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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. I've done a lot of thinking on this issue lately. Part of modesty is about not drawing attention to yourself. You dont want either you or your dds the subject of male attention or to cause a male to stumble. But, if we are not careful, in our efforts to be covered, we look different and thereby will draw attention to ourselves.


    For example, the bathing suit issue. I think all who are modest will agree that bikinis are way to revealing and are like wearing our underwear in public. But, which will draw more attention at a pool or beach: a conservative one piece or a "bathing outfit made for modesty". In many cases, the bathing outfit will look so out of place that heads cant help but turn. So, instead of not drawing attention to our bodies, we have caused heads to turn and look at our dress.


    Looking different and drawing attention don't bother me as much as not being covered would. I believe God has called us (as Christians) to be a peculiar people, in the world, but not of the world. Being "otherworldly," as it would be, can sometimes result in you being different than those around you.

  2. Dd and I generally don't wear swimsuits when it can be avoided. When we went to the pool last, she wore a light dress over shorts and I wore a wrap skirt with a tank top.


    On the modestly issue, I have found more and more that I am at my most comfortable when I am covered. I have also noticed that I am treated more respectfully when I am dressed modestly. I generally go with long skirts and shirts that provide good coverage. I also cover my head for religious reasons.


    I get some of my clothes from www.hannahlise.com and dd's dresses from www.theplaydress.com

  3. I might add a cell phone to our plan so that I could keep track of her when she's out. My mom did that with my brother and called it his electronic leash. She would be responsible for paying for any charges over the normal amount though.


    These would be fine with me:

    4. Hair that has been dyed blonde or any other color

    5. Ears pierced with 2 or more holes each (DD has one hole per ear)


    I think that putting an emphasis on outward appearance actually encourages rebellion. I don't care if my kids' hair is a blue trihawk and they have six holes in each ear, as long as they're respectful and kind.

  4. Are you thinking of using it for every subject?


    This year I bought their Kindergarten stuff for dd (the ABC series, actually by Rod and Staff) and the Bridges Beyond 4th grade reader for ds. Because we use the Pathway readers and workbooks for language arts with ds, I didn't get the accompanying lessons for Bridges Beyond.


    I am considering the Learning to Read series from CLE for dd when she completes the kindergarten books. I'd really like to see their math for me because I keep hearing good things about it.

  5. In the 2008-09 thread, it seemed like a lot of people listed different Rod and Staff things in with their curriculum.


    If you use it, why did you choose it? What did you like about it? Any dislikes?


    Where do you buy it from?

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