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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. Even as a conservative Christian, I would not be comfortable supporting HSLDA financially. There's too much mixing of causes going on. For example, I would be fine with leaders of HSLDA being involved in other organizations, but I am not happy when I get emails directly from HSLDA about us needing to defend "parents rights" in regard to hitting children or "save marriage" by stopping gays from marrying. Those things are unrelated to homeschooling.

  2. I've been to a lot of churches before we finally picked one we were going to attend. And a lot before that because we moved around a lot.


    One thing I've learned about trying to be "seeker friendly" and "culturally relevant" is that you get to a point that you're so much like the local coffee shop or arcade that there's no reason to go to your church anymore. If the church is just like other places like a sermon thrown in there, why even bother going?


    Having recently been a teenager myself, I think teens respond well to being challenged to grow, to be closetr to God, to get out there and do something for Christ. In fact, they may be the group most open to changing and growing in that direction. What they lack in wisdom, they make up for in enthusiam.


    If I were in your situation, explaining it to the youth, I wouldn't take the approach that this stuff isn't appropriate for them. Really, they can handle it. I would take the approach that you want to stick with music that honors God, and this stuff doesn't fit the bill.

  3. Today he said, "If you do that (keep his music player because he would not turn it down after being asked politely to turn it down and then arguing that it wasn't possible that I heard it from the other side of the house) then I will kill you after rest time!"



    What I would have done if my ds said that after being asked to turn down his radio is take the radio away from him. I probably would have said something along the lines of "If you can't be polite when I ask you to turn down the radio, then you can't have it."

  4. My oldest son is seven (turning eight in October). It has definately been my experience that he needs lots of exercise to help him be able to focus and behave well. I try to send him outside after our post-breakfast chores and then he gets a break in between subjects as long as he's working with a good attitude. That's one of the many things that I love about the fact that we homeschool. We have the freedom to give the kids tons of time outside.

  5. I'm thinking of having ds (7) do either CLE or R&S math in between years of Singapore, since he seems to be going through the third grade Singapore stuff so quickly. Is there anyone here who's used both and can compare them?


    Or if you've used one of them, can you tell me the pros and cons of it?

  6. DH and I are picky when it comes to subtle theological undertones in homeschool materials, and I do see it in CLE.


    I didn't think they were being subtle about it. CLE and Rod and Staff are both very open about both the fact that they're Anabaptist companies and that their materials teach that viewpoint.

  7. Math is something that I would do more often. Maybe even the same number of pages per week (more if she wants to), but short lessons 4-5 days a week rather than 2x a week.


    For science, maybe you could come up with (or google) some Magic School Bus until studies. You could start the week with a MSB book, read a couple books or explore nature about the topic in the book and then end the week's lesson with the corresponding Magic School Bus video. One bonus is that you can use the library to pull it off for free.

  8. We are using Prima Latina now. My kids are about to turn 8 and 5. I think that if they were your kids' ages I would be using the next level up, which is called Latina Christiana.


    One thing I like about it is that the lessons are also available on DVD, so we have a latin teacher on TV. The workbook exercises are short and simple but help them cover the material. The teacher's guide has been helpful to me as well.

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