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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. But I've just discovered how pleasant it is to do housework if I'm listening to a very suspenseful audiobook on my teeny Sansa Clip mp3 player. I can't even tell the kids are home, and I can get so much done!


    Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing.


    My lastest discovery is the Flatout wraps from the deli section of the grocery store. I love making wraps but whole wheat tortillas always crack on me when I roll them up. These babies roll right up with no problem and taste great. I just got back from the grocery store with a package and some artichoke humus. Yum!

  2. I started by making a little notebook of pictures that I loved from magazines. Maybe you could get some old copies of home magazines from the library or a friend. I love Better Homes and Gardens since it is pretty down to earth. You can also order catalogs from furniture companies like Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, or JC Penney Home Catalog. JC Penney and Smith & Noble are good catalog to get window treatment ideas.


    You can soften up a tile floor with area rugs.


    For a dinnette set check out the second hand market. We bought a beautiful farm house table and six chairs off of Craigslist.com for $250.


    I love dreaming about what my house would look like pulled together, so I am right there dreaming along with you!

  3. Bless you for sheltering this child. The first 4 months were the hardest for us. I didn't think we were going to make it. Just hang in there.


    Also, I forgot to mention that every now and then when you rock him try to position him that you can look into his eyes. There is something about looking in their eyes while rocking that helps the bonding process.


    I am praying for you, Rebecca. Keep us posted when you have time.

  4. Will he let you rock him? I rocked our foster children at night and many times during the day. Sometimes I would even put a special blanket around their sholders to make a cocoon feel. The rocking motion, (and swinging on a swing) is very good for foster children. We didn't own a rocking chair at the time so a dear friend let us borrow hers for a while. I even used to sing a bonding song, (that I made up) while I rocked them. LOL! I would beg, borrow or steal a rocking chair if you have to because it will be well worth it.


    If he won't let you rock him then he may have attachment disorder and I highly recommend the book, Holding Time. I can't remember the author, but I got it at our library.


    Don't give up because you are saving a life. Bonding is one of the most important things you can do for him.


    On a side note our three adopted foster children are affectionate children though my youngest was not that way when we first got him. It took him about 9 months before he would come to me for comfort when he got hurt. Then he got progressively better every year.


    Forgot to add that there is a very experienced foster parent on these boards named Ottakee. You might want to pm her as I am sure she would have some great suggestions.

  5. I gave an aquaintance $50 to shoot our family holiday photo. She is not a professional photographer, but she has a great camera and loves taking photos. It took her about an hour to check lighting, take the photo and download the pics to our laptop.


    I asked about her rate when I booked the appointment, but she refused to charge us. So I put the $50 in a thank you card and handed it to her when she left. She later thanked me and told me how she spent the money so I guess it worked out OK.

  6. We are trying to make a decision about using headgear vs. a Herbest appliance for my oldest ds's ortho treatment. The headgear would be worn at night for 9 months. The Herbest appliance is an internal mechanism that stays on permanently for 9 months.


    I love the idea of the Herbest appliance because I wouldn't have to constanly remind my ds to wear his headgear. I also wouldn't have to worry about him losing it. However, I have heard conflicting reports about the comfort of the Herbest. One ortho, (the one recommending it) said it takes a few weeks to get used to and then the child forgets they have it on. He also said that it is easier to get used to than headgear. The other ortho said their office doesn't use it because it is so uncomfortable.


    The price is about the same. Does anyone have any experience either way??

  7. I grew up in So. Cal. so we went to Disneyland about once a year. We also tent camped all over California and the Pacific Northwest. I would take the pop-up trailer over Disney. I have such great memories of climbing enormous granite rocks, making forts with driftwood on the beach, campfire talks, afternoon hikes and collecting rocks and agates. I loved those moments.


    Disney is great, but nature is better.

  8. Keep up the good work everybody!


    Yesterday, I did a workout with my buddy. We did upper body weight training and 30 minutes cardio. I think my cardio times were my best ever - so exciting!! Cheryl, I am glad you started this thread because I would have never thought to check my stats each day. Yesterday's cardio stats:


    Intervals on eliptical - 30 minutes

    2.6 miles

    306 calories burned

    147 avg heart rate


    Today, we met again and did lower body weight training plus cardio.


    Eliptical - no intervals - 30 mintues

    2.4 miles

    260 calories burned

    142 avg heart rate


    Go ladies!

  9. Sorry to ask for help on this gross topic, but I am desperate for more information.


    My dd is complaining about a wiggling feeling at night inside her bottom. It has been off and on for a week. She has many aliments at night so at first I disregarded what she was telling me. However, after googling parasites and worms I think she might have threadworms. At this point she has none of the other symptoms, (diarrhea, vomiting, dark circles under the eyes, anemia, bad breath and constipation), just the wiggling feeling at night.


    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of them using an over the counter product?? Do I need to rush her to the doctor on Monday?


    This morning we tried some of the home remedies suggested on the internet, (papaya juice, garlic and cumin water), but I am wondering if there is any other tried and true treatments.


    Thanks and sorry to gross you out. One of the website showed pics and I almost barfed. Yuck!

  10. The house next door to us is cut up into apartments. Several years ago, one of the tenants was a bit dotty. He was a security guard (though for the life of me I can't imagine why anyone felt secure employing him!).


    One day, we kept hearing a cat meowing. Over and over. We found that the meow seemed to be coming from our answering machine; we also heard it through our TV. We were so perplexed until my dh discovered the neighbor outside in his security car, meowing into his souped-up CB radio. Turns out he did this kind of thing for fun, to annoy truckers. :001_huh:


    :lol: What a nut!

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