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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. If I were planning for 37 people and making "small" sandwiches, I'd have double the number, so like - 80! But that's me, I always make too much food. :D That needs to be a really big pot of chili too. You could throw together a batch of coleslaw really quick and it's cheep and easy. Personally, I would have hot dogs for the kids - some won't eat sandwiches ( mine don't) and if your having chili, your already heating stuff. If you just added hotdogs to the number of sandwiches you are already making, you would be good because some guys would make chili dogs. (my DH would)




    2/3 cup sugar

    1 tsp salt

    1/4 tsp pepper

    1/2 cup milk

    1 cup mayo

    1/2 cup sour cream

    3 T white vinegar

    5 T lemon juice

    2 bags of prepared coleslaw mix



    That is really nice of you to feed them. At our church someone takes up a fast food order and we all kick in money.


    I agree with the idea of adding something for the kids like hot dogs. I have served mini corn dogs or chicken nuggets in a crock pot and the kids loved it. You can buy them in bulk at the warehouse stores. I would also get an extra bag or chips, pretzels or popcorn while you are there.


    If your workers are helping set up for several hours they are going to be hungry when they are finished. Even though you are thinking to appease their appetite they will probably eat a lot more than you think.

  2. Our powder room is red and I wouldn't do a classroom in red. For me the color is too intense.


    If you plan to have your children's artwork or posters hanging in the room then I would pick something soothing and neutral for a backdrop color. I think you will get enough color and energy from the objects hanging on your wall.

  3. I wish my mom would limit my screen time. The dishes need to come out of the dishwasher, the wet laundry needs to be hung out to dry, the playroom needs to be tidied, the livingroom and dining rooms need to be vacuumed....but my intention for the evening is to sit here on this board for 2 hours and then go to bed.


    Egads. Limit your daughter's time. It's soooo hard to self-limit it. Give her a break by forcing her to get off the computer! I need someone to do that for me.



  4. Our 20 year reunion was at a golf course country club. The dress was pretty varied so I suggest that you wear whatever you feel most confident in. Most of the women wore knee length cocktail dresses. There were a few in floor length dresses and a couple in pants. The majority of the women wore black or darker colors. A few wore pastels or jewel tones.


    The one thing that cracked me up was how many ladies had french tip manicures. So book your nail appointment before you go.


    I missed my 30 year reunion and really regret it. Go and it will be worth all the expense and effort.

  5. We are in TX, too so I know what you mean about the heat.


    My kids are really close in age so if we don't have some type of schedule tempers flare by late afternoon. We follow a schedule M-TH:

    10am -noon - community center, swim laps and play in the water.

    noon to 2:30 - lunch then quiet time, read or draw.

    2:30-4 - game time, computers, playstation, board or card games, puzzle or watch a movie.

    4-8 house open to the neighbors or kids go over to friends house.


    Friday is open and they can do whatever they want. Sometimes we go on outings.


    I use a morning routine and I do it in the same order every morning. So even if the day gets away from me I know by 10am I have laundry and a few chores done.

  6. I am currently using the Walmart lowfat option from http://e-mealz.com. The meals are so fast and easy and it is probably the most cost effective of the three plans that I have tried. The food is OK. My dh put it best by saying the dinners are tasty, but not so great that you over eat. LOL! Their weekly list includes 7 meals of which one is usually a brunch item and one a sandwich item. My children love having brunch on the weekend.


    I have also used the menu mailer option at Savingdinner.com and http://thescramble.com. I think the scramble had the best tasting meals, but sometimes the most expensive grocery bill. Savingdinner is good, too and they have many options, low-carb, low-fat, vegetarian).

  7. Why is outside food dishonest? Our theater doesn't even stop you if you have a Chick-Fil-A cup or food court cup in your hand. I am not stealing a $4.00 box of Raisinets from the counter & then going into the theater... so I do not understand how it is dishonest.


    Flipside: I think it is fraud & dishonest for stadiums and facilities to not let you have your own. They know it will be hot & crowded ..... and they can manipulate you to buy a $6 coke. Doesn't sound like honest business practices to me.


    Many theatres don't want you to bring in outside food because they make money on the concession sales. Our theatres have signs on the door that request no outside food or drink so it is pretty clear. Their establishment, their rules.


    I think it is cool that there are theatres out there that let you bring your own food. Our zoo and water parks are that way and I love it because it saves us money and we eat healthier.

  8. The theatres around request no outside food or drink so we go by their rules.


    We usually share the largest popcorn which is refillable one time for $0.25. We also get the free water cups with ice in a drink carrier. I fill up the water cups at the fountain and use the drink carrier as an extra popcorn bucket for sharing. Sometimes when I remember I bring in my own water bottle to use to refill the kids' water cups so I don't have to get up and go to the water fountain during the movie.


    BTW, my neighbors think I am nuts. They always buy their children a soda, candy and popcorn to share.

  9. First off, My dh's dad is dead. As is his grandfather. And I am pretty certain I didn't ask for your advice on the care of my loved ones.


    No, I do not think I should pass on the care for my loved ones while I get all of their money. If you knew my family and what little my parents have, you would realize how stupid that comment was.


    What I believe is that people who work hard and pay taxes all their lives have the right to pass down their valuables and family heirlooms - be that land, personal property, etc. before anyone comes in and takes it all from them. The cost of a nursing home is outrageous - and to pay that kind of cost PLUS lose everything you have is just horrific. My mom has residents who are depressed and actually on suicide watch because their home and every penny they have was taken to pay the outrageous and unnecessary cost!


    The system is more than flawed - though the word I am thinking of also begins with F :blink:


    Well, here is another way to look at it. My grandmother authorized us, (her grandkids) to sell her assets, (house/car) and then used that money to pay for a nursing home of her choosing. She didn't wait for the gov't to come in and take her assets and she had input into where she spent her final days.


    There is no way my dh and I would have taken her assets and expected the gov't to pay for her care. That doesn't make any sense to me no matter how hard she worked for her assets. She had a very cool house, too. It was in a very unique part of Hollywood, CA with a lot of history. My dh and I would have loved to live there, but we couldn't afford to buy the property from her. We were so thankful that the money from her assets was enough to provide for her care until the end. Her only son died several years before her so the expense of her care would have fallen to me and my dh.

  10. These are people that PAID their taxes, people that were told, pay into SS and we will take care of you when you are too old to do so.


    Actually growing up we were told the opposite. I am 50 years old and in public school I was taught that social security fund would be depleted by the time we retire, and that we needed to be prepared to support ourselves and not depend on the government. I will honestly be shocked if I see any social security money when I retire.

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