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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. My dh was unemployed from August of 2008 until this past Monday. It was pretty stressful, though luckily we had my income from childcare, his unemployment and our emergency fund to pay bills with.


    Reading books and watching movies about the Depression was comforting for me. It made me feel like we could get through it. If your library has movies, two that were good were "Kit Kittredge" and The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (link is for book, but it's also a movie) http://www.amazon.com/Prize-Winner-Defiance-Ohio-Mother/dp/0743211235


    Get creative about making extra money. Get the word out that you're available to babysit for people who need occasional childcare. Find out if there are any focus group places in your area that pay you to come in and talk to them about products for an hour. My husband was always checking the "gigs" section on craigslist for jobs that were a day or two.


    You can apply for your state children's health insurance program to cover the kids so you don't have to pay insurance for them.


    Also, I'd try to apply for food stamps, if you haven't already. Unless you have a substantial amount in savings, you'll probably qualify. If you have any children under five, you can apply for WIC.

  2. I wonder if she could be held partially responsible if a child is seriously injured or killed on their way home...


    Probably. For the same reason that teachers are mandatory reporters for abuse and neglect, I can see them being prosecuted if they're involved in putting a child into a car without a car seat.


    Perhaps the school should come up with an official policy.

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