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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. X-post from curriculum board:



    I searched the boards for an American Govt. book/curriculum suggestions for teaching 6th-8th graders at a co-op. I had some questions. Can anyone give me feedback on these books:


    Great Source Am. Govt. - too old?? Link says 9-12th grade


    Notgrass Am Govt. - too old?? Link says high school


    Spark Notes 101: Am Govt. - does anyone know what age this is for??


    How the Govt Works - too young?? Amazon says age 9-12


    Teenpact.com - look great for homework and vocab but I think I need a spine.


    I can make the class a 12 week or 24 week course. Any other ideas or curriculum suggestion??




  2. WHaaa! We are celebrating 25 years this Sept. also, and we are not going to Hawaii either. I hope that makes you feel better.


    Would it be possible for you to get away for a night? If you can find a good B&B they usually include a wonderful breakfast with linen table cloths/napkins great food.


    If not, then maybe you could parcel out your children for a night and celebrate at home. In that case, I think Pioneer Woman's Baked Fudge should be part of the celebration:




    If you decided to celebrate with your children then maybe you could have sushi party. We made California rolls and spicy crab rolls for Valentine's Day, and they were delicious. I served with steamed edame and cold shrimp so it was a very simple meal. My children had a lot of fun making the sushi. Here are the directions:




    Happy Anniversay!!

  3. I searched the boards for an American Govt. book/curriculum suggestions for teaching 6th-8th graders at a co-op. I had some questions. Can anyone give me feedback on these books:


    Great Source Am. Govt. - too old?? Link says 9-12th grade


    Notgrass Am Govt. - too old?? Link says high school


    Spark Notes 101: Am Govt. - does anyone know what age this is for??


    How the Govt Works - too young?? Amazon says age 9-12


    Teenpact.com - look great for homework and vocab but I think I need a spine.


    I can make the class a 12 week or 24 week course. Any other ideas or curriculum suggestion??



  4. I had a juicer on loan over the summer and loved it. We made all sorts of veggie juices to drink. I didn't juice any fruits because I prefer to eat fruit, not drink it.


    My basic formula was cucumber or celery as a base. Then I added something with color like red, yellow or orange bell pepper. Next I added greens, either spinach, kale, swiss chard, beet greens, red lettuce or dandelion greens - really anything you have on hand. Lastly, I added something for taste like 1/2 apple, carrots or grapes. I also juiced zuchinni and asparagus stems when I had them. I never tried broccoli.


    Our juicer took about 5 minutes to clean. I never found a short cut.


    I am doing a detox diet this week and noticed that they had some juice recipes that looked great, Beet, Carrot, Apple and Ginger Juice and Cucumber, Basil and Lime Juice. Here is the link:





  5. I make it in the crock pot by combining a bag of split peas, about 6 cups of water, a diced onion, about 1/2 cup diced celery and 1/2 cup carrots. I cook on low all day and check soup about an hour before we eat. If it is too runny I turn crock pot up to high and cook with the lid off. If it is too thick add water. At that point I also add salt and pepper to taste and about 1/2 lb of turkey ham.

  6. Our co-op meets on Fridays from 8-12:30 and runs for 24 weeks during the school year. I really like how it is run. There are 4 women on the board that oversee the co-op and about 60 families and probably about 180 children. We have a waiting list and are limited by space at the church we use.


    We start with 30 minutes of worship and announcements. They also recognize birthdays and allow the kids to perform a talent during this time. The co-op has four 55 minute long classes. The moms are required to teach or assistant for 3 of them and then get an hour break. We have a "teacher lounge" with coffee and treats for the off hour. The lounge is for Moms only. No kids allowed. LOL!


    The co-op is $55 to join and classes range from $5-$25 per semester, (12 weeks). Sometimes there is an extra fee for textbook or art supplies.


    Our co-op runs infant through high school. I just have the class list for the ages of my children but here is a list of those classes. All these fees are per semester and some of the classes are full year and many are for a semester only:


    2nd-3rd: AWANA $5, crafts $25, Dangerous Book for Boys $5, Diagramming Dynamos $5, Exploring Creation -Flying Animals and Land Animals -both classes $15, 50 Nifty States $10, PE $5, History with American Girls $15, Chess $10, Music $10, Drawing $5, Prima Latina $5, Texas History $10.


    4th-5th -Many of the above classes plus: Spanish $10, Coins, Coins, Coins $10, Cricket in Times Square $10, Skateboarding $5, Sew Much Fun $10, Time Traveler (Ancient History) $15, Trip Around the World $10, Creative Writing $10.


    Middle school- Some of the above classes plus: Digital Photography $30, Boot Camp $5, Newsletter $10, Fallacy Dectective (logic) $5, Hot Topics for Girls $15, How to Become a Superstar Student $5, Lightning Literature $25, Study Hall $5.


    K-1st student don't get to choose classes. They stay in the same room all day and have a different class every 1/2 hour. Some of their classes are Around the World, art, PE, AWANA, science and music.



  7. Not sure about your blender. We have a Oster from Costco that gets used every day. I am going to try the spinach smoothie today so I'll report back later.


    I wanted to thank you for the recipe. I am tyring Gwyneth Paltrow's Detox Diet this week so I am having smoothies everyday, (almond milk and peaches, coconut milk and mango, raspberry and rice milk. Yum!!) She suggests adding greens supplement (ProGreen), but it was $25 at the health store so I didn't get it. I am going to try adding the spinach instead. Thanks!!!


    Happy Blending!


    Update: I just made my first green smoothie. Yeah! Both my dd and I loved it and you can't even taste the spinach. No problems with the blending.


    I followed the recipe you linked except I got a little nervous about the spinach and did 2 cups instead of 3 cups. Also my flax seeds were already ground, since I had some in the fridge. I added a cup of rice milk and a scoop of protein powder. Yum!!

  8. February in Texas is unpredictable. Spring begins on Valentine's Day, at least in my mind. It can easily be 80' for a week and then plummet to freezing temps. I adore working outside in this weather. Kids want to be outside all day. Tempted to blow off school and make it up in August, when temps "plummet" to a chilly 90'F. ;)


    Break out the bikini and grab a bit of sunshine! (Just keep the parka close by...just in case.)


    Ha! Ha! My kids are in the swimming pool right now for a recess break. Sure is beautiful outside!

  9. I wouldn't put my dd in middle school just for the music experience. I think the middle school social environment is great for some girls, but horrible for others.


    Any chance that one of the local hs students could teach her? We have a couple of teenage hs in our co-op that teach piano and guitar and do a great job. Maybe you can call the local high school music teacher to see if she has any recommendations.

  10. Yeah, for Ree!!


    My sister and I made her sushi for V-day. Ree's step-by-step instructions made it so simple and the family loved it. We also tried her Baked Fudge for dessert and my ds said it was the best dessert ever.


    I don't try many of her recipes since my dh and I try to eat low calorie, but I still love to look at her recipe photos.


    Way to go, Ree!

  11. Is there no law in the US which sets an age? In the UK I don't think there is a set age but I understand that the authorities regard the minimum to be 11 years. I would leave an 11 yr old on his own for an hr during the day but not at night and not with a younger sibling, however sensible.



    I think the ages laws are by state. In Texas, a child has to be 10 or older to be left home alone.

  12. Way to go, Colleen!


    I worked out yesterday, but my knees were so sore I couldn't even do my cardio on the eliptical. I did 30 minutes on the recumbant bike, but never got my heart rate over 125. I also did some upper body weight training which felt great.


    I skipped my workout this morning and did 3 hours of intense housework from 5-8am. That has to count for something.


    Hope everyone has a great day!!

  13. Yeah. I asked the Weight Watcher lady (I lost 25+ lbs 10yrs ago) because I've gained 8# in the last 6 months and I'm not doing anything differently. She said at my age, 48, the metabolism slows down. :crying:


    The Weight Watcher lady is correct that your metabolism slows down in your late 40s due to loss of muscle mass. However, you can fight it by weight training. For every pound of muscle you add through weight lifting you speed up your metabolism by 60 calories per day!


    I started weight training when I turned 45 and can not believe the difference.

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