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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. Here's my list for each room do far (hoping to get it done over the next two weeks):


    Living Room


    Done - declutter living room

    Done - sweep around wood stove

    - vacuum furniture

    - mop living room

    - dust furniture & windowsils

    - vacuum curtains

    - weed out shoes that kids don't wear

    - straighten end table drawers

    Done - clean out under coffee table

    - move couches & vacuum underneath

    - dust fan


    Dining Room


    - organize school shelves

    - declutter & organize cabinet

    - scrub down dining room table and chairs

    - mop dining room

    Done - clean dining room windows

    - clean out under changing table

    - wipe down woodwork

    - dust fan




    - empty china cabinet, clean shelves & glass, put dishes back

    - move book boxes out of kitchen

    - organize kitchen drawers

    Done - sort through junk drawer

    - organize spice rack

    - clean out under the sink

    - sort out cabinet under stove

    - scrub down stovetop

    Done - empty sink & scrub out

    - throw away old foodstuffs

    - empty fridge and clean the inside

    - wipe down cabinet fronts

    - mop kitchen

    - clean kitchen windows




    Done - throw away broken toys

    Done - put toys back where they go

    - weed out toys to take to Goodwill

    - clean windows & mirror

    - shake out carpet

    - sweep playroom

    - mop playroom

    - clean out closet

    - wipe down woodwork

    - dust windowsils




    Done - clear off floor

    - wash sheets

    - organize dresser drawers

    - clear top of dresser

    - straighten up shelves

    - straighten up closet

    - clean windows

    - dust fan

    - wipe down woodwork

    - vacuum carpet

    - wash curtains




    Done - organize bathroom closet

    Done - empty trash

    Done - scrub tub

    - clean toilet

    Done- mop floor

    - paint bathroom a less ugly color




    - declutter office

    - empty out closet

    - straighen up bookshelves

    Done - move white bookshelf upstairs

    - vacuum carpet

    - clean windows

    - wash curtains


    Kids' Rooms


    - help kids clean their rooms




    - take lots of stuff to Goodwill and the dump

  2. Well, I'm off to a good start today. I've:


    - added things to my lists for each room

    - decluttered the living room

    - rearranged the living room furniture

    - did 2 loads of dishes

    - scrubbed out and polished the kitchen sink

    - wiped out the bathroom sink

    - made our bed

    - put away a load of laundry, started another load in the washer

    - cleared the office floor enough to vacuum it

  3. I think that remorse is something they grow into, as they start to understand other people's feelings.


    how can I help him see that he needs to accept the punishment


    Thinking more about it, being punished may be what's keeping remorse at bay. Instead of making him think about what he did and how it affects people, punishment turns his feelings to you and how he's mad.

  4. Have you encountered any substantial inconveniences by not having credit cards? Renting cars? Making hotel reservations? Getting major loans (mortgage)? Do you have a debit card with a credit card symbol on it?




    I haven't had any of the problems you mentioned and I don't have a credit card. I have a Visa debit card through our bank that is linked to our checking account and that works for everything.

  5. During our two weeks off here, I'm hoping to get the house decluttered and scrubbed so that it's more manageable for me next year.


    Here are the rooms I want to get done:


    Living Room

    Dining Room


    Mud/computer Room


    Our Bedroom



    Kid Bedroom #1

    Kid Bedroom #2

    Upstairs Living Room/Playroom



    Does anyone have any chore/winter cleaning/decluttering tips or things to-do that I should remember?


    I'm also thinking of using the "Motivatedmoms" list to keep things in order after the big cleanup. Does anyone have experience with that?

  6. I can't say I've ever gotten burned out homeschooling. This is our fourth year and I'm still totally into it. But I do get worn down sometime. Between having four kids, homeschooling, working from home and going to college, I balance a lot.


    I've declared the next two weeks no-school, mom's cleaning/planning/break time.


    Another thing I do is have a mother's helper who I can call when I need someone to play with the kids, help me clean, etc.

  7. I'm using the ABC series with dd right now and I love it. The books were cheap. They're cute. She likes doing them and will ask to do it. For her, it has the right balance of learning new things and review. She loves doing with cutting and pasting (books D and F seem to have a ton of it).


    We also have the ETC books and I'm with the other poster who said that they're completely different. I think it's good to use both, as long as you don't end up doing too much.

  8. Here are the rooms I want to get done:


    Living Room

    Dining Room


    Mud/computer Room


    Our Bedroom



    Kid Bedroom #1

    Kid Bedroom #2

    Upstairs Living Room/Playroom



    Does anyone have any chore/winter cleaning/decluttering tips or things to-do that I should remember?


    I'm also thinking of using the "Motivatedmoms" list to keep things in order after the big cleanup. Does anyone have experience with that?

  9. Congratulations Duggars!!! I love their show, but we don't have cable, so I have to go to my mom's to watch it.


    has anyone heard Mrs. Duggar talk about whether she struggles with bladder control/stress incontinence after having so many kids?


    After 2 kids I have my own "poise pad" troubles. With 18, I'd positively be sitting in a puddle and stealing my own babe's dipes!



    I don't know about her, but I have 4 children and don't have issues with it.

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