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Posts posted by phathui5

  1. Saying they're bored is normal, whether they're home or at school. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


    Set up some times for them to play with other kids from the co-op, or kids from the neighborhood.


    What we've done is to make our house the neighborhood hangout spot. We have a big swingset in the backyard, a foosball table and video games inside. I always have popsicles when it's warm out for all of the neighborhood kids. Our kids see other kids every day, because all the kids want to be here after school.

  2. My husband is a worship leader at our church and sometimes does music practices at peoples' homes or in our garage. Sometimes there's a lot of people, sometimes it's just a singer (usually a female). My SIL was telling me that I need to insist for him schedule practices only at our house and be there at all times. I think she's being obsessive.


    I think that as a worship leader, being alone with a female singer puts him in a bad position.


    My husband does worship for our church and he will either have practice at church, at our house, at someone's house with me along, or with a group.

  3. Ok, I sent this email today:


    From now on, 10pm is the official "closing time" here. Because I have to get up by 6:00 to watch the kids who come in the morning, 10:00 is the latest I can be up waiting for people. Child is welcome to spend the night if you need her here later than 10pm.


    Additionally, the time you give me as a pickup time is when I expect you to come pick her up. Effective next week, there will be a $5 fee for every ten minutes that you're late. The fee will be due before the next time she returns.


    While I'm happy to work with your need for flexible hours, when you tell me that you'll be here at 10:00 and you don't get her until 10:30, I feel like I'm being taken advantage of.

  4. 10:32 and she's out the door. I told her that I want her to call me when she's going to be late, and she seemed honestly confused. I told her that since she was half an hour late and hadn't called me, that I was charging her for another hour.


    She wants a "pickup range" 20 minutes before or after her designated pickup time. I want her to not come after the time she tells me she's going to be here. This isn't the first time I've explained this. We're clearly looking at this from different perspectives. But when I have to get up before 6am the next day, there really is a difference between 10:00 and 10:30.

  5. I do have a problem with people who nonschool taking that pass for their average student with no LDs who is behind because mom won't get to the kitchen table and teach them something other than how to live in filth, watch tv, and eat junk food all day.


    I know a lot of people, and I have yet to meet someone who identifies as a homeschooler yet lives like you describe. I would think that most unmotivated people who are too lazy to teach their kids send them to school.

  6. I have to say though, that I am surprised close to daily by homeschooling friends who call DS during what I would consider standard "school hours".


    One of the nice things about homeschooling for us is that we don't have to have "school hours." The kids have a checklist to get done daily, and it has to be done by bedtime. That means that we can have friends over right after lunch and finish schoolwork after dinner if we want to.

  7. *Phathui's Husband, Tim, Here*


    A couple things. If this child were older, post-pubescent, I'd let him make his own decisions. But let's get something straight real quick, we're talking about an 11 year old child here. If you think he's rebelling now, just wait til you begin to give in. At this point in childhood development, you're still the boss. If he wants to follow in big brother's footsteps, then let him...just wait a few years. If he feels like a social freak, then get him involved in community college classes or baseball or karate or any activity that involves multiple children involved with each-other.

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