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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Our ped. said to pinch the bridge of the nose, (not the nostrils) and have them press on the gums right above the front teeth. Not sure about head placement, except you don't want them to lie down. Forgot to add that sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes to stop, but usually a little quicker.


    Praying for you right now.

  2. Okay, this is cool, because Camelback & Restrained gold were at the top of my list. Camelback was the swatch I KNEW would be "the one" but it looks yellow when I do a small patch. How does it look in an entire room...what is the overall effect?


    I have the same question with restrained gold and its overall effect. Is it brownish-gold, or mustard-gold?


    I'm painting ALL my common areas, family room the same color, so I need to go with one that is more neutral (for resale), but still with the gold I'm after (for Old World).


    Thanks so much for your reply!!!



    ETA: I just pulled my fan deck out and hadn't seen Empire Gold before. I'm curious to know how you like it as well compared to the others mentioned?


    The restrain gold in my bedroom is not really brown or mustard - just kind of dark wheat. I think the restrain gold might be a little intense if you are looking for a color to use in your entire common area. I think the blonde (which is the color above restain gold) or autumn blonde (which is an old color so it may not be on your swatch) would be better.


    I love the empire gold in our kitchen, but I think it might be too intense for your whole house. Our kitchen has army/sage green tile floor, white cabinets and neutral counter so I tried to pick a color that would go with that but be a little more exciting.


    We get a lot of compliments on the camelback, but the actual color I used was a custom blend off the camelback color. If I remember correctly, we tried the color above cameback but didn't like the shade it turned at night. So I took the sample back to have it darkened to camelback. They were unable to get an exact match to camelback but we loved the color they came up with. If your house is light and airy then the color might be OK, but if in doubt I would go with the color on the swatch above it - a little lighter.


    Also, when you go back to the store, talk to the person behind the counter because they will be able to tell you the most popular colors in your area and guide you in the right direction. At our store the woman employee was a little more helpful decor wise than the men.


    It is dark outside right now, but as soon as it is light I will go around the house and let you know the overall feel of the colors.


    Hope you find the right color.


    Edited this to add that the woman in the store that was helping me mentioned that the newer colors, (restrained gold, blonde, camelback) do have more green in them and that the older colors - like autum blonde has more red in it so they are warmer colors. So you might want to check their old color swatch, too.

  3. I having been trying everything these last few months to lose some weight. I started perimenopause this year and am shocked at how much my metabolism has slowed, and at how fast I have gained weight. Ugh! Even my old faithful diets have resulted in no weight reduction.


    I started using Sparkpeople a few days ago. What a difference logging my food has made. I didn't realize how many calories I consumed during afternoon snacking. I also have been working out with a buddy three times a week which I figured was enough. Sparkspeople has encouraged me to get active the other days of the week. I started walking and playing the Wii Fit on my days "off" and am surpised that the extra effort burns an additional 1,000 calories a week.


    Thanks you guys! I think I am going to make it back into my summer clothes after all.

  4. If you ask at the counter they will tell you the most popular colors in your area. Our home is also done in Old World colors. We used the following Sherwin Williams paint though I know they differ distractly by home/room: Blonde (master bed, game room), Empire Gold (kitchen), Autum Blonde (front entry/Living room), Restrained Gold (den), Camelback (family room). We also used some red (Fireweed) and brown (Leather Bound) accent colors.


    Boy! I remember all those paint samples in our garage. Stick with it and you will find the right color for your home.

  5. We follow the public school schedule for our hs so we do school during the spring. My kids get a sticker if they start their school before 8:30am. They also get a sticker if they can stay in their seats until 10am. After break time they get another sticker if they can stay in their seats from 10:30am-noon. Thankfully after 3 hours their school work is mostly done and after chores they spend the rest of the day outside enjoying the beautiful weather.


    We normally don't have sticker incentives, but I bring out the sticker charts in the spring just to get through the end of the school year. Once they have 50 stickers they get to go on an outing alone with Dad so they are pretty motivated.

  6. I googled "Movies set in the 50s" and came up with this link


    I am not sure if these are appropriate for a 10 year old but I remember liking October Sky, I LOVE Hoosiers, Madeline, and Dead Poet's Society (though I would expect DPS would not be appropriate.


    How about a Happy Days marathon or the Andy Griffith Show marathon?


    My kids loved October Sky. You can see the trailer on Netflix. Happy Days and Andy Griffith would be great, too.

  7. I edited several things out of SOTW 1. I read the chapter before hand and then included the things I thought were appropriate during our history time. Also, we have enjoyed listening to the SOTW CD's during car rides, but I intentional didn't buy year 1 because some of the topics were too intense for my kids.


    My oldest loves science, but until middle school was unable to handle looking at inside diagrams of the human body. LOL! When he was in 2nd grade we started on the cutest science project where you outline the child's body on butcher paper. Then the child colors and adds their internal organs as you learn about them. This project stressed him out so much we had to abandon our study of the human body. I guess that is the blessing of hs - that you can fine tune lesson plans to suit the child.

  8. That question really bugs me too.


    I was getting so stressed out last month that I decided to go on a three month meal planning break. I am using one of those online meal planning services. It is such a nice treat! The get the grocery shopping list and menu plan once a week. I post the menu plan on the fridge so everyone can see what is for dinner. Now if they would just stop asking me what is for lunch. LOL!

  9. How about a large veggie platter or green salad? You could leave that out all day and leave the dip/dressing in a cooler in your car until the reception.


    Maybe you could bring something is a crock pot. You can plug it in some somewhere and let it cook during the day and then set it out on the table before the reception. I use to do that when I worked full time. I would load up a crock pot with meatball and sauce and plug it in the corner of the kitchen. By the time our work party began they were ready to eat.


    That is all I can think of besides baked goods.

  10. I NEED ONE!!!!!



    So, I found it at Costco for $289--good price? it's a 500 series.


    Or do I need a scooba.....


    I am in serious want for this. A little mommy's helper that won't talk back, does it's job when scheduled, cheerfully and lovingingly helpful, Ah! :D


    I think that is an OK price. You might want to check HSN.com too.


    The Roombas have a poor reliability record so you might want to consider getting an extended warranty. If you have a Best Buy near you they have the Roomba for $299 but you can get a 4 year warranty for about $35 bucks. I know that adds $50 to the cost, but then you wouldn't have to worry about it breaking down for several years. Our Roomba broke after about 9 months. It ran, but didn't pick up dirt. Now that I have read the above posts it was probably the battery. Best Buy replaced it - no questions asked, and gave us a brand new Roomba. I don't know what the cost of a battery is, but my guess is that it is about $35 - the cost of the extended warranty.


    I have the Scooba too and I use it all the time. We have bumpy tile floor that is harder to mop then our old linoleum. The Scooba does a great job. I love them both.

  11. I love our Roomba and use it all over the house. It does best when you limit it to one room or a section of a large room. It does a great job on old, cheap, builders-grade carpet. LOL! I don't use any other vac except an upright on the stairs.


    My favorite feature is that it goes under furniture and beds so it forces the kids to keep their rooms picked up. Also I love to turn it on when I deep clean a room. It feels like I have a little buddy working along side me. It is also really helpful when I am getting ready for an event. I turn it on in the family room while doing last minute prep and the room is ready to go by the time guests arrive.


    We bought ours at Best Buy with the extended warranty program. After 9 months I had to take it back because it stopped working and they gave us a brand new one. They are known for breaking down easily.

  12. You could put them in the over on a broiler pan, and cook them at 350. I forget how long I cook them for, until they are softened (maybe 20 minutes???) We drizzle them with olive oil and salt and pepper them. Grilling is good too.


    Enjoy! Our plants are just starting to produce. I can't wait!


    :iagree: I love roasted asparagus. I cook them at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Sometimes I add an onion or mushrooms. Yum!

  13. I've had Cuisinart 11 cup prep for about 7 years. I use it every week and it is still going strong. I have even dropped the plastic part on our tile floor and few times and it is indestructible.


    I tend to use it on the weekend for bulk cooking like:

    - grating cheese

    - grating veggie (I do them in bulk then use them all week long in soups, salads and wraps. I grate carrots/celery and use the slicing blade to cut celery/cucumber)

    -puree cooked veggies (for Sneaky Chef recipes)

    - cutting butter into flour, (for scones and pies-I hate cutting in butter by hand)

    - grinding oatmeal for oat flour


    We have a blender too, but I use that for blending smoothies. Not really for chopping or grinding.

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