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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. Good point Mommaduck! I print the MotivatedMoms list and put it on the kitchen wall, so I'm reminded whenever I walk through there.


    So far today I've:


    made the bed

    cleaned out the cat box

    load/run/empty dishwasher

    clean kitchen sink

    clear/wipe kitchen counter

    wipe out bathroom sink

    empty trash

    take vitamins

    clean top shelf of refrigerator (from yesterday)

    change dishcloth

    change bathroom hand towel

  2. I thought murder was when you killed someone directly, like shooting them or running them over with a truck?


    I don't think this sets a good precedent. Should parents who choose to live in dangerous neighborhoods be charged if their kids are shot by gang members? What about if someone lets their 10 year old walk to school and they get hit by a car? Should the parent go to jail then?


    Sure, what this guy was stupid, even criminally so, but I don't think it's murder.

  3. With the mind benders and logic games, maybe you could set a time of day for him to do them, but let him pick what he wants to do, instead of you having to assign it.


    If you're going to add science, I'd drop history to 3 days a week and do science on 2.


    How much time is schoolwork taking on the schedule you're on now?

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