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Posts posted by Ferdie

  1. Even though you don't have a receipt and your return time has "expired", I think you have a good case since you have 2 pairs of boots that ripped in the same spot. That indicated that the boots are defective.


    I did battle with Target over a kitchen rug. I bought a $12 kitchen mat and the binding pulled off after 5 months. I took it back with no receipt, and I had to wait to talk with the store manager because the counter clerk was unable to approve the return. They made me wait awhile, but in the end they gave me a store credit so it was worth it.


    Go and try and let us know how it turns out.


    Good luck!

  2. Cheryl - Wow! What a great run.


    Good job, ladies.


    I met my workout buddy this morning and we did lower body weight training, abs and cardio. The summary feature on the cardio machine wasn't working but here are my estimated stats:


    Interval cardio - eliptical 30 minutes

    Average heart rate - high 140s

    Distance 2.5 miles

    Calories burned 270


    Have a great day, everybody!

  3. I think with clutter the main thing is for everything to have a place and then you need to straighten up each day to put everything back in its place. If it doesn't have a place - get rid of it.


    I don't have any pictures for you but maybe you could focus on one focal point in each room. If you have the space to make a small grouping for decorating, then knick-knacks look great grouped in odd numbers. In my kitchen, I cleared a section on the counter and put a small lamp on a stack of cookbooks and then added two kitchen knick-knacks. Also a grouping on a small tray helps pull the look together, plus it makes it really easy to clear a coffee table to use for dining or games.


    I think window valances and hanging pictures make a big difference too. They wouldn't add to the clutter issue either since they are off the group. I love the discount stores like Ross, TJ Maxx, Home Goods and Kirklands for pictures and inexpensive decor. Just a few pictures on the wall can make an impact.


    Good luck.

  4. When my children were younger, they didn't write thank yous for gifts that were opened in front of relatives. We just thanked the relative at the event.

    They did write thank you notes to friends for birthday gifts.


    Once my kids were elementary school age, they started writing thank you notes for all gifts - Christmas and birthday. I make a little checklist and they write two notes per day until they are all done.


    I never write thank you notes to my immediate family for the gifts they give me. I just call my mom or sisters to thank them by phone. I still write thank yous to my extended relatives such as my mil, grandmother and aunt.



  5. Am I the only one wondering this...if he was a foster child...where was the social worker in all this???


    I feel so bad for that poor child...that a child could be gone for 10 years and NOBODY reported or checked to see what was going on??


    The article said he was an adopted foster child. Once you adopt them social services is out of the picture. I have 3 adopted foster child and we never received any calls of follow up after the adoptions were final.

  6. Great and terrible at the same time. LOL!


    My two older kids started school early with a cheerful attitude, but altogether my kids were driving me crazy:


    My dd schools in our breakfast nook near an outdoor thermometer. She really wanted it to snow yesterday so she keep shouting out weather reports every 5 mintues to keep us all updated.


    My youngest ds was concerned about about his yearly physical at the doctor's office that afternoon. He was really stressed that the doctor would be looking at his private parts and kept asking non-stop questions. Finally, he decided he should practice by showing off his privacy to all of us - over and over again.


    My oldest was working on a research report about Yellowstone Park, but never finished his note taking over the break. He tried to work on his outline yesterday without having finished the note taking, which of course, didn't work out so well.


    Then during lunch my dd discovered that her hamster had died overnight, which we were expecting, but it was still very sad.


    All and all they did great for their first day back, but I hope today goes better.


    Oh, I forgot to mention the soup bowl filled with split pea soup that somehow managed to get knocked off the table at lunch time. Boy, those Corelle dishes really shattered when they hit tile. Ugh!

  7. Our school name is Trinity Christian Academy and our school motto is: Be kind. Work hard. Have fun.


    We school name is very similar to a private hs group that we were part of in CA. My kids decided we needed a motto and a school mascot. They decided on the motto, but they we never able to agree on a mascot. LOL!

  8. My mom is amazing. She is 83 and still works part-time at a preschool. Since she is a type 2 diabetic, she faithfully works out several times a week and eats super healthy. Her normal menu is oatmeal for breakfast, sandwich and apple for lunch and protein with lots of veggies for dinner.


    She has always had a passion for the outdoors. She loved to hike, (before her knees gave out), bird watching and gardening.

  9. I love our Roomba!! We also restrict it to a small area using the virtual walls and it does a great job. Our upstairs game room needs to be broken into three sections to get a complete cleaning and it runs about 45 minutes for each cleaning. I don't care because it is way better than hauling our upright vac up the stairs and vacuuming by hand.


    The downside is that they don't have a very good reliability record. We bought our Roomba at Best Buy with an extended warranty. It broke after 6 months, but Best Buy gave us a brand new one when we took it in for repair.


    I also have a Scooba that mops tile floor. The handle to the tank broke after six months, but iRobot sent us a free replacment tank since it was still under warranty. The replacement tank took 3 weeks to arrive and I was in misery without my happy little robot mop. LOL!


    I just wish they made a robot to clean my shower and windows.


    Forgot to add that we have a medium length haired dog and the Roomba works great on picking up dog hair. I clean the brushes after each use and vacuum the room our dog frequents, with the Roomba, twice a week.

  10. We keep all our Legos in a huge plastic bin. When my kids were younger I let them dump the bin on a king size sheet spread out on the floor. The Legos had to stay on the sheet until it was time to clean up. Now that they are older they dig through the bin to get what they need. We also have some under the bed plastic bins that they use to sort Legos when they have a special building project.


    My kids usually display their creations for a few days and then take them apart to start over.

  11. I love the Mom's Family Calendar by Sandra Boynton to track our familiy appointments and activities. It is a wall calendar that has an oversized, vertical grid with five columns across (one for each family member) and the days of the month running down the left side. It is really easy to see at a glance who's doing what. I keep it in the kitchen by our telephone. Here is a link:




    I use a separate planning notebook for our hs lesson plans and my personal to do list.

  12. We really like Luxury of Leather here, but I am not sure they are in your area. We love them for our couches and my parents and aunt and uncle have all bought based on our purchases.


    I am also a fan of Pottery Barn, but I like to get their items on floor sample clearance. :)


    Good Luck!


    We just bought a leather sectional for Luxury of Leather and I it was a delight to do business with them. They have excellent customer service great product and fantastic prices. Two thumbs up from me!!

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