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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. That's funny because a 1:00 time slot would be my preference. We don't do well when we try to hs after being out of the house. Because I am an introvert, I need a break when we get back, then school never gets started back up. We do much better when we school first and then do errands/appoinments.


    I'm glad you got speech services through the public school. We had to wait 1/2 of the school year before funds were available at our school.


    K hs is so fun. Enjoy!

  2. I think it really depends on the teacher and the hs goals. I have friends that hs 3 children successfully. For me jumping from 2 to 3 was overwhelming and I never really found a way to do it classically. The last two years of hs we switched to BJU DVDs. It was hard giving up my classical dream, but with BJU we got the work done and I had time to give my kids same day feed back.


    This year my oldest went off the charter school and I am back to hs 2 children and it is so much easier.

  3. I love www.allrecipes.com.- tons of great recipes! My favorite feature is the review part and rating system. I know it's a good recipe before I even try it!


    Another vote for allrecipes.com.


    A few years ago I made a New Year's resolution to try some new veggies. Allrecipes.com was great. I searched on the veggie I wanted to try. Sorted the results by rating. Read the reviews and then tried them. We got some great new side dishes that way.

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  4. If you are having problems while they are working on separate subjects try using a tri-fold presentation board (cut in half) to make a cubicle area for each of them. Sometimes when they can't see each other the noise level goes down.


    For group work can you have them color something or play with a small toy while you read? You will know that they are learning when you ask your follow up questions. Maybe if their hands are distracted they will be less inclined to stir thisngs up. Also try doing history and science on separate days so your group time is as short as possible.


    :grouphug: I know how distracting the kids can be when it is time for group work. I actually gave it up last year and now my kids do each subject separate with the exception of read alouds and devotions. They actually work is separate rooms, too. So sad, but that is the way it is.


    There are quite a few threads on these boards about the advantages and disadventages of sending your kids to public. Maybe when you have a moment you can do some research. The decision really depends on your family goals, your public schools and your kids. My Dad always told me to make a pro and con list when facing a major decision. Sometimes when you list things out on paper it become pretty obvious what to do.


    Hang in there!


    P.S. I once threw a phone accross the room because it wouldn't stop ringing when I was trying to school-so BTDT. Sorry you had a rough day and hope you feel better soon.

  5. To the other posters. THANK YOU.


    Garga made me see realize that I need to let it go, and pray and forgive. For myself if nothing else.


    Actually I think you need to do it for your dh. If he is a Christian then he is commanded to honor his mother. It is going to be much easier for him to honor his mom if you are not fighting with his family.


    I must of have missed something. Why do you need to cut of communication with your MIL?? She sounds pretty reasonable to me and she is the grandmother of your children and the mother of your dh. If she calls be polite. Ask her about herself - her health, her work, friends and hobbies. Then give her a newsy update on her grandchildren. Keep it cordial and then get off the phone. If she starts to gossip or tries to drag you in to family matters just say you need to go and hang up. If she tries to plan a family event tell her your dh will call her back about that.

  6. Ok--I don't know you or your SIL or what exactly happened, but are these all the pieces?


    According to you, you're a blabbermouth. At some point in the Night of the Yelling, MIL said that "there was a lot of backstabbing going on" and looked pointedly at you and the other SIL. Ok. So, you and 2nd SIL probably gossiped a bit about something. (that's what it sounds like.)


    Crazy SIL yelled at you and said she knew secrets. Ok--doubtful about the secrets. She was just being mysterious to make herself sound important. We don't know the exact event that set her off, but something you did made her pretty mad.


    Crazy SIL is crazy and self-centered because she gets upset if someone clicks over with their call waiting. So, maybe the thing you did wasn't really that bad. Who knows?? No one will tell you.


    Your MIL knows what she's upset about and won't tell you. That frustrates you to NO END.


    You have no intention of having a relationship with her.


    But, you would like your kids and her kids to keep being friends.


    Even though you have no intention of having a relationship with SIL you are desperate to know why she yelled at you. It's been a month and is still bugging you.


    My Conclusions based on the above:


    1. You feel a tiny bit of guilt that maybe you did do something. However...

    2. SIL should never have yelled at you in front of everyone especially....

    3. Without telling you what she was yelling about.

    4. You want to know what she was mad about out of curiousity and...

    5. to defend yourself.

    6. Also, you're mad now and want her to pay for her bad behaviour and you're hoping to have a chance to tell her what a jerk she was (even if it's just by taking on the role of the injured party and telling her how awful she was to yell at you in public.)


    What I think you should do:


    Let it go. This is toxic. You've posted twice about this. Do you talk about this with your dh a lot? If so, you need to stop. This is taking up too much time in your life.


    You need to move on and fill your life with other events to give yourself something else to think/talk about. Start inviting other people over for dinner and do NOT talk about the SIL. This will put other things in your brain in place of this obsession with your SIL.


    Most important: forgive. As always, not for her sake, but for yours. Are you Christian? Make God part of your forgiveness. Something like, "Jesus, please help me to forgive SIL. When she (fill in the blank--yelled at me in front of everyone, etc) it made me feel (fill in the blank.) I forgive her." Pray something like that each time you need to.


    :iagree: Garga - you are the voice of reason.


    I had a similar situation, only not as toxic. It took me 10 years to finally realize that I needed to get out of the way. My dh goes to many family events without me and it is best for everyone. Just because they have a family event doesn't mean I need to attend. It is a win win because I get time to myself and my kids get to see their grandma and cousins. At first it was hard for me to let go of control. My MIL lets my kids watch fluff TV, feeds them junk food and has a weird way of dealing with discipline. But you know what? My kids turned out just fine and they adore their grandma.


    I am very polite to my MIL and SIL when they call, but I rarely go beyond superficial social talk. I refer all family matters, decision making and event planning to my dh. When they try to drag me into these matters I politely decline and refer them to my dh.


    I try to see my niece and nephew whenever I can without my MIL or SIL. I take them to lunch, have them over for dinner or meet them in the park afterschool. I try to attend all the events that are important to them, (birthdays, graduation, Christmas). At those events I try to stay busy making sure the elderly relatives have food, helping with food prep/clean up and chatting with my niece and nephew. If my MIL or SIL try to gossip with me I just excuse myself and go help someone.


    We have been doing this for 15 years and things are so much better. My dh is able to honor his mother and my kids love their relatives.


    Good luck because I know it isn't easy.

  7. Okay - fess up - you need to pm me your name. I was at the same meeting tonight!:lol:

    Mendy, teaching SOTW at the Cube


    ETA: Wait - I figured your name out - phonetically! Hey, L!


    Hi Mendy!!!


    I didn't know you are back on these boards. I switched my user name a few years ago since these was another Lisa in TX.


    It was so fun seeing you last night. I loved hearing about your family vacation. I still can't get over the chocolate fountain, though I think I ate more salsa and chips than dessert.


    See you soon.

  8. Thank you very much!!


    I didn't see what I needed on those site, but one of them mentioned reader's theatre which lead to a book that my library has, Simply Shakespeare. It looks perfect. It is written for middle schoolers and has scripts for each of the plays we are studying. I have to check the copyright and hope it is OK to make copies for classroom use. I am going to go pick it up tomorrow.


    Thank you!!! Thank you!!! A thousand thank yous!!

  9. We are studying four plays in our middle school hs co-op: Taming of the Shrew, King Lear, Merchant of Venice and the Twelfth Night. For each play we plan to read a retelling of the play by Charles Lamb and then the following week watch an animated version of the same play. We were thinking it would be fun in the third week to have the students act out a shortened version of the play.


    Does anyone know where I can download or purchase a middle school level script of any of these plays?? It would have to be a shortened version since our class is only 55 minutes.



  10. P.S. If you puree or are interested in doing so, I recommend freezing the purees differently than in her book. I put all of my purees into ice cube trays and froze them, then popped them out and put them in freezer bags. So easy to freeze and use later. Each cube is about 1 oz of puree.


    :iagree: I freeze them in cupcake tins which are 1/4 cup portions. Sure makes them easy to use.

  11. I am teaching middle schoolers and I was going to have them state their name, tell why they are taking the class, (my mom forced me vs. I want to learn more about the subject) and what would be their dream vacation spot and why.


    Last year I subbed in a 6th-12th grade class and she had them tell something unique about themselves. I think that question put some of the kids on the spot and one girl even got stressed out over it. I think if you can ask something kind of fun, but not too thought provoking for the first day it would be better.


    Another teacher had a great mid-year ice breaker. She had the students stand in the middle of the room. They had to move to one side or the other based on their answer to some personal preference questions. Some of the questions were: Which do you prefer Pepsi or Coke? Taco Bell or McDonalds? Cats or Dogs? Pens or pencils? The kids loved it and it was so much fun.


    What classes are you teaching this year??


    Hope you have a great year at co-op.

  12. I can only tell ya what works for us. My husband travels on and off for work. When he is gone, it is usually for 5 nights. The company pays for gas, the hotel and food. Because we homeschool.. we can go with him. The kids LOVE staying at hotels (I love the free breakfast). While dh is working, we are swiming at the hotel, doing lessons in the hotel or at a local library OR visiting historical/educational places around where he is. This way we still get dinners or evening together. I've also been know to get a sitter at the last minute and show up and surprise him at the hotel.


    Is there any way you can travel a bit with him?


    Sometimes we drive with him but if there is a reason we have to be back earlier than him (baseball, youth event, etc), I drive separate. When he works the mexico border, I don't go. It isn't safe for the kids and I to hang around there so I use THOSE weeks for special mom/kid times. This is when we hit up the $1 theatre, the beach at sunrise or sunset or have ice cream for dinner nights.


    Just another way of thinking about his travels.?!?!


    I want to be you. That sounds like so much fun.

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