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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Is your pediatric dentist an orthodontist, too? I'm a little confused. . . .


    There's a dentist down here who does orthodontic work, even though he's not an orthodontist. He's messed up quite a few mouths, from what I understand.


    I'd take your son to 2-3 orthodontists. They'll do a thorough exam, give their recommendations, and talk payment plans. It is a free consult. Here's our example - when we took our then 12 year-old, the ortho said she was borderline, and watch her. He felt the issue was more cosmetic than functional. We didn't have the $$ at the time to fix her teeth for cosmetic reasons, so that's what we did.


    About 18 months ago, her pedi dentist recommended we have her evaluated - we brought her to two different orthos, who said pretty much the same thing - she was now dealing with a functional problem, not just cosmetic. We went with the office dd felt more comfortable with - and now she's in braces and it's been a good experience. No problem.


    For me, unless he's an actual orthodontist, I"d be leery. Jmho.




    and wanted to add that it is worth taking the time to get three quotes. There was a big difference in prices for my youngest even though all three orthos recommended the same thing - expanders for the top and bottom and then braces on the 4 front teeth. For the exact same treatment the quotes ranged from $1,600 - $3,200. All three orthos came highly recommended from friends.

  2. Next week we are wrapping up our K-1st grade Around the World co-op class. For our end of year party we wanted to have a snack station and let the students make their own trail mix. We are trying to think of a trail mix food item to represent each country that we studied. Thankfully, we have no food allergies in the class and a Sprouts market nearby with an amazing bulk food section. This is what I have so far:


    France-choc. chips


    Kenya-banana chips

    Israel-date pieces

    Antartica-gold fish crackers

    India-dried mango


    Canada-yogurt raisins


    Panama-dried papaya

    Guatemala-dried coconut


    What am I missing?? Any suggestions??

  3. Blue walls would be gorgeous with the chocolate and gold. Check out Silvermist at Sherman Williams. Wheat or gold would be pretty, too and very calming.


    I love red and we painted our powder room in red. I am so glad that we didn't do the kitchen though because it is so intense.


    For the floors I would go with a basic wood, not too dark though. We had cherry floors and they were so hard to match colorwise. My neighbors put in dark brown wood floors and it showed so much dirt that she ended up sweeping her floors every day.


    Have fun planning your new home!

  4. There is a science museum in the same complex as the Natural History Museum. Also the LA Zoo is nearby.


    If you have access to a car then you can check out the Long Beach Aquarium. The Cabrillo Museum is near Long Beach in San Pedro and they have tide pools near the museum.


    If you have elementary age children then Kids Space Children's Museum in Pasadena is so fun. They have a nature exchange program where you children can bring a nature object and exchange it for something at the museum. The Descanso Gardens is close to Pasadena and is so beautiful. They have several hiking trails and you can bring your own lunch.


    Also, don't forget to schedule some beach time. So relaxing!


    Have fun!

  5. I just watched a video where an energy expert visted 2 homes with $700 electric bills. His major tip was to install a programable thermostat and lower the temp while you sleep. He said lowering your temp by 5 degrees saves $100 per month.


    He also emphasized the cost of hot water, (since you are paying for the water and to heat it) and suggested shower timers for teens and washing clothes in cold water. I kind of bulked at the cold water wash, but he sited studies that showed cold water is just as effective in getting clothes clean as warm water.


    If you have a second fridge or freezer he suggested filling the empty space with water jugs since it makes the fridge run more efficiently.


    Sorry about your high utility bill.

  6. I use cork in the drawers with sharp objects. You can buy a roll for $10 at the hardware store. I use LifeLiner in the other drawers because it lasts forever. We have been in our house 2 1/2 years and it still looks brand new. Here is a link:




    I also use LifeLiner in the cupboards where the dishes and glasses are kept. The rib allows glasses to completely air out if they are put away hot or a little damp.

  7. I read the book about a year ago and thought it was one of the best nutrituion books that I have ever read. My main take away from the book was that what we feed our children now will effect their future health.


    I really don't know how realistic it is to eat that way and I personally don't know anyone that follows Eat to Live. However, we do eat a lot more fruits, veggies and salad than we did a year ago.


    Blessings on your health journey.

  8. I'm not sure what Irish Stew is, but here is my beef stew crock pot recipe.


    onion, diced

    4 medium potatoes, peeled and diced

    3 carrots, peeled and diced

    2-3 lbs chuck roast

    1 tsp salt

    1/2 tsp pepper

    1/2 cup water


    Layer above items in crock pot in the order listed. Cook on low for 8+ hours. One hour before you want to eat, remove the chuck roast and cut up into cube,s removing the fat. The meat should be soft and almost fall apart. If the meat is tough, cut up anyway and cook on high for another hour or two.


    Have fun with your bunco group!

  9. I was actually going to recommend Lond of Fair Play when I first saw your question. But since I haven't used it -- it remains on my shelf until *someday* -- I was tentative about recommending it. From what I've reviewed of it, though, it would make a great middle school text. It may sound a bit youngish for your 8th graders.





    I first I thought is might be a bit youngish for 8th grade, but last night I read the first 9 chapters and there is a lot of meat in the book. I already started a list of vocab words and I found words in each chapter that will be challenging for even an 8th grader.


    Also I think the book is simple enough that we can try to implement some of the Super Star student techniques like reading and taking notes before class and adding to the notes during lecture.


    Thanks for your thoughts.

  10. The B&B in Louisville sounds perfect. Two years ago we went away for a night to a B&B near our home. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was so nice to get away. The owner was so accomadating. She went over our food preferences for breakfast and made us the nicest meal. It was such a treat.


    I'm not sure what we are doing for our anniversay this year. I was hoping we could get away for the weekend. However, my dh just told me that he is taking me away next weekend for my 50th birthday so that may be the end of our travel budget for the year. LOL! Maybe we can go out to a nice dinner. We rarely eat out so that would be a great way to celebrate.


    I hope you have a great anniversary. Congratulations!

  11. Hey Cynthia,


    I borrowed the Land of Fair Play this afternoon and it looks perfect! I love that the book has both review and discussion questions at the end of each chapter. I was also excited that it is so inexpensive. Thanks for the recommendation!


    I read the first several chapters of the book, and I am thinking about making it a 24 week class. For the first semester, I was thinking about having the students memorize the preamble and the first 20 presidents. I was also thinking about adding a research report or maybe an oral presentation.


    I am getting excited for this class. Thanks again!

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