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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. So I talked to the mom tonight and she seemed to think that dh was overreacting (not his style, he's more gentle usually than I am) and had not thought that the behavior last night was a problem. I tried to explain that the issue was more her lack of intervening and stopping the behavior than the behavior itself, but she said that she did do something by talking to her about it. I let her know that if she does not remove the girl from the situation when that happens at our house that I will have to stop watching her.


    But I still don't get the mindset. How is hitting and pushing something that you don't take the kid out of the room for? Or out of the house, since they were supposed to be leaving? How do you justify brushing it off as "being wound up"? It doesn't make sense to me.

  2. So I got home from work last night (I tutor from 6-7:30). Dh had had our children and the three year old I was watching. Apparently, when her mom came to pick her up, the child pushed my dd, spit on my three year old and hit the baby, all within minutes of each other. With the baby, she had been trying to take his dessert away after dh and her mom told her not to. She said she hit him because he wouldn't share. There was no provocation for pushing dd or spitting at ds3.


    Dh said that her mom's only response was to tell her that what she was doing wasn't nice, "we" don't hit/push friends, etc. And something about finding her inner peace. This is her usual discipline method, to talk about your feelings. That would make sense to me if she were six, but the kid is three. And for having a mom who's into gentle discipline, she's the most violent child I've babysat.


    I need some advice ladies. What do you do when another parent and child are in your home and the parent is basically letting the kid run amok and hurt people? Dh felt like he couldn't say anything because it was the mom's job to get her child under control, but that wasn't happening.

  3. We're also using CLE math for first grade right now. I used Saxon when my oldest was in first grade and switched to Singapore math from Saxon. I would take CLE or Singapore over Saxon any day.


    I have a first grader who hates math.


    Like some other posters said, he may not hate math. He may hate Saxon math. I know I hated it by the time we were done.

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