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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. I really have no idea because my dh maintains our computers. However, if I had to guess I would think that webhosting takes less skill than computer repair. So I think he should charge less for the webhosting job. Since it is an ongoing job I think $10 per hour is a good starting salary.


    Since computer repair takes more skill I think he should charge more - probably $20-$25 per hour, but I would not charge for travel time. If he is fast and efficient that would be about $50 per repair which seems fair to me.


    Have you called the Geek Squad to see what their local rates are?


    He sounds like a terrific son.

  2. Up until last year we schooled together around the dining room table. Each of my children made their own little cubicle by decorating a tri-fold presentation board (cut in half). The noise level was their biggest complaint.


    Last year I put them in separate locations - one in the den, one in the adjoining living room and my youngest with me at the dining table. That worked much better for them. They are still close enough where I can see them, and answer questions yet far enough away where the noise level isn't as distracting.

  3. Put the science kit away

    Folded beach towels and put them in the basket

    Helped my dd straighten her room

    Conditioned our leather furniture with my ds 12 and had fun working together

    Helped ds 12 straighten the DVD and CD drawer


    Then we all went the the community center for a swim!


    That was productive - will try 5 more tomorrow

  4. I put meal plans on autopilot for the summer by deciding to use the Menus for Moms meal plans. There's a free subscription and there's a cheapo upgrade (give nutritional information + shopping list). Whew! It's been a relief. The meals aren't super weird ingrediants or huge portions. I buy the groceries for the week and then follow the plan. :D


    There are other sites out there too.


    Something's gotta give to make a busy mom's more tolerable. For me this was meal planning. http://www.menus4moms.com/ The Basic Weekly Menu Plan is the free subscription.


    :iagree: Sometimes you just need a break from meal planning.

  5. My dh switched our cell phones to T-mobile prepaid phones. We don't use our cells that much and don't text so it works for us. He also replaced our land line with an internet phone, (Vonage I think). We were able to keep our same phone number so the switch was invisible to me.


    We don't have cable, but do pay $15 per month to Netflix for DVD rental.


    To save on utilities we: 1. turned temp on water heater down, 2. wash all clothes in cold water, 3. line dry sheets and towels, and 4. programed our thermostat to go up a few degrees at night while we sleep, (in summer).



  6. I have a rolling hs cart for my TE, files and notebooks. I keep the cart next to me at the dining room table during school and store it in the den during the weekends/summer.


    I keep my desk supplies in a plastic caddy, (I think it is a cleaning supply caddy) on the dining room table. I store it in the den when we aren't schooling.


    I have a bookcase in the den for all past or future hs curriculum and other hs supplies.

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