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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Fun thread! Ok, here are mine:


    1. Even though we don't have TV, I am hopelessly addicted to Dancing with the Stars. I stay up late Monday night and watch the show via Youtube - which takes forever.


    2. We usually start homeschool Tues. morning by watching the previous night's DWTS highlights.


    3. I let my kids squirt whipped cream in their mouths directly out of the can.


    4. My least favorite housekeeping chores is changing the top bunk sheet.s Ugh!

  2. That's strange. One of the menopause books I read suggested keeping a log to look for trigger patterns for hot flashes. I didn't have time to log mine because I was getting them all the time day and night. They were pretty bad. I started taking an herb called dong quai (capsules) and it made a big difference.

  3. I agree that asphalt might be too hot depending where you live. We had an asphalt drive way in CA and we were always burning our feet in the summer.


    My dh put in a pathway from our backdoor to the garbage cans using pavers. It was a super easy project and took him less than a weekend to do. They look beautiful, too. I'm not sure if they would be good for a patio with table because they are a little bumpy. Also they are pricey. You can buy them at the hardware store - just ask for pavers.


    My only suggestions is to put down a weed paper under the stones. My dh did one section without the paper and now we have grass growing between the pavers in that spot.


    My dh used different sizes and colors to give it some visual interest, but they sort of look something like this:



  4. I love our WiiFit!


    They have four categories of exercises: yoga, strength, aerobic and balance. You can work out as long as you want and pick from many different exercises. The best part is that it unlocks new exercises as you use it. The other fun part is that it ranks each user by exercise so it is great for family competitions. My kids get on it all the time trying to beat my score and each other. Very motivating! I'm not sure if they have pilates, but the yoga section is very well done.


    I use it on the days that I don't work out at the health club. My balance is really bad so I try to do some balance exercises every time I use it. For aerobics I do step, running and hula hoop. They don't have any jumping aerobics that I know of.


    What a great Mother's Day gift. You are going to love it!


    Happy Mother's Day to you.

  5. Your pot roast recipe sound just like the one I use, (except the mushrooms). I add about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water depending on the size of the meat. I also add salt (1/2-1 tsp) and pepper (1/4 - 1/2 tsp).


    For more ideas my favorite website is allrecipes.com. Search on slow cooker and sort the results by ratings. I read the reviews first because they have great suggestions. Their chicken chili and the whole chicken recipes are our family favorites. The crock pot is also great for soups.


    Hope you enjoy your new crock pot.

  6. My friend did this to her garage in CA. They finished the walls and added a drop ceiling and lighting. I think she used area rugs over the concrete floor. The also installed an inexpensive counter along one wall with cabinets underneath for storage. They put a sofa, TV, pool table and fridge in the room. She left the garage doors as is and the neighbors knew that when the garage doors were open her children were available to play. The room was awesome and was a great place to hang out. With the counter and concrete floor, it was the perfect party room.


    They parked their cars outside and added a shed to the backyard for storage.

  7. Do you attend a co-op?

    -We attend a 24 week co-op on Friday mornings. The co-op runs from 8-12:30 and the students attend 4 classes. A parent must assist or teach 3 classes and then each parent gets an hour break in a teacher lounge.


    What are your thoughts and feelings for belonging to the group?

    -We love our co-op because my children have many friends that attend and the co-op board and moms that teach are talented and devoted. I loved the diversity of classes, too. Our co-op offers fun classes that require no homework as well as more demanding classes like writing, history and science.


    Do you live in a big city, small town etc?

    -I think our city population is about 50,000 people.


    Is your choice more for academics or socialization?

    -We go there for social reasons. My children have several friends that attend and I figured it was easier than setting up various play dates each week. However, we are going back next year for the classes. My kids have learned so much this year.


    What has made your co-op great or terrible?

    -Our co-op is great because of the dedication of the board and several teachers. They have gone above and beyond serving the hs community and our kids. I also love that the co-op does a fall and spring finale at the end of each semester. My children have had a chance to go on stage and perform music, drama, speeches and a mock debate in logic class.

  8. We are enduring to the end with the BJU DVD classes. My kids have about 20 lessons left so they will finish around the same time as their friends in public.


    They also did really well with their co-op classes because we had some accountability.


    We didn't make it very far with Lively Latin, and will try again next year.

  9. We have been using their DVD program for two years for 4-6th grade and I have never seen or read anything in their curriculum that made me uncomfortable. I had no idea about the issues at the University level until I read the other post.


    We DVD program has been a life saver for me and a great fit for our family so we will be using it again next year.

  10. This is exactly what happened to my df. Her next door neighbor said someone, not the postman was looking in her mailbox. Come to find out, this person took her gas bill, took the check out of it and did the same thing. Make sure you call your electric company, I doubt they even got the check.


    That stinks!


    Wow! I never thought about that. I leave my paid bills in our mailbox all the time. I guess I won't be doing that any more.



  11. Another easy way to cook veggies is to roast them in the oven, (winter) or on the BBQ (summer). For an oven roast just wash veggies, (Brussel sprout, bell peppers, onion, zuchinni, asparagus and califlower are my favs) and put them in a 9X13 pan. Add 2 Tblsp of extra virgin olive oil and mix well. Sprinkle salt on top and bake at 400 degree for 20-30 mintues. So good!


    Another way to add cooked veggies to your diet is to try some of the recipes on allrecipes.com. Just search on the veggie you want to try and sort the recipes by rating. I found some great recipes for kale, spinach, bok choy and squash that way. Just take the time to read some of the reviews before you try them.


    Also, if you want to learn more about nutrition then I suggest Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman. The book might be a little overwhelming, but it has motivating statistic on eating healthy.


    Good Luck!

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