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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. I am so excited about the "Decreasing you electric bill" thread. I got several ideas from reading the replies.


    I am wondering about the suggestion to hang clothes out to dry instead of using a dryer. I have about 12 loads of laundry a week, (4 kids, 3 towels and sheet, 3 for me/dh and 2 misc). I could probably hang up the towels, sheets and kids clothes, though I think my kids would be embarrased if I hung their underware in the back yard. It is so hot in Texas that the clothes would probably dry faster outside than inside the dryer.


    How do you hang the clothes line? Does it go on a tree or a pole? Don't the clothes get stiff? Any other tips?


    I would love to cut our dryer time in half during the summer since the house is already so hot. It doesn't make sense to have the dryer and AC running at the same time. Kind of counter productive.



  2. Y'all are too funny! Count me in for a trip to India.


    Actually, I really could go because my sis is going back to teach another year. Too bad I don't have an extra $5K saved up to fly out there with my kids. Darn finances.


    The other thing that amazed me is how much money she is able to save living there. Her salary is less than what she was making in the states, but the American school pays for her apt., utilities, transportation, and even a maid so she has very little expenses.


    She said her pupils are great, eager to learn and respectful, and that the parents are involved in their academics. This was a big contrast to her teaching experience in California.


    Anyway, I just can't get over how much weight she lost by getting away from our crazy American diet. It really made me think about how much junk we eat day to day without even thinking about it - buttered popcorn, white flour baked goods, soda and the whole fast food scene. Interesting.

  3. My sister went to India last year to teach at an American school. I was shocked when I picked her up at the airport last week. She has lost so much weight and looks fantastic. She probably has dropped 3 dress sizes in 9 months.


    She said since the meat is not very good where she lives, she has been eating a lot of vegetables, yogurt and whole grains.


    Forget South Beach and Weight Watchers. All I have to do to lose my extra 10 pounds is move to India for a year!!

  4. I use a weekly checklist, I've made them myself before but this year I found these really cute ones!http://www.notebookingnook.com/JoyfulStewardStudentPlanners/index.html



    They have different ones for Boys and different ages



    Those are cute, Kim! I love the weekly calendar at the bottom of the page. Great idea.

  5. The housing prices in CA boomed in early 2000. Even though the prices have come down a little over the past two years they are still really, really high. We bought a home north of LA in 2000 and it more than doubled in price 5 years later. We could not afford to buy that house today without my going back to work. My sister is single and owns two CA homes but she bought them both before the boom.


    I don't think jobs pay that much more in CA, maybe 10-15% but there are a lot more jobs from which to choose. There were also a lot more two income families in our CA neighborhood vs our current neighborhood in TX.


    Enjoy your 6 months in CA. It is so beautiful!

  6. I don't have a master checklist, but make a weekly checklist for each of my children. I use their lists to make sure each day's work is done.


    I use to make the individual checklists in Excel but then my computer died so I switched to making them manually. I put the days of the week along the top and list the subjects down the left margin. Most of our curriculum is already broken out into lessons so all I write down is the lesson number to be done that day and a little checkbox for my kids to mark off. Since science is not as straight forward I list everything to be done for the day, step-by-step, (pages to be read, workbook page to complete, experiment to be done, textbook questions to be answered). Some of our subjects like reading and logic are done by time so I list the amount of time to spend on that subject instead of a lesson number.


    I usually make the checklists Friday afternoon, while my kids straighten up the school room. I found that if I waited until the weekend something always came up. It also gives me the weekend to run an errand if we need something special for school the following week.


    For our chores I use a schedule that came from Ria. It lists the days of the week along the top and kids names down the left margin. My kids have different chores each day, but the same chores week to week. For example Monday is vaccuum and dust day, so everyone does the same vaccuuming and dusting chores each Monday. We all work together at the same time on chores so I know who is working and who is loafing.



  7. from what I understand in reading the threads...BJU seems to be money hungry over this.


    This has confirmed my feelings on BJU on wanting to get every dollar they can out of us.






    I didn't get the impression that they are making this move to get more money from their customers. My understanding is that they don't have a large enough homesat subscription base to support the satellite rental fee.


    It stinks though.

  8. this makes me sad. BJU makes me sad all around. They have not had a hotel meeting near us in 2 years. They are not offering shipping incentives. Their TMs are very expensive in my opinion. Okay, that is what it is.


    But, the customer service has not been very good for me either. I asked recently if there was any possibility of shipping discounts (doesnt hurt to ask). They very curtly replied "NO, we dont have to offer such things." Repeatedly their reps have been almost arrogant and I would say even rude. It is as if they think they are the best and doing us a favor by letting us use their books. Our small (and only) local homeschool supply center has often said BJU is great, but they are not easy to order from or work with.


    Sad, that a christian organization is acting like this.




    You can get free shipping on BJU curriculum by placing your order through a homeworks consultant. Your books will ship right from BJU to you, it just takes a little longer since you have to wait for the consultant to place your order.


    I am so sorry you have had problems with their customer service department. We have had the opposite experience. My dh has worked with their customer service dept. a few times this year due to transmission problems. He has been so impressed with their service.

  9. Jean,


    I am so sorry. You were one of the first people that I thought about when I read the news yesterday. I know you were all set up and ready to go.


    As far as a refund, I think you should call BJU because I just read this on another board:


    "I called a rep at BJU today to explain that I signed up for Homesat this

    summer and wanted to know my options. They are accepting the dish, new

    books, and registration for refunds *even though it's been beyond 30 days.*

    The return policy is in effect for those of us who (feel ripped off) just

    signed up for HomeSat. Of course, after buying four computers and all the

    necessary recording equipment, the satellite is just a drop in the bucket

    but anyway".


    I hope you can get your money back.

  10. It amazes me what the family will pull, on the person who makes their food.


    That is exactly what I was thinking. This would be the perfect time to serve your sweet family a delicious looking dessert which is really this:


    The Meatloaf Cake

    Everyone will look at you wide-eyed when you serve dessert first. But, surprise! It only looks like dessert...


    Two round cake pans

    Your favorite meatloaf recipe

    Mashed potatoes


    Cherry tomatoes


    Prepare your favorite meatloaf recipe as you normally would, but, before baking, divide the mixture into the two round cake pans and pat it flat.


    Bake as usual, but shorten the cooking time (these thinner meatloaves won't take nearly as long to cook).


    While the meatloaf is in the oven, make a batch of mashed potatoes, adding a little extra milk to them and whipping them with an electric beater until they are fluffy and spreadable.


    When the meatloaves are done, invert one of them onto a round plate.

    Cover the meat with a thick, even layer of mashed potatoes.

    Place the other meatloaf on top of the potato layer, and finish frosting the "cake" with the remaining potatoes.


    Garnish with halved cherry tomatoes to look like cherries.


    Just before serving, decorate the top of your cake with ketchup. Write a personalized message, or just a simple "Happy April Fool's Day!"

  11. Romantic, no? ;)


    Actually, since we met at a bar, we discovered that we simply weren't done talking when it closed. So he asked if he could buy me breakfast, and since I didn't know him from Adam, so to speak, I suggested we go where everybody went for breakfast (my own, warped little version of Cheers, if you will...)


    We sat together, over chicken fried steak and bottomless pots of truck stop coffee, and talked until the sun came up. Kept right on talking until he had to get to work. He dropped me off at my truck, and I only had time to drive straight to work. In my 'going out' clothes. That was fun to explain. "No, really, we were talking!" :tongue_smilie:


    That is so romantic that you enjoyed each other so much you talked until the sun came up. So sweet.

    If I had a little cupid icon I would put it right here.

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