  11. A couple of storage tips that helped me out this year are:


    1. Use magazine holders to store hs catalogs upright on your bookcase. I bought mine for $1 at Walmart, but they look like this:




    They are easier to use it you get the kind that are completely open in the front. I use them to store spiral notebook on my bookcase, in the kids' workarea to store their floppy workbooks and in a crate back side down to make dividers.


    2. If you have a door in your hs area, you can use a plastic over-the-door shoe holder to store school supplies. Ours is clear plastic and I keep extra glue sticks, scissors, scotch tape and math manipulative in it.


    3. I use a Banker's Box to copy paper and construction paper. They look like this and fit right inside a bookcase:




    4. If you don't have much wall space you can put a world map on your table with a clear plastic table cloth on top. My kids also put their to do list and other important paper under the plastic. It is nice because they can see their lists but they are out of the way. The plastic also protects our dining room table. You can but the clear plastic at any fabric store (we got ours at Walmart). It comes on rolls and you can request the length you need.


    5. Each of my kids have their own set of colored pencils kept in a three-ring zip pouch. It really cut back on the squables this year.


    I love the photo box idea that Elegantlion mentioend above. I am going to try that for index cards and flash cards this year.



  12. I have hundreds of them, music, school, Christian teachings. Are there good storage containers or album type things that work to organize them? Is there such a thing as a 3-ring binder with cd holders? That would be a start for me to clean off my desk.


    Laurie in CA

    dd(14) TOG and other stuff


    We organized our computer CD's using a tip from someone that used to post on these boards, Lady Katherine. She recommended a three-ring binder and plastic inserts that hold CD. They look like this:




    We keep the game notebook by the computer and I love it because it takes up much less space. The other benefit is during the school year I put it away during the week since we do game time on the weekends only.


    On the otherhand our music CD's are all over the house. I need to organize them one day.

  13. Stacey,


    Yeah! That must be a great feeling to get organized and you are going to enjoy eating in your dinner room with your matching bookcases.


    I spent the weekend reorganizing our hs den and moved a few Ikea Billy bookcases. I really appreciated that the adjustable shelves don't fall out when you move them due to their great design. The Ikea bookcases are so sturdy too. We have kept a set of encylopedias on the second shelf for over a year without the shelf bowing.



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